don’t leave just yet

i wish i could sit with you

and show you the beauty of this world

despite its mess.

we could watch the falling leaves

and i could explain

how they are a metaphor for




i could trace the edges of the leaf,

trace the clouds in the sky.

but what i really wish i could do

is trace your hand

and show you your beauty

despite your mess.

show you that you too

can be a symbol for




don’t leave just yet.

it might be chaos

but there is harmony in nature

and i believe that one day

you will find it in yourself.

I Wish

I wish I wrote the way I




With maddening hunger.

I’d write to the point of


I’d write myself into

nervous breakdowns.

Manuscripts spiraling out

like tentacles into abysmal


And I’d write about you

a lot more

than I should.

Unsaid goodbyes

the sun is setting and i can’t see it because the clouds are in the way. but that’s okay. you’ve already shown me the fear of when something beautiful disappears. without a goodbye, without knowing why. i try to see through-to the sun, to you. but you’re clouded with pride. you hide until you fade from view. it’s true that goodbyes are painful. but now you must explain to my heart why you had to depart and take away your warmth and your light. i fight the darkness every night, and i wish i was brave, but i am afraid that the sun will never rise. it wasn’t wise to give you so much power over me. you see, now there’s not enough left to generate electricity. and i’m scared and stumbling in the clod but i’m told that my body will adjust. it must. it’s just learnt not to trust.