The little girl

Honor the little girl inside of you, the little girl

that was abused, hurt, abandoned, who felt she

was never enough. Let her feel safe, let her 

know she is loved, tell her everyday. Make her

feel so special, she deserves it, keep her clean

and warm and nourish her with the nutritious

foods. Let her feel free. Let her embrace the 

things she loved doing, skating in the park,

jumping on the trampoline, painting, running,

swimming, making sandcastles, girly

sleepovers, making stories, playing dressup. It

might sound silly, it might sound irrelevant but

honouring the little kid inside of you is going to

bring you so much joy and fulfilment. That little

version of you, still exists, and deserves to be

honoured. Give yourself the love and care, and

joy that was stolen from you as a child.


“Hope” is the thing with feathers

           That perches in the soul,

     And sings the tune without the words,

            And never stops at all.

       And sweetest in the gale is heard;

           And sore must be the storm

       That could abash the little bird

            That kept so many warm.

       I’ve heard it in the chilliest land

           And on the strangest sea;

            yet, never, in extremity,

            It asked a crumb of me.


First snow! The flakes,

So few , so light,

Remake the world

In solid white.

All bundled up,

We feel as if

We were fat penguins,

Warm and stiff.

The toy-packed shops

Half split their sides,

And Mother brings home

Things she hides.

Old carols peal.

The dusk is dense.

There is a mood

Of sweet suspense.

The shepherds wait,

The kings, the tree—

All wait for something

Yet to be,

Some miracle.

And then it’s here,

Wrapped up in hope—

Another year!