Etsy Photography Tips

Scrolling through Etsy, you wonder: how do these other shop take such nice photos that pop out of the screen? Great product photography on Etsy means higher click rate on a search page and higher likeliness that a visitor will buy your product.

Good news is, there are some solid ideas to make your photos better:

‍To improve your Etsy product photography, first you need a clean background, a well-lit environment and a photo editing program. The next things to work on will be lifestyle, packaging, behind the scene shots, etc that give your products more personality. These will create professional photos that customers love.

Well Lit, Clean Background

One of the most important things for your Etsy product to stand out is to have it on a clear background that is free of distractions. The most popular choice is a white or light colored background. It gives a clean feeling to your product. Other backgrounds can work as well. A wooden background is more warm and a dark background can look expensive if done right.

Lighting is also important. You want strong, diffused light, like sunlight through a thin curtain. You don’t want strong direct sunlight as it will leave a harsh shadow. 

Here are some examples of Etsy products shot on a well-lit background that’s free of distraction.

Showcase Different Variations

If you have different versions of the same product, like different flavor, color, size, etc, putting them in one photo can show your customers the options they have. A photo like this can convey extra information to shoppers who may not know the options exist otherwise.

‍ Lifestyle Shot/Usage Shot

This is the photo that shows how the product looks and feels when it’s being used. Customers looking at this photo can envision how they can use the product in their own lives. Coupled with writing a strong product description, this is a powerful way to grab the attention of shoppers and convert them into customers.

Scale Shot

Some products may be smaller or bigger than expected. And you don’t want to surprise your customer by a product that is way smaller than what they have in their mind.

Try putting a common object, like a coin or a ruler, to compare to your product. It’s way easier this way to have a clear idea of the size of your product.

Detail/Closeup Shot

Show off your craftsmanship with a closeup photo. Focus on the impressive details that would have been missed on a wide shot.

Those details are likely to be the points that set yourself apart from your competition.

Sizing/Fit/Variation Shot

On Etsy, it can be hard to convey all the customizations you offer with just words. It can be different finishing, material, color, size, and so on. A well presented information photo is much more effective than a wall of words. Show the options on the photo with a few words explaining. This makes the purchasing process easier and improves the conversion rate drastically.

‍Behind-The-Scenes Shot

Etsy is a handmade market. People expect the product to be handcrafted. A behind-the-scenes shot can set yourself apart from the big retailers. It reminds shoppers that your product is handmade and handcrafted.