So recently, I have heard a ton of people talking about ChatGPT ( or AI writing) and I wondered how this seemingly really cool tool could help me run my Etsy business. So, I did some digging, watched a bunch of videos, and then tried out the tool myself for a few weeks. And to be honest, I was both super impressed and a little bit hesitant about it at the same time. I have discovered some tips to help you boost your Etsy sales with ChatGPT, and I’m sharing them below.

Do I believe that AI will eventually replace all human jobs and put entire industries out of business? Well, it’s possible, but I don’t think it’ll happen anytime soon.

However, do I think that AI can be an absolute game-changer for small business owners looking to streamline their operations? Absolutely! Let’s dive into the specifics.

What is ChatGPT (AI Writing)

So why would you even want to use AI writing?

What About Social Media – Can you use ChatGPT to create captions or content ideas?

Do I think you should use AI for everything?

Bottom line, can you use AI to boost your Etsy sales?

What is ChatGPT (AI Writing)

ChatGPT is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) tool that basically generates text. This can include anything from short phrases or sentences to entire articles or books. 

The beauty of text generation lies in its contextual nature. With the power of context, the AI takes into account all the previous information provided in the chat, which in turn enables it to generate new text that is better tailored to your specific needs. This contextual approach empowers the AI to understand the nuances and intricacies of the conversation, ensuring that the output is more relevant and useful.

As an experiment, I asked the AI “What is ChatGPT” and this was the result:

“ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture and is trained to generate human-like text. It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and language generation. It is designed to be highly efficient and can be fine-tuned for specific use cases.”

Ultimately, the goal of ChatGPT is to generate text that sounds as close to human writing as possible. This is a lofty goal and ultimately, I currently think it falls a little short. 

So why would you even want to use AI writing?

The bottom line, as small business owners, our time is precious. We need to develop ways in which to save time and maximize productivity. That is where AI writing can help. From coming up with new keyword ideas that can help populate your titles and tags, to even generating your latest product descriptions, AI writing has proven to be a HUGE timesaver. 

Brainstorm keyword ideas

It is as simple as typing in your main long-tail keyword and adding “keyword ideas”. You will get an output of other keywords that you might not have thought of before. This can trigger new ideas that you can also feedback into ChatGPT and so on. 

For example, if you’re searching for “sweatshirt”, ChatGPT could suggest keywords like “teacher sweatshirt,” “funny sweatshirt,” or “line art sweatshirt” that could be relevant to your topic.

Another way ChatGPT can help with keyword research is by providing insights into the search intent behind certain keywords. For example, if you’re targeting the keyword “soy candle,” ChatGPT could help you understand what types of queries people are searching for related to that keyword, such as “soy candle gift” or “soy candle recipe.” Understanding search intent is a key factor in creating successful SEO strategies, as it helps you better target your keywords, create relevant content, and provide a better user experience for your audience.

Additionally, ChatGPT can help you identify long-tail keywords that may be less competitive and easier to rank for. Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases that people might use when searching for something, and they can be valuable for driving targeted traffic to your website. For example, ChatGPT might suggest long-tail keywords like “soy candle for bridesmaid gift box” or “soy candle gift for Mom.”

Title Generation

So, I found that this was one of the coolest features of using ChatGPT. Just paste your listing URL into the Chat GPT chat bar and ask it to optimize the listing title for you. You can even ask ChatGPT to limit the response to a certain number of characters or include specific keywords.

Yes, it will take some tweaking of the results because you know your product best, but this was such a highly functional way to come up with a title and can even help boost your creativity when you might be stuck.

Using AI to Write Your Product Descriptions

Start by providing ChatGPT with some basics: what is your product, what are the features or benefits, and what is the main reason why your customers need to buy YOUR product specifically? This will help the model understand the context of your listing and generate more relevant descriptions.

For example, you could use a prompt such as “This handmade multicolored knitted sweater is made from 100% pure cotton. This piece features long sleeves, side seam pockets, ribbed on neck, front, cuffs, and hem.”

Here was my result after entering the prompts into ChapGPT:

“Stay cozy in style with this handmade multicolored cardigan sweater! Made from 100% pure cotton, this piece is soft, comfortable, and perfect for layering. With its long sleeves, side seam pockets, and ribbed detailing on the neck, front, cuffs, and hem, this sweater is both functional and fashionable. Upgrade your wardrobe with this unique, one-of-a-kind piece that is sure to become your go-to for cool weather. Order yours today!”

Once you’ve written your listing description, be sure to proofread and edit it for grammar, spelling, and formatting. Most of the writing is a little “stiff” so you will need to adjust the language slightly to make sure it fits your style and audience.

Another useful way to prompt ChatGPT is to ask it to write “like a human”. This will help format the language so it isn’t robotic.

What About Social Media – Can you use ChatGPT to create captions or content ideas?

In short, yes! In today’s digital age, social media is an indispensable aspect of any business or brand’s marketing strategy. However, for many of us, writing social media captions can be an arduous task. It’s often challenging to come up with fresh and creative ways to convey our message to our target audience effectively. Fortunately, AI writing has emerged as an effective solution to this problem.

By simply entering your primary message and mentioning your target audience, AI writing tools can help you craft compelling social media captions. With the added convenience of the translate feature, you can even create captions in different languages to cater to a broader audience.

Moreover, repurposing your highest-performing posts or pins has never been easier. With AI writing, you can effortlessly request ChatGPT to rewrite your current captions, saving time and effort without starting from scratch on proven content. This way, you can focus on creating more engaging content and growing your brand’s presence on social media. So, if you find yourself struggling with writing social media captions, consider utilizing AI writing tools to ease the burden and achieve optimal results.

Do I think you should use AI for everything?

Absolutely not. My answer might change in time, but right now, the text itself is not what we call “high converting”. What I mean is the language is very robotic and there is no emotion or passion. You can help this out with prompting, but the language still needs some tweaking. When you add your own personality into your product descriptions, that is typically what sways a buyer to buy from you vs. someone else. 

There is also a learning curve for how to best “communicate” with the AI tool. It took multiple tries for me to understand how best to interact and ask the “right” questions or enter the best inputs to get results that were meaningful.

So the question you have probably been waiting to have answered…

Bottom line, can you use AI to boost your Etsy sales?

HECK YES! And here’s why:

Save you time – The cornerstone of why you should be using AI, anytime you can offload a task or by having an automated tool generate ideas, it is going to help boost your productivity. This gives you more time to focus on the tasks that directly make you money.

Stay consistent – Using AI writing can help ensure that your listing descriptions, social media content, or other writing is consistent in terms of tone, style, and messaging. Building a trustworthy brand with a clear message makes potential customers feel comfortable making a purchase from you vs. your competitor. And viola…more sales.

Spark creative ideas – AI writing can provide inspiration for new keywords, niches, content, captions, or even products. Expanding your product lines or reaching new markets is a great way to boost your sales.

Google Meet Guide For Beginners

 Online video conferences are becoming more and more common as the times change and more businesses embrace a distributed workforce.


If you’re new to video conferencing (or just new to Google Meet), it’s a good idea to know how to host or participate in your virtual meeting, sales pitch, or webinar.

Google Meet is one of the leading contenders when it comes to online video conferencing. It is affordable, easy to use, and works with many integrations for other Google Services. But perhaps most importantly, Meet offers users a level of security that they can’t get with many other video conferencing apps (I’m looking at you, Zoom).

In this Google Meet Guide for beginners, we will be introducing you to everything there is to know about Google Meet including pricing, features, and how to use this video calling app. 

What’s Offered in Google Meet

Before discussing how to use the service, it is important to understand Google Meet in terms of its different product tiers (all of which are free through the end of September 2020 – one of the ways Google is helping businesses during the pandemic.

Google Meet Basic

The free version of Google Meet allows users up to 60 minutes per session at a time (expanded to up to 24 hours through the end of September 2020), with a maximum of 100 participants in the room. All features available with the Basic tier are available in the Business and Enterprise Essentials packages. These features include:

Use Meet from a browser,

Send invites to external participants,

Mobile apps,

Live English subtitles,

Screen sharing, and

Adjustable layouts. 

Google Meet Business

The G Suite Essentials pricing package starts at $10 per user per month. Under this package, Google Meet can support a single conference for up to 300 hours with a maximum of 150 participants in the room.

Like the free version, users can also enjoy an unlimited amount of sessions. Aside from all the features in the Free version, with G Suite Essentials, users have access to both domestic and international dial-in phone numbers. 

Google Meet Enterprise

The G Suite Enterprise Essentials pricing package can be further personalized for larger businesses, therefore the exact price varies.

With this package, Google Meet supports conferences for up to 300 hours with a maximum of 250 participants in the room. You’ll also enjoy an unlimited amount of sessions so anyone in your corporation can have a Meet call or conference, any time.

Under this package, live streaming in-domain can be supported with a maximum of 100,000 viewers. In addition to all features from the Free and Essentials package, Google Meet for Enterprise offers Google drive access, and intelligent noise canceling. 

Google Meet Features & Integrations

Google Meet has a variety of different features and integrations that allow conferences to be more productive. Being familiar with them brings you one step closer to a successful remote video conference. I’ll go over the most important ones here.


Integrations are features that are accessible through different Google services. Knowing how to use the different integrations will allow you to schedule your meetings and operate them more efficiently. 

Google Calendar

Since Google Meet is one of the services provided within G Suite, conferences can be made and scheduled through Google Calendar.

With this integration, simply open Google Calendar and input the necessary information such as meeting date, time, and who is invited to attend. One feature of Google Calendar is that you can send invites for your colleagues to verify their availability, which saves a lot of time. Google Calendar will also send you alerts as early as 2 weeks before the scheduled meeting so you never miss a video call. 


Google Meet is also easily accessible through your standard Gmail account. Log into Gmail and you’ll have access to active meet rooms that you have been invited to. Joining is just a matter of clicking into the room. Of course, you can also send invite links through Gmail (just like Calendar). 


Aside from integrations, Google Meet has many features that can be used to make your meeting run more smoothly. Some are pretty standard across video conferencing platforms, but Google Meet executes those better (in my view).

Here are a few of my favorite features of Google Meet:

Screen Sharing

Google Meet allows one member at a time to share their screen, usually this is reserved for the host to present anything they have prepared for the presentation.

This is great for meeting reports, documents, online lessons, or webinars.

Google Meet has encrypted privacy features that make sure anything shared is secured and unavailable to uninvited participants.

Screen Recording

Google Meet allows users to record meetings. This is an amazing feature for a couple of reasons.

First, those who were not able to attend the meeting will have an easy time getting on the same page with the rest of the team – the recording will be available to them right after the meeting wraps up.

Second, there’s no need to take contemporaneous notes or minutes during the meeting. You can focus on engaging and brainstorming with your team and what you decide will be recorded.

Finally, if you record a sales pitch or presentation about your product or service, you can then leverage that as an evergreen sales webinar, freeing up your sales team to close deals rather than pitch.

Recorded meetings can be saved and uploaded to Google Drive, storage limits depend on what type of Google account you have (free or G Suite). 

Live Closed Captioning

Live Closed Captioning is a great feature that supports inclusivity for those who are hard of hearing. Captions are live as the speaker talks and certain speakers can be pinned or highlighted to add emphasis on who is speaking and what they are saying. This feature is one of the most underrated parts of Google Meet, and it’s one of my favorites.

Call In Options

Call-in options are available for those who are not able to join the video chat. This is an option free with Google Meet (other services offer this feature with a cost), which is a huge plus. Google Meet allows both domestic and international phone numbers to call in with the call in option.

With remote and mobile teams where access to a computer may not always be possible, this option allows every team member to participate from anywhere in the world. 

How to Use Google Meet

Now that we have covered the basics such as pricing, integrations,and special features, here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to successfully conduct a Google Meet(ing). 

1. Log Into Google Meet

While Google Meet is free for everyone to use, keep note that only those with Google Meet accounts are able to host and start Google Meet conferences. This can be done by simply clicking the Google Meet icon or typing in into the browser. 

2. Start A Meeting

Once you are logged in, all you have to do is select the “start a meeting” option if you are starting a meeting, or “join a meeting” if you are joining a meeting. If you are starting a meeting, you will need to name your meeting room. 

3. Prepare Meeting Room

Once you have named your meeting room, you will then need to prepare your meeting room. This can be done by allowing camera and microphone permissions, and setting up any presentations you have prepared for the meeting to be screen shared. 

This should go without saying, but take some time to make sure your camera is positioned well and that there’s adequate lighting in your room before the meeting begins. Also, make sure there’s nothing on the screen that you’ll be sharing that is personal, private, or which you don’t want to be seen.

4. Invite Members

This is the last step and can also be followed if you are an invited member to a Google Meet. To invite members you will receive a link that is specific to your Meet room and all you have to do is send it to the invited participants.

If you are a participant, all you have to do is click the link – anyone can join with a link, but the host has control over who can and cannot enter the chat room.

Factors to Consider

While setting up, joining, and conducting a Google Meet is very easy and secure, there are still some factors to consider in terms of cyber security and accessibility. 


While Google does a good job maintaining security and keeping unwanted participants out, it is important that you uphold your privacy rights in terms of items shared in Google Meets. Regulations such as HIPAA or other non disclosure agreements are completely in the hands of the participants and there is no guarantee that Google has jurisdiction over such materials. 


Google Meet has a mobile app (iOS / Android) wherein you can also access chat rooms and video conferences and get alerts from your phone.

Using Google Meet

google-meet-1All in all, Google Meet is a great platform to use for conducting remote video conferences. The platform is more affordable than its competitors, offers great free features, is secure, and is overall very easy to use and navigate. Google is the king of creating user-friendly productivity software, and Meet is no exception.

With G Suite, everything is in one place and all of your business’s productivity apps dovetail with one another. Google Meet allows you the integrations to get the most out of a G Suite subscription.

Reddit for Business: 6 Effective Ways to Build Your Brand

 The internet has revolutionized how we communicate, transact business, and drive engagement. With its growing popularity, the digital space has become a prime opportunity for businesses to build their brand.

Reddit is a potent tool in this regard, as it offers businesses a platform of engaged users who can find value in the services and products they offer. However, utilizing Reddit for business requires careful consideration of strategy and tactics.

This article will explore ways businesses can use Reddit to establish their brand, increase customer engagement, and grow their business.

Reasons You Should Use Reddit for Business

Reddit was never the top choice for businesses to use as an online marketing tool. But, as it has grown in popularity and reach, marketers are realizing that Reddit is a valuable platform that can be used to drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and generate sales

Here are some of the reasons why you should use Reddit for business:

Reach a Broad Audience

Reddit has over 430 million active users and is a great platform for reaching a wide variety of demographics. By crafting compelling content, businesses can tap into Reddit’s vast user base and engage with users from all walks of life.

Get Valuable Feedback and Insights

Customers are the key to success–businesses must listen to what customers have to say about their products and services to make necessary adjustments. Through Reddit, businesses can easily get direct customer feedback on improving their brand and what aspects are working or not. 

Additionally, by utilizing Reddit’s vast network of users, companies can gain valuable insights into industry trends and customer preferences, which can be used to shape future marketing plans.

Connect With Potential Customers

You can never have enough customers as a business. Facebook and Instagram are mainstream platforms for reaching out to customers; however, nowadays, they’re no longer enough. 

This is where Reddit comes into play. As a business, you can use this platform to connect with potential customers willing to engage in conversations about various topics and interests. This opens up the possibility for businesses to interact directly with customers about their products, services, and brand. 

6 Ways to Use Reddit for Business

The following tips and tricks can help businesses maximize their use of Reddit for increased engagement, lead generation, and brand recognition.

Research Your Audience

Reddit can be an invaluable resource for businesses for audience research. By researching the most relevant subreddits to your business, you can better understand what resonates with your target audience and which topics they’re discussing. 

You can also use Reddit to explore what kind of content gets the most upvotes and comments and use this data to create content that resonates with your audience. 

Leverage Reddit Ads

Advertising on Reddit can be a great way to reach new audiences, build awareness of your brand, and drive traffic to your website. When leveraging Reddit Ads, you should focus on setting realistic goals, targeting the right people at the right time, and creating engaging ads.

Be sure you are familiar with Reddit’s policies and guidelines as well since there are some restrictions on the type of content you can advertise. We also recommend checking out Reddit marketing examples to better understand what works and what doesn’t.

Invest in Reddit SEO

Reddit SEO can be highly effective if you’re looking for ways to improve your online presence and reach more potential customers.

Here are some tips on how to use Reddit for business:

Identify relevant subreddits: Start by researching subreddits that are related to your niche and the topics you want to cover.

Create engaging content: Once you’ve identified your target subreddit, create interesting and valuable content to Redditors.

Engage with other Redditors: Participating in conversations and responding to questions is a great way to build relationships with other Redditors. This will help you build trust and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to Reddit SEO. Post regularly and respond quickly to comments, questions, and messages. This will help you stay top of mind for your target audience.

Curate Excellent Content

Quality content can convert, engage, and retain customers, so ensuring you have something notable to share with the Reddit community is important.

Redditors appreciate well-crafted content that is both informative and engaging. It’s best to avoid generic, promotional content – this won’t go down well with the Reddit community.

Instead, create content that solves problems and adds value. You can use Reddit’s upvote and downvote system to gauge opinions on content topics or ideas and use this to inform your own content strategy.

Be sure to use visuals, as they make content more interesting and engaging. Redditors also love humor and stories, so don’t be afraid to get creative.

Promote in Subreddits

Don’t be afraid to promote your business on Reddit. Promoting your business in subreddits is a great way to increase brand awareness and get more people interested in your offer. Before promoting, make sure that the subreddit you’re targeting is relevant to your business so that its users will receive your content well.

However, be mindful of the community guidelines and ensure you follow the rules. Engaging with other users is also important before promoting your business. Commenting on other posts and starting conversations can help build relationships with people in the subreddit and make them more likely to accept your promotional content.

Create an Engaging Community

One of the great things about Reddit is that it provides entrepreneurs a platform to build an engaging community. By creating a subreddit specifically for your business, you can invite customers and other interested people to participate in discussions about your products or services.

Once the community is established, use it to ask questions, get feedback on ideas, or simply share your business updates. You can also offer exclusive discounts and promotions to members of the subreddit. Doing so will build loyalty and encourage more people to join the community.

Key Takeaways

When used correctly, Reddit can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to grow their reach and engage with potential customers.

By following these tips, you can use Reddit SEO to ensure your content is seen by the right people and increase visibility for your business.

Research your audience to understand the content that catches their interest.

Run Reddit Ads to get your content in front of more people.

Create compelling content that engages and adds value to the Reddit community.

Leverage Reddit SEO to increase visibility for your content.

Promote in subreddits that are relevant to your business.

Build an engaging community around your brand by creating a dedicated subreddit.

A Guide to Creating a Product Video

 Selling a product or service can be enhanced by providing a smooth experience for your audience, which can spark their interest. Demonstration videos have become popular in this regard, as they allow potential customers to preview a product or service before committing to purchase.

Product demo videos assist brands in providing potential users with a preview of the product to aid in decision making. These videos serve as an effective marketing tool for explaining the features and benefits of a product or service to the target audience. This guide covers the full process of creating a successful demo video.

This comprehensive guide teaches everything needed to make an impactful product demo video.

Let’s Focus on the Basics of the Demo Video

A Demo Video Explained

It’s a type of marketing video that showcases the capabilities and advantages of a product or service, demonstrating its value to potential buyers.”

3 Reasons for Creating a Demo Video

While demo videos mainly demonstrate how your product or service operates, they can still drive engagement for your business. Here are three key reasons why creating a demo video is important.

Understand Things Easier with Demo Videos

If you’re looking for a way to explain your business, product, or service in a way that is engaging and informative, then a demo video is definitely the way to go.

Demo videos are an excellent way of showing off your products and services in action. They allow you to demonstrate features, benefits, and how things work in a fun and interesting way.

They use graphics, animations, voiceover, audio-visual effects and other video features to enhance user experience and offer viewers a detailed explanation of the features and benefits they will get from using the product or service.

Save Time and Money with Demo Videos

If you’re a SaaS or eCommerce business, creating demo videos can help you save time and money. Any corporate video production company are craving for this benefit for their marketing efforts.

First, it’s important to note that video marketing is a powerful tool for explaining your product or service to your customers. It’s also an effective way to build trust with potential clients and increase sales. 

For example, if you’re a SaaS company, you can weave your demo videos into other marketing campaigns such as email marketing, content marketing or on your blog or website. You can also use the video to explain why people should buy from you instead of from one of your competitors. 

Creating demo videos for eCommerce businesses is also beneficial because it allows potential customers to see what products are like before they go through the purchase process.

This helps build trust between you and your audience while also reducing returns due to dissatisfied buyers who didn’t realize what they were getting until after they made their purchase decision!

Customers Like Demo Videos

A demo video is a great way to get people interested in your product or service. It’s an easy, effective way to demonstrate how something works and what it can do for people.

People love demo videos because they are a quick means to get the information they need to decide on any product or service—and now, there’s even more reason for you to create one! Around 86% of people say they’d be more likely to download an app if they could watch a short video demonstrating how it works. That’s more interest visitors have ever shown to any marketing material!

Best Kinds of Demo Videos You Need to Consider

For demo videos, many options exist. To clarify, we’ll concentrate on types that enhance retention and engagement, converting first-time viewers into leads.

When choosing a demo video, consider the product being sold. Here’s how it impacts the type of demo video:

Selling intangible products: For products or services that cannot be physically seen, such as an App or Software, use a screen recording tool to create a demo video. This can be a purely recorded walk-through of the service, without appearance in the video.

Selling physical products: This applies to many eCommerce businesses, where the product or offering can be physically touched or used to bring satisfaction. Unlike intangible services, make a demo video by filming with a smartphone, laptop, webcam, or digital camera while demonstrating the product’s usage.

Here are the four major kinds of demo videos:

Recorded Demo Video:

Record the demo and share it with the audience. It can be a screen recording or a video showcasing the product’s usage with yourself as the presenter.

Live Demo Video:

Engage directly with your audience and showcase the product or service in real-time using a video conferencing tool. This similar to what explainer video production services are doing for their clients.

Overview Demo Video:

Present your solution and provide a brief explanation of how it works. This type is a concise overview without extensive details.

Slides with Narration Demo Video:

Use a screen recorder to create slides with voice-over to show viewers how the product or service operates.

Where to Post Your Demo Videos?

Demo videos are versatile in terms of distribution strategy. They can be posted on various platforms.

To ensure optimal engagement, place your demo video where your target audience is most likely to see it. These are the best channels for sharing or posting your demo videos to achieve desired results:

Website homepage for visitors

Product or software landing page for both visitors and leads

In a blog article for readers

In an email to subscribers (customers and prospects)

As part of marketing materials for potential buyers

In digital ad campaigns

As customer support material, highlighting new features or tiers of a product.

Steps in Making a Demo Video

Step 1: Plan Your Demo Video

Before creating a demo video, create a solid plan. Your plan should include:

Brief description of your product/service

Identifying the problem(s) you solve

Showing the solution in action

Focus on a few aspects or features

Offer live demo call for extended demonstrations

Clear call-to-action (CTA)

Step 2: Write a Compelling Script

Before creating the video, focus on writing a clear and engaging script. This will ensure that viewers understand your message and take away valuable information about your product or service. Avoid filler words and softeners and aim to sound confident and knowledgeable. Remember that the script is the backbone of your video and will do the majority of the explaining, so prioritize it over fancy production tools or animation effects.

Step 3: Align with Sales Funnel

Link your demo video with overall marketing strategy. It should support marketing efforts, not be a standalone asset. Identify target audience’s pain points, questions, and ideal platform for demo video placement.

Use demo videos at different stages of the sales funnel:

Top: Show benefits to generate interest

Middle: Demonstrate functionalities and benefits

Bottom: Focus on features and in-depth explanation

Track audience device usage and optimize video accordingly.

Step 4: Capture and Edit Your Video

For the final step, you’ll need help from a tool or professional to record and edit your demo video. The choice of tool or professional will depend on the video type and style that aligns with your goals and requirements.

For instance, if you opt for a screen recording video, consider using popular tools such as Loom or TechSmith, which offer the necessary features for a great screen recording demo video.

If you prefer live action or an animated video, work with our professional team at Video Supply, who can assist you with the entire process, from planning to publishing the demo video.


 What is CapCut? 🧐 

CapCut, often called the creative powerhouse of video editing, has soared in popularity in recent years. This dynamic tool from ByteDance, the company that also developed TikTok, has redefined video editing with its user-friendly interface and extensive capabilities. 

It’s a versatile video-editing software available in both mobile and desktop versions, compatible with Windows and iOS.

How to use CapCut on mobile 📱

Mobile devices are our constant companions –– they’ve revolutionized how we consume content and create it. Not only that, but tools like CapCut also make on-the-go video editing possible for content creators. 

Here’s how to create and edit a project on CapCut via mobile:

1. Download and install CapCut ⬇️

Start by downloading CapCut from your app store. Once installed, launch the app to begin editing.

2. Create a new project 🖌️

Tap “New Project” to start a fresh editing session. You can choose from various aspect ratios to suit your platform, such as TikTok or Instagram. 

3. Import your media 🎞️

CapCut allows you to import videos, images, and audio files from your device. Simply select the media you want to use and import it into your project.

4. Arrange your clips 🧑‍💻

Arrange your imported clips on the timeline in the order you desire. You can trim, split, and adjust each clip’s duration to fit your storytelling needs.

5. Add effects and transitions 🌀

Enhance your video with CapCut’s wide range of effects and transitions. From filters to animations, there are plenty of creative options to explore. 

6. Export and share 📦

Once your masterpiece is complete, export it in your preferred resolution and share it directly on your TikTok or your chosen platform.

Note: While you might have seen tutorials on how to use CapCut on TikTok or other platforms, you’ll have to create your own videos on the app before uploading them.

How to use templates on CapCut 🌟

CapCut boasts various templates tailored to different content types and moods. Let’s first explore how to discover these templates and then dive into using them for your projects.

How to find templates 🔍

Method 1: Use in-app templates 💯

Locating and using templates within CapCut is straightforward. Here are five steps to guide you:

Launch the CapCut app on your mobile device.

Tap on the “New Project” button to get started.

 Once you’ve entered the editing interface, scroll through the available templates. 

You can find them by selecting the “Templates” option or a similar menu in CapCut’s interface.

Browse the template library and select the one that suits your project’s style and theme. Finally, customize it by adding your media and making necessary adjustments.

Method 2: Scroll your FYP 📜

Simplify the process of finding CapCut templates through your TikTok FYP with ease. Follow these steps:

Get CapCut from your app store to access templates.

While scrolling your FYP, identify videos tagged with “CapCut 

• Try this template” stickers. 

Click the sticker, and tap “Use Template in CapCut” to open the app.

 Inside CapCut, select “Use Template” again to begin customizing.

How to use templates 🥳

Now that you know how to access templates, let’s learn how to leverage them to streamline your video creation process.

Launch the CapCut app on your mobile device and start a new project.

Import the video clips you want to use by tapping the “Import” button and selecting your media.

Arrange and trim your clips as needed on the timeline. Templates often have designated spots for your content.

Enhance your video by adding text, although this step is optional. You can customize text size, font, color, and animation to complement your template.

How to edit videos on CapCut ✂️

CapCut offers a user-friendly platform for editing videos with a range of powerful features. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced editor, here’s how to make the most of CapCut:

Adjust speed: To control your video’s pace, tap the clip, select “Speed,” and choose from options like slow motion or fast-forward. This adds depth and creativity to your content. 

Adjust audio: Enhance your videos’ audio quality by adjusting volume, adding music, or applying sound effects. Tap the audio track and use the volume slider for precise control. 

Remove background: CapCut’s green screen tool (more on this in a bit) allows you to remove or replace backgrounds. Simply select the clip, choose “Chroma Key,” and follow the prompts to achieve a polished look.

Use overlays: Add a layer of sophistication to your videos with overlays. These can include images, shapes, or even stickers. Select “Overlay” and choose your desired element to place onto your video. 

Trim videos: Easily cut your clips to remove unwanted segments. Tap the clip, select “Trim,” and drag the handles to adjust the duration.

How to use a green screen on CapCut 🟢

Import the green screen clip by tapping “Overlay” and selecting it from your device’s gallery. Align and resize the green screen clip using finger gestures. Apply the “Chroma Key” effect by moving the color picker tool over the green and adjusting the intensity slider. Refine your composite with masking, cropping, or animation tools if needed. Preview your project, and, if satisfied, tap “Export” to save your final creation in your phone’s gallery. 

How to add elements to CapCut 🔥

Adding elements like titles, effects, and audio can significantly boost the appeal of your CapCut videos. They help guide your audience’s attention and emotions. Here’s how to add them:

Titles: To add titles, tap the “Text” button, select a style, and customize text size, color, and animation. Position it on your video and adjust its duration. 

Transitions: Choose from a range of seamless transitions by tapping “Transition” between clips on the timeline. Simply pick the one that suits your video’s flow. 

Audio: Import audio by tapping “Music” to choose from your device or CapCut’s library. Adjust volume, trim, and synchronize audio to your video effortlessly. 

Voiceover: Record voiceovers by tapping “Voice,” and narrate your content directly within CapCut. Trim and adjust the audio to align perfectly with your visuals. 

Pro tip: A few features like “Easy Import,” “In-app Tutorials,” and “Split & Combine” make video editing a breeze, especially for beginners.  

Tips for creating incredible videos on CapCut 🎯

As you venture into CapCut, consider these foundational guidelines to elevate the quality and engagement of your videos, helping you skyrocket your social media presence and receive more views. Here are some tried-and-true tips:

Storytelling is key: Before diving into editing, plan your video’s narrative. Whether a travel vlog or a tutorial, a well-thought-out storyline keeps viewers engaged. Draft a beginning, middle, and end to guide your editing process. 

Visual consistency from the get-go: Use CapCut’s color correction tools and filters to maintain a consistent visual theme throughout your video. This makes your content more professional and pleasing to the viewer’s eye.

Sound matters: Ensure background music doesn’t overpower spoken content. Use the app’s audio fading tools for smooth transitions between clips. And don’t forget to leverage the vast library of sounds and music tracks available in CapCut.

Less is often more: While using all the flashy transitions and effects is tempting, overdoing it can distract viewers. Let your content be the hero, and use tools only to enhance –– not overshadow.

Find digital success with Contra 💟

Thanks to online tools like CapCut, video content creation is no longer reserved for professionals. And if you’re a content creator or videographer, there’s no better time to showcase your expertise. 

Content Writing in India

 If you like creative things if you can enjoy reading and think to write, and if you have a basic understanding of language, communication, and writing, then Content Writing in India can be a second source of income for you.

You’ll not only enjoy producing content but would earn handsome money through this passion.

As rightly said, something which is constant is the Change itself. But Technology and the Internet have been revolutionizing things in an unexpected manner.

Businesses, media, personal relation, Industries and almost every aspect of life is positioning itself in the online space. This change is evidence of the brighter career prospects of Content Writers in India.

As a result of this massive digitization, the importance of Digital Content Creation is inevitable.

What we see while interacting on the internet is nothing but Content, and this mere thing is enough to let us realize the importance of quality Content creation scope and Development in the future.

If Content is vital, then the role of Content Writer is vital too. India as the world’s six-largest economy has an enormous potential to have its fair share in the online arena.

Businesses in India will grow enormously, with more digitization to have an online presence. Therefore it is fair to say that the future of Content Writers is brighter in India like everywhere else.

You can develop a career of your choice as a Content Writer. A career where you will be free of 9 to 5 strict routines, where you have the freedom to work from the comfort of your room sofa any time.

Prerequisites for Content Writing:

There is no specific qualification for Content Writing. Luckily anyone who has the following skills or can develop these skills can do Content Writing.

  • Someone from Technology field, Engineering, even Medical, or Marketing, Journalism or any other field, if writes something related to that particular industry, is a Content Writer.
  • Language proficiency is one and the most important requirement for a Content Writer.
  • Some basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization is as critical as the writing itself. SEO knowledge will make sure that your content is read by enough people.
  • The skills to work with Microsoft Office or related tools is also required to become a Content Writer
  • You will somehow need to read things. Anything from the brochure that you come across to the label on your laptop package, and then some books that would be very useful to create a charm, continuity, and attraction in writing.
  • Research skills are also needed for content developers. When you are writing, some level of research is required to know the level of existing literature in that particular area. Research also updates you about the current trends in that particular niche.
  • An essential skill is originality, your content needs to be original. Originality is needed because you’re going to add to the existing bank of knowledge in that particular area
  • Meeting deadlines is also important. You’ll have to write for someone in the Freelance marketplaces, or for some agency. The Content that you produce is ultimately meant to be converted to money, therefore time management is important. You’ll have to work in relax or tough routine sometimes.
  • Editing and Proofreading is another important skill that is required for you to be a Content Writer. Putting the ideas on a paper is one aspect, but editing, rewriting, and proofreading is another important aspect. Famous writers say that almost 25%-35% of your time is usually spent on preparing the first draft, while 65% to 75% is required to re-write, edit and proofread that particular piece of writing.
  • Due to the massive presence of most people on social media sites and online websites, a Content Writer also needs to have some understanding of Social Media as well. You need to take the help of social media for the promotion and enhancing your reach to more audiences.
  • Last but not least is the passion to write. If you enjoy writing something, you can definitely become a Content Writer.

Career Options for Content Writers:

As a writer, you have many career paths to go through. Here you are going to know a few of the career options that you can choose to start as a Content Writing Professional.

Freelance Marketplaces:

You can join any of the following famous international Freelance marketplaces to start your career as a Content Writer.,,,,, etc.

All these are Freelancing marketplaces, with certain rules and regulations. These marketplaces play the role of a middleman between you and the client (Someone whom you’re writing for).

Your interests are safeguarded as a writer in these marketplaces, at the same time the interests of the clients are also taken care of.

In return, these marketplaces have a certain percentage as their charges to take care of all the things between you and your client.

As a writer, you need to establish a portfolio of your niche, a good rapport, and credentials or badges on these marketplaces. The rapport maybe you’re standard while approaching a job or client for a contract.

The credentials or badges may be your relevant skills, previous job history, and most importantly the testimonials that you have from your previous work or clients.

Once having this you can earn a handsome amount from international clients, businesses, individuals, or organizations.

Establishing your own Business of Content Writing in India:

While in the field of Content Writing if you want to be your own boss, you should always try to establish your own business.

As an entrepreneur, you can establish your own business and provide employment to others as well. Writing skills can help you do so.

You can promote your brand as a Writer in a specific industry or with many niches.

You can be a company that facilitates businesses, organizations, or individuals by Grant writing or Grant Proposals Writing.

There are many non-government-organizations, non-profit-organizations, charity organizations, and multinational companies who may hire your company for such writing from a donor agency.

You can be a publishing company, a ghostwriter for someone. People may hire you to produce content for their businesses like Educational Institutions. Such writing may be the legal documents for those Institutions, or they may be reports related to some aspect of the organizations.

You may be writing biographies or even books etc. Your services as a brand will be hired by these organizations or individuals.

One can also establish a Writing business by producing fictional content. You can produce Content like short stories for kids, novels for a particular age group, entertainment content for readers, news stories, case studies, white papers, technical reports and summaries, technical reviews on various gadgets.

You can develop your skills as a Freelance Journalist, an E-Book writer, a researcher, a proofreader, Blogger as well. There are so many options for you.

If you can review various gadgets or ICT pieces of equipment or any other kind of tools, instruments, or equipment, then you can also create and promote your own brand identity.

Once you establish credibility in the related market, you can provide your services as a consultant to various firms, government agencies, organizations, or businesses.


Copywriting is another trending career path for the Content Writing profession. It is writing for the purpose of conversion.

This form of Content Writing actually triggers the appetite of the audience or readers towards certain actions.

The action may be to subscribe to your website, the action may be to convince the audience to purchase something, or such action may be the promotion of a certain brand or service.

Copywriting also includes pitching cold emails for businesses or services.

Branding yourself as a Blogger:

This means as a Content Writer you can generate a handsome amount through blogging. This may be a part-time job or a full-time job.

Your earning will vary depending on the way you manage your blog. It also depends on the fact that how many of the subscribers are in your reach, or what is marketing strategy that you adopt for your blog site.

There are various ways to generate money from blogging in India. You can do affiliate marketing by promoting the products from the world’s largest retailer like Amazon or any other of this sort.

There may also be another way to monetize your blog by displaying ads on your blog.

Therefore blogging is a very popular way to generate passive as well as active income through Content Writing in India or anywhere in the world.

Writing for Social Media outlets:

There are numerous companies and businesses that know the importance of social media presence in this digital world.

The ultimate goal of every business is to earn money from clients or consumers. We’re well aware that people have no time to read lengthy things about a product or service.

As a producer, you need to knock on the door of the customer. Social media is the best way to let your potential customer know about your brand.

Popular companies or organizations and businesses sometimes cannot manage their social media presence. At this stage, the role of Content Writing comes into place.

You as a Content Writer will be hired by these businesses to produce and manage their social media content for such businesses.

Technical Writing:

One of the most exciting areas in Content Writing is Technical Writing. Technical Writing means writing user manuals, guides, software descriptions, compiling and composing standard operating procedures for some business or activity or event. It also includes producing some legal documents related to a particular technical field.

It may also include writing agreements for various businesses or activities. The demand for this type of Content Writing is expected to grow faster almost 10% than other such skills as predicted by a website on the subject “Instructional Solution”.

The traditional definition of Technical Writing has somehow changed now. This area of Content Writing now includes the production of any sort of technical documents, whether that may be a report, a summary, or may any sort of document which conveys some technical information.

If you have the ability to ask interesting questions, neat and fascinating stories, then you can earn from this sector of Content Writing in India as well.

News & Magazine Writing:

The good old days are gone. The news is now read online. The renowned Newspapers now publish their online versions, which are supposed to be readable on mobile devices even. The Content for these Newspapers are written by the Content Writers.

Content Writing in India has a lot of scopes as long as Newspapers and Magazines are concerned. This area of Content Writing is mainly enjoyed by the Journalists community, but you as a writer can also write for News and Magazines.

Editor Proofreader:

Editing and Proofreading are other areas of Content Writing. Many publishing houses in India are in need to hire expert writers who can edit, or proofread writing to make it presentable at the final stage. This area of Content Writing is also quite in demand.

Website Content Development:

Businesses, organizations, Institutions, and Governments agencies have their websites to share information with their customers, or viewers. Website Content Development is another rich area of Content Writing.

You can develop your expertise in writing and designing website pages like a landing page, home page, etc.


Another area of Content Writing is Script Writing, a famous one and has a lot of potentials to earn as a creative Content writer.

According to the Quora website, an average scriptwriter in India earns between 98,920 to 1163,493. Scriptwriting is usually done for screen.

As an advanced film Industry, Indian scriptwriters have a lot of job scope.

Academic Writer:

Educational organizations, universities, or such kinds of businesses that have to deal with education need the services of Academic Writers.

Such writers have to produce a Curriculum for a particular field of study, they may produce books or research papers writing, or any other research.

This aspect of Content creation in India requires you to have some expertise in the area that you are writing in.

As an academic writer, you need to follow certain writing styles or writing guides.

Film and entertainment industry Critic:

Content Writing in India has also a scope in the film and entertainment industry. As one of the major film industries, India is a place of choice for film writers, and filmmakers.

You as a writer can develop your skills to write creative, fictional content. There are a lot of jobs for short story writers, scriptwriters, etc.

Therefore Content writing has a bigger scope as long as the film and entertainment industry is concerned. 

Joining Multi-National Corporations and Businesses:

There are a lot of jobs available in the corporate world in India. You may need to develop a business plan, a proposal, Newsletter writing, stories, case studies development, creation of fascinating and attractive messages for billboards or for emailing to clients of businesses.

Such jobs also include services solutions, presentations, and many more. The writer just needs to have a command of the niche that he/she is supposed to write in, secondly, SEO skills are also needed for these jobs.

Best Ways to Search Freelance Writing Jobs:

Besides the famous Freelance marketplaces for writing jobs, one should adopt the following way to reach clients.

  • Try to work for free in the beginning. Your work may be needed by someone on social media groups. Try to reach out to local businesses and share your resume to start voluntarily with companies or businesses or brands.
  • Rather than to make yourself tired and disappointed by searching for jobs on famous Freelance marketplaces, it is advisable to join local writing clubs, network yourself with local writing communities, and market your skills. Though difficult in the beginning, it is the only way to reach your destination as an established writer.
  • It is also noteworthy not to worry about the amount paid in the beginning. You might be paid quite insufficiently for your work in the beginning, but this stage has soon to pass. As a beginner, you need to think bigger by taking small but important steps.
  • One should also search for job boards. Job boards are websites where employers post their jobs like famous freelance marketplaces.  These job providers not only give you job opportunities but also may give brush-up sessions, seminars, and interaction with established writers to polish your skills.
  • At the beginning marketing your brand identity as a writer is needed. Following are some of the portfolio showcase sites that may be helpful to showcase your work and establish a portfolio.
  1. Writer’s Residence
  6. Freelance Writer’s Den

You can also search for writers jobs by visiting the sites listed below:


A Piece of Advice for all Beginners in Content Writing in India or Anywhere:

  • Be consistent and be patient. Writing is essentially a valuable and rewarding skill, but it is certainly a tiresome job too. You will need to be focused, and a smart worker. Approach clients by standing in their shoes, knowing their needs, and having the feeling of ownership for the clients’ business.
  • Customize your job proposals every time by understanding the pain points of the client. Showcase your relevant skills related to that job post.
  • Learn the basic SEO tools and techniques. It’s all about the reach to the readers. You write to be read, and that’s why it’s important to know how to reach the audience.
  • Refresh your skills, try to master the skill of learning, unlearning, and relearning. Technology changes and so are the businesses. Therefore as a writer, you need to be updated all the time.
  • Meet deadlines. Make sure that you take an assignment and do it on time. Commitment is the only thing that is vital in any business.
  • Improve your language, communication, and presentation skills. This would help you to compete even with the native speakers.
  • Don’t exaggerate your skillset. What you know is to be told to the employers.
  • Read constantly. Reading not only helps you in the development of your personality, but it also enhances your wisdom. A well-read person looks into the world with different lenses. A good read for sure can be a good writer

Books Recommended:

  • The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza
  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • 4 Hours Work Week by Tim Ferris
  • Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff
  • Everybody Writes by Ann Handle


Writing is a serious business/profession. You want to establish your identity in the digital writing industry, you will have to be real, and avoid any copy-pasting short-cuts.

There are numerous job opportunities for Content Writing in India. One has to be patient, and consistent in learning the modern trends of the writing industry.

It’s a knowledge intensive-desk job but rewarding in the same way. Joining any academy, which not only trains you but also provides a hands-on opportunity to guide you and place your steps in the real work environment is recommended.

Irrespective of the downfall if there, once you become an expert in a particular area, your demand will always be there.