What if i want to live simply?

To drink coffee and watch the sunrise

     with nowhere to go.

To climb a mountain for the view not for

       the selfie.

To cook healthy wholesome food to

 nourish my body, not to lose weight.

To spend more time with my family, not

working to afford things we don’t need.

It’s time to slowdown. To stop. To Listen.

  It’s time to turn off the noise and

distraction, the constant need for more,

the comparisons amd consumerism.

It’s time to live simply and be

      Wild and free

An Uncommon Love

May you have the love

only two can know

May you go where only

two as one may go

May the sun rise and set

in your bonded hearts

and the moon never find you

too long apart

May you cherish each other’s

dreams as your own

and turn stumbling blocks

into stepping stones

May you brave life’s mountains

and miles together

May there be no storm

your love cannot weather

May you always be lovers

and allies and friends

May your soul’s conversation

never end

May you capture on earth

what’s in heaven above

May your hearts know the rapture

of an uncommon love.

This is how it works

i know now that this is how it works

you don’t get to keep everyone in your life forever

there are some people

that are just meant to be a sunrise for you

a light to pull you out of darkness

there are friends, lovers, relationships

that are seasonal

and no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how much you shared your heart

even if you can still draw the lines of their smile

like the map of a too familiar road

in the back of your mind

there almost always comes a time

to move on

a time to let go

and regardless of the letting go

i just wanted you to know

you’re always going to feel

a little bit like home to me

no matter how temporary

it is still beautiful

that i got to call so many hearts my home