
You haven’t wasted time when things don’t

work out. Yes, time has passed, and you can’t

get it back, but now, everything that happened

taught you: you are worth so much more than

that. You have started to see that even though

letting go was one of the hardest things you

have ever had to do, now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can now take 

deep breaths knowing that the mere fact that

you’re here means your story isn’t over yet.

Today may look different from what you

planned a year ago, and this is also true:

through every change, now you know, the

morning sun still shines. The moon still

illuminates the evening sky. And every day,

you are starting to see: love is still boundless

and so much greater than you imagined it to

be. You’ve had to say goodbye to so many

things, and yet, here you are, still finding

peace. still pursuing growth and wisdom, as

you become who you were meant to be.


Keep your chin up little stargazer

At worlds above our own,

You are small but you are stardust

And that’s worth more than you’ve known,

For every sun and solar flare

Is made up just like you,

And if they’re cause for wonder

Then I promise you are too.

Look out little stargazer

’til nothing’s left unseen,

And know there’s not a patch of sky

Where no-one else’s eyes have been,

That the darkness that enfolds you

Holds countless other starlit hearts,

And with this you stand together

Though you live lifetimes apart.

Be brave now live lifetimes apart.

Be brave now little stargazer

The sky is growing light,

And courage wanes like moonbeams

When it’s pulled out from the night,

But like those who gazed before you;

Know when your heart is full of fear,

That it is always in your darkness

That the stars start to appear.

I will Love you, until End of Time

I will love you

as long as the sun

burns in the sky,

as long as the moon

shines its light

into the dark night,

until the raging

blue oceans become

calm and run dry.

I will love you

until the end of time.


The sun rides higher

Every trip

The sidewalk shows

Icicles drip.

A snowstorm comes,

And cars are stuck,

Though road salt flies

From the old town truck.

The chickadees

Grow plump on seed

That Mother pours

Where they can feed,

And snipping, snipping

Scissors run

To cut out hearts

For everyone.


I’ve come to the conclusion

That the whole world is an illusion.

What is the deal?

The script written in our minds,

All the wonders you will find,

Perhaps none of it’s real.

The ground, the sky, the entire world,

It all seems like a massive swirl.

The trees, the sun, rivers, and grass,

The glimmering stream,

It was only a dream,

Even that bird who you just saw pass.

The people, bustling about the streets,

Only in your dreams do you truly meet.

Who is this person that you call friend?

They too , do not exist,

It does seem odd to think like this.

I wonder if the imagination has an end.

In front of our eyes is the landscape,

But only in our heads does it actually take shape.

The mind is strange

The world, just a figment of our imagination,

Simply a neurological creation,

But nothing will ever change

An illusion, the world may be,

But that does not mean you have to stop the discovery.

One day it’s all gone

                             And the sun was setting, and a light wind blew,

                                  Painting the skies in magenta and blue,

                                      And a bird on a wire was singing,

                                                And no one notices,

                                                  And no one cared,

                                          No one watched the sky,

                                            No one heard the song,

                                            But still the bird sang,

                                    Because the song was beautiful,

                                    Because time needed a melody,

                                 The way the skies needed a color,

                                       And then a man sat down,

                             Still young, but his soul was getting tired,

                               Tired because no one watched the sky,

                               Tired because no one heard the song,

                                     And he listened to the bird,

                                      And he listened to her song,

                               And thought of his mother, long gone,

                         ” This crazy place, it’s sure hard to figure,

                       But the little things, there’s sure nothing bigger!

                         So remember my song, remember be strong,”

                                       The bird seemed to sing,

                                       “One day it’s all gone!”

                                  And then the bird flew away,

                                     And  it was just the man,

                              Watching the skies darken, darken,

                             Trying to preserve a song in his heart

                                          No one else heard

I AM a Witch

I am a witch

with rhymes and reasons.

I am a changeling like the seasons.

My mother is the moon,

My father is the sun;

With Goddess Earth am i as one.

I am a Witch , a pagan child.

Mother Nature’s spirit so wild

Grows within me,

Flows within me,

Meandering like a spellbound stream,

Enchanting my every waking dream.

I breathe the air of liberation,

I tend the fire of transformation,

I drink the water of creation,

Earth-magics is my conjuration.

I am a Witch of shadow and light,

Of Avalon mists and ravens’ flight.

I am a Witch, with pride say I,

For a Witch’s soul

Does never die.

I want us to talk again

I want us to talk again

the way we used too when

the sun was coming up,

and we were a millions miles

away from anywhere.

I want us to talk again

about all the things we

would think about , yet never

thought to say out loud

to anyone else.

I want us to talk again,

like the way we did before

we wanted to do anything more

than that I want us to talk

And if we never talk again,

I want you to know

that I miss that most of all

and every time the sun

goes down, I think of

all the things I wish

I could tell you.

Finally Found You

I am not the first person you loved.

You are not the first person I looked at

with a mouthful of forever’s, we

have both known loss like the sharp edges

of a knife. We have both lived with lips

more scar tissue than skin. Our love came

unannounced in the middle of the night.

Our love came when we’d given up

on asking love to come, I think

that has to be part

of its miracle.

This is how we heal.

I will kiss you like forgiveness. You

will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms

will bandage and we will press promises

between us like flowers in a book.

I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat

on your skin. I will write novels to the scar

of your nose. I will write a dictionary

of all the words I have used trying

to describe the way it feels to have finally,

finally found you.

And I will not be afraid

of your scars.

I know sometimes

it’s still hard to let me see you 

in all your crached perfection,

but please know;

whether it’s the days you burn

more brilliant than the sun

or the nights you collapse into my lap

your body broken into a thousand questions,

you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I will love you when you are a still day.

I will love you when you are a hurricane.”

Simply You

What is love?

The way the sun sets so that the moon can shine. The sea greeting the shore no matter how many time he is pushed away. 

Leaves that blush at the sight of autumn. Dreams that show you the ways out of your maze. Our hearts together so that we may remember the tune.

This is how love might feel for most people, but for me, love is simply you.