7 things to Remind Yourself When You Dont Feel Good Enough

 Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and subsequently reading a lot about is when we don’t feel good enough in what we’re doing. It’s a feeling that I think that we all encounter from time to time and when it does arrive it can feel crushing and really make you doubt every single thing you do. At the beginning , I went through a patch of feeling generally like I’d failed at everything I’ve done and here are some of the things that I reminded myself of.

you’re doing just fine

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve told myself that I’m not doing well enough and need to be doing more and looked at people in a similar field to me and felt absolutely rubbish in comparison. 99% of the world don’t give themselves enough credit for what they are doing. But the reality is that we’re all doing the best that we can in our current circumstances and that’s something to be proud of. We’re all so focused on constantly evolving and doing more that we forget that we’re actually doing a pretty amazing job at the day to day which is key for the bigger picture. 

you’re more than your career

It’s a pretty normal practice to judge someone by what they do to make ends meet and it’s something that I’ve tried to get away from this year. We are all so much more than our careers even when they do play a huge role in our lives we are so much more valuable than that. Measuring your self-worth purely based on work is something I’ve found can be a slippery slope to go down. And as it’s something that’s so normal in society and it’s one of the first questions that gets asked when we meet someone new. Which can so often lead to a lot of anxious thoughts if we’re not happy where we are in our career and it’s not necessary. Judging someone on their character is a lot more sensible than judging someone by their job. 

celebrate other peoples success but don’t let it dampen yours

A big lesson that I’ve learnt in the last few years is just being happy for people when they’ve achieved something awesome and not let it dampen my own success. And even if my success isn’t at the same level as theirs. It doesn’t make it’s any less awesome and so often we feel jealous before we even realise what we’re feeling jealous about. Feeling happy for people and being excited about their achievements is something that’s so simple and it’s such a wonderful thing to receive in return. 

we all struggle from time to time

We all struggle from time to time, whether we like to admit it or not and we all have moments of self-doubt. I think this is so important to remember when we’re looking up to people that we admire, they probably go through the exact same thought process. As lovely as it would be to have everything go our way all the time. And feel like we’re going through life constantly progressing and moving forward it’s just not realistic. 

don’t pay attention to peoples arrogance 

Some people love nothing more to make others feel bad if they’re not the same level or them or on their way to achieving something like they have. And it’s so easy to let those thoughts get into your head when you’re feeling low but just because somebody might be inclined to say such cruel things it doesn’t make them true. None of us have the right to judge how other people are doing in life and comment on the choices that we make. 

big successes take time

Success has a different definition to everyone and it doesn’t have just one meaning. But if there is anything that’s true about anyone’s big goals is that more often than not. They’re always something that takes a long time, sometimes years or even decades and that’s ok. Just because you’re not at your big picture plan right now that doesn’t mean you’re never going to get there and putting in the day to day work right now is all progress to that ‘big’ thing. 

trying hard is better than not trying at all

I think the phrase’ you did your best’ gets a little bit of a bad rap, it’s almost like saying you’ve not really tried at all otherwise it would have worked out. So often it doesn’t matter how hard you work some things just don’t work out. Hard work isn’t the only aspect of achieving something there are so many other factors that come into play. But if there is one thing that’s true it’s that trying hard is better than convincing yourself not to try at all. And it’s so easy to convince yourself not to bother because you’ll probably fail but by trying at least you know that you’ve put the work in and you can be proud of yourself for that. 


We yearn for connection, yet isolate ourselves. We seek

love, but fear loss. we dream for someday, instead of trying

for today. We want change, but don’t want to change. We 

over-consume, then wonder why there’s no space to create.

We love the ocean, yet buy plastic. We advocate for

education, then bury our students in loans. We want health,

but for a price. we believe in equality, but struggle to

bridge the gap of inequality. We ask for better leaders, but

don’t think to lead. We wish for a better world, but not at

the cost of comfort and convenience. there’s a disconnect

here. And it’s not any one persons fault. The world is made

up of both beauty and brokenness. Most of the time, I

believe we have our hearts in the right place. The problem

is how overwhelming it all seems, but change is made up of

small moments. Change happens when we have been hurt,

but choose not to act from our hurt. Change happens when

we see someone who seems upset, and ask how we can

support them. Change happens when we don’t pretend to

have all the answers, but are willing to ask the

uncomfortable questions. The truth is, if we knew the

whole story behind everyone’s actions, we would see why

they are the way they are. And it doesn’t excuse it, but

compassion is the birthplace of change.


 Healing is uncomfortable. It is a long journey. It is upwards and downwards and taking 5 steps forward and 3 step back. It involves tears and pain and lots of struggle-but it gives you so much back. Lessons. Growth. Wisdom. Closure. Healing isn’t like the process of an external scar being replaced with new skin. It’s more like a broken ceramic glass being glued together with love, lessons and people. 

You will heal through broken hearts and healthy relationships. You will heal through jobs and careers and friendships. You will heal as you adventure through life. You will heal as you leave the country, start a new adventure and give up an old love. 

You will keep healing and healing. And it probably won’t stop even when you’re older. You will just get wiser. You will just get stronger. Healing won’t act as an anesthetic that makes you numb. Instead, it will bring the pain to you and teach you how to live with it. That’s what healing will do.