Instagram Stories Ideas

If you’re using Instagram, I am 100% sure that you have already seen Instagram stories. Did you know that you can use it to connect with your community and turn them into buyers? 

Instagram story is an excellent way to build relationships with your community and where your potential clients gain trust in you and your brand. 

But how will you do it and what is the content you should be posting in IG stories? I’m going to share with you my list and some examples in this blog.

How to Use IG Stories for your Content?

When I open my Instagram account, the first thing that I checked are the IG stories of the people I follow, how about you?

Big brands are using IG stories to show and promote their product simply because it is where massive attention is. According to Startup Bonsai, half a billion people use Stories every day, and  4 million advertisers use Stories to promote their products and services. Isn’t this a great number to consider using IG stories to promote your coaching business?

IG story is a great way to build LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST.  People buy from people who they think know well and have proven results. Here’s how you can use IG story for your coaching business:

◻️ Position yourself as an expert by teaching your community

 You can build your credibility by teaching your community how to get from their struggle to their goals. Share some useful techniques on how they can get awesome results and how you do your task behind the scenes.

◻️ Use IG stories to connect with your community.

 You can share a lesson you’ve learned from your own life experience, share a quote that inspires you, or the challenges that you overcome. This is to show the human behind the brand.

◻️ Ask and engage. 

You can share a lesson you’ve learned from your own life experience, share a quote that inspires you, or the challenges that you overcome. This is to show the human behind the brand.

◻️ Tease your community

Preparing for an upcoming masterclass? Share behind the scene with your community. You can share with your community, what’s your masterclass all about, who is it for, and what are things they will learn after your masterclass.

◻️ Flaunt your results 

To strengthen your credibility as someone who is an expert on your niche, back it up with results. You can share your past client’s results, some analytics that has great results, and testimonials.

How to Use IG Stories for your Content?

IG story is a great way to build LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST.  People buy from people who they think know well and have proven results. Here’s how you can use IG story for your coaching business:

Now, you want to show up in Instagram stories, but what do you talk about?

Stories must be 50% Business Expertise and 50% Personal stories. Of course, the purpose of showing up in stories is to position yourself as the expert (Business expertise) + build their trust (Personal stories)

For Business Expertise, you can share stories about:

  • Educational content – builds authority – tips, hacks, tutorials, instruction, mini-training
  • Promote offer/campaign/service
  • Share wins – anything that builds credibility and recognition of what you do(reviews, testimonials, invites, closed deals, past output or results, client stories, etc)
  •  Behind the scenes
  •  Reshare old posts or posts of other people. as long as it gives value to your community

For Personal stories, you can share:

  • Day-to-day life
  •  Behind the scenes
  • Celebrations/normal home scenarios/ real-life experiences
  •  Your story/visions/inspirations
  •  Routines (morning routine, fav food, makes people remember you)

Instagram Stories Ideas for Coaches

Things to Remember

Here are the things you need to keep in mind when using IG stories:

✔️ Show your face

✔️ Your stories are supposed to be spontaneous not curated.

✔️ Don’t get caught up with trying to be perfect, there’s nothing as such (and it’s boring)

✔️ Remember that it disappears within the 24hours so don’t forget to pin important ones on your highlights

 ✔️ Make sure your highlights contain important bubbles that support the building of LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST

✔️ Don’t forget to use engagement stickers

Wrap it up

IG story is great for nurturing your community, you need to combine teaching your audience + promoting your offer to make an effective IG story strategy that works for you.

Here’s how you can use your Instagram story to nurture your audience:

Position yourself as an expert by teaching your community

.Use IG stories to connect with your community

Ask and engage

Tease your community

Flaunt your results

In posting your IG story, do the 50/50, 50% for your business expertise + promotion and 50% for your personal stories. 


You haven’t wasted time when things don’t

work out. Yes, time has passed, and you can’t

get it back, but now, everything that happened

taught you: you are worth so much more than

that. You have started to see that even though

letting go was one of the hardest things you

have ever had to do, now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can now take 

deep breaths knowing that the mere fact that

you’re here means your story isn’t over yet.

Today may look different from what you

planned a year ago, and this is also true:

through every change, now you know, the

morning sun still shines. The moon still

illuminates the evening sky. And every day,

you are starting to see: love is still boundless

and so much greater than you imagined it to

be. You’ve had to say goodbye to so many

things, and yet, here you are, still finding

peace. still pursuing growth and wisdom, as

you become who you were meant to be.

Fine Art Photography Tips & Techniques

 Fine art photography is one of those areas of art that puts more focus on the content, story and emotions of the image rather than the technical aspect.

The creation of pure photos (as called by some artists) is a personal journey and requires more planning and patience. Fine art photographs don’t just occur like action photos; they are generally more curated and designed by the photographer.

What is Fine Art Photography?

Fine art photographers combine taking pictures and the conceptual thinking behind the content as an entire process. It’s an opportunity for the photographer to get more personal by expressing feelings, situations, memories and ideas through the subjects in the scene.

Given that all good photographers should aim to invoke a bit of themselves in every photo they take and their images should cause a reaction in their audience – couldn’t all photos be ‘fine art’?

Well the lines are blurred yes, and fine art photography can stretch over a few different genres and ultimately it’s subjective as to what is classified as fine art. But over this fine art photography tutorial, we’ll detail the principles, approaches and thinking that creates the foundation of an obvious fine art photograph. 

The concepts seem to come from different places and the end result is often different. Even if the processes are the same.

What Makes a Photograph ‘Art’?

This is probably the most controversial section of our fine art photography tutorial as they answer the question ‘what makes photography art?’ will yield a million different responses.

Everyone sees beauty in different places whether you’re a photographer or not. Therefore the photography definition of ‘art’ is a little vague. Photographers are sometimes a little more in tune with finding interest and beauty in situations that are otherwise overlooked by others. It’s that creative interpretation of the scene that starts the separation between snapshot and artwork.

Fine art photography should be created as carefully as a painting. The resulting images aren’t taken as everyday photos in a quick moment.

Instead, they require a lot of groundwork planning out the message, detail, relationships within the overall composition. Some fine art pictures are put together with others as a photo series, they may not be a standalone photograph.

These fine art photography definitions may sound vague but that’s because the meaning of art itself is always changing and evolving. Hopefully, the accompanying images on this fine art photography tutorial will give further understanding and ideas.

Ultimately the main goal of fine art photography isn’t to demonstrate your technical camera skills. Instead, it’s a chance to express an idea, emotion, or message. This could be personal, social, political or fictional.

We know one thing for sure; fine art photos are not snapshots. Every fine art photo involves a lot of planning. Between the composition, details, and meaning, these images are created as carefully as a painting.

Is My Photography Art?

There are a couple of questions you should ask yourself when you’re thinking ‘is my photography art?’

  • How do I feel about this photo?
  • Would I miss this photo if it were lost forever?
  • How much do I remember about the moment I took this photo?
  • Is the story of the photo clear to strangers?

If you are able to answer these with detail then chances are you’ve got some deep and meaningful images in front of you. But don’t expect all your photos to fall under this category. There is a finesse to creating fine art.

If you find yourself spending time convincing or explaining to others the artistic merit of your photos chances are the image is refined enough. Don’t forget about how messy backgrounds and distracting elements ruin a shot.

Who is Fine Art Photography For?

Anyone can be a fine art photographer; there are no hard and fast rules about it. You don’t need a qualification to become a professional fine art photographer but spending time studying the art is advisable for it to become a natural approach.

While you don’t need a certificate to say you’re a fine artist you will find some personalities suit it better than others. Digital photography art requires much more time and dedication in the planning stages. Treat it more like a painting or a sculpture – you may do sketches, test shoots and write down lots of ideas before you even turn the camera on.

Some fine art photographers may have a couple of attempts at the same shot over a number of days or weeks – it’s not an instant moment where it all comes together.

Fine art will test your skills of perception too. It will make you a more creative person and will challenge your perceptions of people and locations.

How to Become a Fine Art Photographer

If you want to be a fine art photographer then you need to go to places that you know will help you create images. These may be places that are out of your comfort zone and away from your home. Fine art will push you to these areas because not everything can be re-created digitally in Photoshop.

Being in the right environment helps you think about the story of the shot. This may stir emotions you’d not considered when planning and it’s exciting to let these new fine art ideas take over.

You must be willing to go the extra mile to make your shots look authentic and sometimes controversial without holding back too much. If you have a busy work and family life you may find that the demands of fine art aren’t possible to match.

While it’s not just an art form for young, carefree photographers you do need to have flexibility in your schedule to dedicate a good amount of time to it.

The day next to festival

The very usual day or very special day you can say , if you have no other situation to make you happy, other than  by saying this line. The very next day of Rakshabandhan in this Covid pandemic . You are on rest mode after operation and when everyone is just by casual way celebrating festival and you do nothing special even not able to go out and make fun . Then how you expect everything?

its around 6 in evening and i dont how i waste or utilize my whole day by just playing game on mobile and by doing some kind of work on laptop. Remembering some old stuff while watching TMKOC on television. Some good stuff and some very old stuff, dont know how to and what to say about life. Everything is good in life like im the only /most pampering child of family, earn good amount of salary , ok ok looks , happy in life that have everything but still something missing.

Like im at the stage of life, where one part says everything incomplete in my life, where is other’s like full settled or accomplish life , don’t need anything else. But who will say or make mark that which one is correct. i want same in life , like want to run, fly, fail but not want to stop at anywhere typical filmy dialog but what you can do at some point you can connect or relate your life with music or lyrics of typical Bollywood stories.