19 ways to relieve a headache without medication

 Natural remedies for headaches include drinking more water, applying compresses, learning relaxation techniques, getting extra sleep, and many more.

This article looks at a range of home and natural remedies for headaches. People can try many of these remedies right away, and some might help prevent headaches in the future.

1. Water

Drinking enough water may help prevent headaches or reduce their severity. Dehydration can be an underlying cause of many simple headaches. It may also alter how a person feels, acts, or thinks.

As a study in the journal AntioxidantsTrusted Source notes, even slight dehydration may alter how people think and function, making them feel worse, with or without a headache. Although some studies are more cautious, water may help make someone in this situation feel better.

Staying hydrated may be as simple as carrying and sipping a water bottle throughout the day. Eating foods high in liquid, such as fruits, smoothies, or soups, may also improve hydration.

2. Cold compress

A cold compress may be a simple headache solution that many people have on hand. Applying an ice pack or another cold item to the head or neck may help constrict the blood vessels and reduce inflammation. Doing so could temporarily relieve headache pain.

Some studiesTrusted Source have found that applying cold therapy can relieve migraine symptoms, which are more severe headaches.

3. Warm compress

In other cases, such as with a tension headache where the muscles are too tight, a warm compress may help relax these muscles and bring relief.

A warm compress could be as simple as a heated towel. People may get the same effect from a tepid shower or bath.

4. Remove any pressure on the head

In some cases, there is a physical reason for a headache. Check for anything that is putting too much pressure on the head. This may be a ponytail or bun that is too tight or a hat or headband that has been on too long.

5. Turn down the lights

Some people who get headaches become sensitive to light. Bright office lights or even a smartphone’s bright light may worsen symptoms.

It may help to rest in a dark or dimly lit room while recovering from a headache.

6. Try some herbal tea

Herbal tea may be a useful way to add water to the diet while enjoying the benefits of other natural compounds.

For instance, ginger tea may help with a migraine. One studyTrusted Source found that ginger can help reduce migraine pain, as well as reduce nausea and vomiting. A simple tea of warm water and ginger powder may help with symptoms.

Other potentially calming teas include herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, and lavender.

7. Exercise

Exercise may help keep the body healthy and promote better circulation, reducing the chances of a headache.

One  researchTrusted Source published in the journal Children noted that too little exercise may influence adolescents’ headaches. Regular, moderate exercise may help, such as brisk walking or riding a bike for 30 minutes daily.

8. Check for food intolerance

Sometimes, food intolerances may be the underlying cause of symptoms such as a headache.

If a headache seems to show up after meals, it may be helpful for people to keep a food journal of everything they eat each day. This may enable them to identify and avoid foods that could trigger headaches.

9. Sleep

Different issues may lead to headaches, and sleep problems are among the more common ones.

Getting too much or too little sleep or not sleeping soundly may cause a headache or migraine in some people, as they have not fully rested their body.

10. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine, where practitioners place small needles into the skin’s surface. The aim is not to cause pain but to stimulate the body’s own energy.

The review published in ChildrenTrusted Source notes that research has shown acupuncture to be an effective way to prevent migraine and tension headaches or reduce their frequency.

11. Massaging pressure points

Massaging certain pressure points may help relieve tension in the head and reduce headaches. When stressed, many people do this instinctively, such as rubbing the back of the neck or pinching the top of the nose.

There may be some truth to these instincts. Many people find that massaging the temples, jaw, or neck may help relieve tension and reduce tension headaches caused by being too stressed.

Some other areas to try massaging include the area between the eyebrows and the two spots at the base of the eyebrows on either side of the bridge of the nose. These spots may hold tension from the eyes or head, and massaging them could help relieve this tension.

Massaging the neck near the base of the skull may also help release tension.

12. Relaxation techniques

Again, the review in ChildrenTrusted Source notes that relaxation training and techniques may help many people with their headache symptoms while also reducing stress and anxiety.

Relaxation techniques include practices such as deep-belly breathing, guided meditations, and actively focusing on relaxing the muscles.

13. Caffeine

Drinking a beverage with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or soda, may sometimes help ease a headache.

Some pain medications for headaches include caffeine, which may improve their effectiveness.

A review published in the Journal of Headache and PainTrusted Source notes that caffeine alone may help reduce symptoms of a tension headache or migraine. Caffeine relaxes the blood vessels, which may support circulation and ease tension.

14. Essential oils

Aromatherapy that uses some essential oils may also relieve symptoms of a headache. The review in Children noted that inhaling lavender essential oil for 15 minutesTrusted Source reduced the severity of headaches, according to one study.

A separate study posted to the journal Pain suggested that peppermint oil is more effective at reducing tension headaches than a placebo.

The smells of essential oils may bother some people, and experimenting with different oils that individuals find relaxing may be a way to ease headache symptoms.

15. Magnesium

There is some evidenceTrusted Source that people who regularly experience headaches or migraine may be more likely to have low magnesium levels.

Adding magnesium to the diet as a supplement may help reduce headaches or prevent them in these cases.

16. Vitamin B

Some B vitamins may help protect against headaches or reduce them. A study noted that B vitamins, including vitamins B-6 and B-12, may all play a roleTrusted Source in preventing migraine headaches or reducing headache symptoms.

17. Vitamin E

Vitamin E may also play a role in headache symptoms. Vitamin E may relieve headache pain and symptoms from menstrual migraine with a low risk of side effects.

This may be valuable for women who experience migraine during their menstrual cycle, as vitamin E may help keep their hormones balanced to prevent symptoms.

18. Limit alcohol intake

Some people may not respond well to drinking too much alcohol. A headache is one of the more common side effects of a hangover. This may be because alcohol acts as aTrusted Source diuretic, making the body release more water via the urine.

These kinds of headaches do not only occur with bouts of heavy drinking. Even with light or moderate drinking, alcohol may lead to mild dehydration symptoms in some people or make headaches worse.

Anyone uncertain if alcohol affects them in this way could try limiting their drinking and seeing if it changes or prevents their symptoms.

19. Avoid contact with chemicals or other strong smells

For people who often experience migraine, avoiding strong smells may be a wise step to take when trying to prevent them.

One reviewTrusted Source found that odors from sources such as perfumes or other strong-smelling chemicals may trigger migraine after just a few minutes of exposure.

It may help if people avoid sources of these smells, such as department stores, others who wear a lot of perfume, or chemical smells from cleaning products.

What type of headache is it?

There are many types of headaches, and one natural remedy may be more suitable than another to ease a specific kind. Some common headache types include:

Tension headaches: The most common headache occurs after a person has become overstressed and their muscles have tensed. The pain appears in the middle and top of the head, which may feel as if it has a tight rubber band around it.

Sinus headaches: This type involves pain behind the eyes and nose and a general congested feeling in the head. A similar headache occurs when a person has a hangover.

Cluster headaches: These headaches may appear throughout the day, causing a stabbing, sharp pain in one head spot.

Migraine: Migraine usually causes a throbbing pain behind the eyes that grows and pulses throughout the head. The person may also become very sensitive to light, activity, or movement.


People can try several natural and home remedies to get rid of a headache without using medication. Some of these may work better with different types of headaches.

In the end, some headaches may still not respond to these methods, and taking an over-the-counter drug, such as ibuprofen (Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or naproxen (Aleve), may bring relief.

It is essential not to ignore a persistent headache. An ongoing symptom may be a sign of an underlying issue. People may want to discuss a persistent or particularly severe headache and other symptoms with a doctor to find and resolve a problem.

10 Eating Changes You Should Make When You Turn 30

 30 may be the new 20, but the age milestone is also a good reminder to start taking better care of your body. Here are 10 ways to tweak your diet to help keep you aging healthfully as you enter a new decade.

Aging is inevitable, but you can age more healthfully, especially if you start now. While you can’t control everything about the aging process (think genes, environmental factors, etc.), you do have control over lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, stress and sleep. And these play a bigger role than you think in warding off chronic diseases and increasing longevity. The earlier you start making changes, the better, because small changes every day add up for better or worse.

While your 30s may seem like a big decade, embrace it and take advantage of this time. The body is no longer growing, but now is the time to continue nourishing it so it can thrive in the coming years and you can feel just as good at 50 years old and beyond.

Here, we share the most important eating changes to make after you turn 30, according to experts and the latest research.

1. Fill up on fiber

Fiber does more than keep you regular. A meta-analysis in The Lancet found that eating more fiber reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer. In addition, the research showed that for every eight grams of fiber consumed, the risk of chronic diseases fell by 5-27%. The most protection was seen when people ate 25-29 grams of fiber per day. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines recommend that women aged 31-50 consume 25 grams of fiber per day and men aged 31-50 consume 31 grams of fiber per day, but most Americans only get 11-15 grams.

Fiber also lengthens telomeres. Telo-what? Let us explain. Telomeres are DNA-protein structures found at both ends of chromosomes. They protect our genome and fight off diseases. Telomeres naturally shorten with age, but stress, smoking, obesity, poor sleep and poor diet lead to shorter telomeres. To simplify, longer telomeres mean a longer life and shorter telomeres are associated with a shorter lifespan. Your 30s are a crucial time to lengthen those telomeres, and eating more fiber is one of the best ways to do it. A 2018 study found that every 10 gram increase of fiber per 1,000 calories would correspond to 5.4 fewer years of biologic aging. So load your plate up with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes because these high-fiber foods will give you life, literally.

Think about getting 8-10 grams of fiber per meal. One cup of cooked oatmeal for breakfast has four grams of fiber. Pair that with fruit, like raspberries (one cup has eight grams of fiber) or diced apples. Don’t be scared of carbs at lunch and dinner. Make half your plate colorful vegetables and ¼ of your plate whole grains. Toss ½ cup of cooked farro on your salad for 6 grams of filling fiber. Not only will you lengthen your telomeres, you’ll also stay full longer and prevent carb cravings later in the day. (Take a look at our high-fiber meal plans for more healthy, fiber-filled meal ideas.)

2. Incorporate more omega-3s

“Focus on getting more omega-3s in your diet,” says Sarah Anzlovar, M.S., RD, LDN, owner of Sarah Gold Nutrition. “While it may seem premature, your 30s are the best time to think about putting in place healthy habits that help you age well. Omega-3s are linked to both short-term health benefits such as better mood, improved cognition, and reduced inflammation, as well as longer-term health benefits like reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and better brain health as you age. And if you’re planning to start a family, omega-3s are incredibly important to a baby’s brain development. The best source is fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, but you can also get them from plant-sources like walnuts, chia seeds and hemp seeds.”

“Omega-3 fatty acids may also preserve telomeres,” says Nicole Stefanow, M.S., RDN, registered dietitian in New York. “As telomeres get shorter our cells can’t do their jobs properly causing the cells to age. Eating foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, can slow the pace of aging by preventing the shortening of telomeres.”

Focus on food first to get omega-3s. Have salmon for dinner once a week. Sprinkle flax or chia seeds into oatmeal, yogurt or smoothies and snack on walnuts or pecans.

3. Stop fad dieting

If you spent your 20s dieting, there is no better time than now to stop. “Swap fad diets and eating trends for an enriching lifestyle,” says Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams, PharmD., Natural Health & Holistic Food Expert, and Founder of the Domestic Life Stylist. It might sound cliche, but hear us out. Fad diets lead to rapid weight loss, followed by gaining the weight back and then some. This is called yo-yo dieting or in the scientific world, “weight cycling.”

“Weight cycling has long-term detrimental heart health effects including increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and depression,” says Anzlovar, who helps women ditch diets in her virtual private practice. Overall, yo-yo dieting tends to lead to a higher weight. Research shows that up to 95% of people who diet to lose weight end up regaining what they’ve lost and up to two thirds end up at a higher weight than they started each time they diet. Yo-yo dieting and weight cycling can also lead to a slower metabolism.”

“Pick a healthy eating lifestyle that will work for you and then stick to it,” says Dr. Leslie-Williams. “Whatever dietary changes you make, adapt them, not just on weekends. Not just when your class reunion is coming up. Not just for the wedding, not for a milestone birthday, not just when it’s convenient, but year-round for wellness that is long lasting way after your 30th birthday.”

4. Cut back on booze

“While it’s nice to kick back and unwind with a beverage socially, this pattern gets ingrained in our college-aged years and can have health implications down the road! If you’re approaching your third decade and looking for better sleep, more energy, and an easy way to cut calories, reducing alcohol consumption might be the answer for you,” says Caroline Thomason, a registered dietitian who helps women recover from yo-yo dieting.

The Dietary Guidelines recommend men consume no more than two drinks per day and women no more than one drink per day. One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of liquor. In addition to being a source of “empty” calories, in other words, containing calories but no beneficial nutrients, drinking alcohol can increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease and cancer. (Here’s what happens in your body when you quit drinking.)

5. Limit processed meats

“Consuming processed meats such as bacon, sausage, hotdogs and bologna may increase your risk of developing cancer,” says Christie Gagnon, RD, LD, registered dietitian at Hoorah to Health. “With colorectal cancer on the rise in young adults, I would caution people from eating too many of these foods in their diet.”

Since the 1990s, the rate of colorectal cancer (cancers of the colon and rectum) has more than doubled in young adults under the age of 50, says the National Cancer Institute on their website. And more younger people are dying from the disease. Eating 50 grams of processed meat daily, the equivalent of one hot dog, is linked to a 16 percent increased risk of colorectal cancer, according to a report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund. Two alcoholic drinks per day, being overweight, eating more than 18 ounces of red meat per week and lack of physical activity also increase risk.

The good news is that eating three servings of whole grains daily can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 17%. This may be due to the way fiber positively affects the gut, giving good bacteria food to flourish and producing compounds that reduce inflammation and keep chronic diseases at bay.

6. Choose more calcium

Bone density is formed in our younger years, and by age 25-30, new bone formation is completed. Your 30s are the time to focus on preserving bone density to prevent loss, and getting enough calcium is the best way to do so. “Because we start to lose bone mass in our 30s, it is so important to be consuming high calcium foods such as yogurt, cheese, broccoli, spinach, kale and almonds,” says Gagnon. The recommendation for calcium from ages 31-50 is 1,000 milligrams (mg) per day. Eight ounces of yogurt provides 415 mg of calcium, 1.5 ounces of cheese delivers 307 mg and if you don’t eat dairy, reach for salmon, tofu, soybeans or fortified foods and drinks like oatmeal and non-dairy milks.

After the age of 50, bone density decreases substantially. In addition to getting enough calcium, lifting weights also helps preserve bone density as you age.

7. Start the day with breakfast

While intermittent fasting may work for some, the majority of people benefit from starting the day with a balanced breakfast. “Whether it’s because they don’t make the time, aren’t used to eating in the morning (old habits from missing breakfast hours in college) or think it’s better to save the calories for later, skipping breakfast is one of the most common things I see my younger clients doing,” says Anzlovar. “But skipping breakfast often sets you up for sugar cravings and overeating later in the day. Prioritize protein, fiber-rich carbs, and healthy fats at breakfast to give you the energy you need for your day and keep your blood sugar stable until lunch time.” Eating breakfast will also decrease snacking after dinner and lead to fewer swings in hunger, energy and mood. 

8. Power your plate with plants

If vegetables were more of a side dish when you were growing up, it’s time to make them the main dish. Think about filling most of your plate with non-starchy vegetables and adding protein and whole grains on the side. “I can’t stress enough the importance of focusing on eating more plant foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, oils) and less animal products (meat and dairy),” says Gagnon. “A plant-based diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, all of which will help decrease your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, inflammation and cancer.”

This is exactly how people in the Blue Zones eat—the five regions of the world where people live the longest. Their diets consist of mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and seafood with very little animal products and minimal alcohol. They also stay social, physically active and keep stress low.

Try swapping meat for beans a few times a week. “Beans are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that may help decrease inflammation, cancer risk and aging. Beans are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which can help decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, and stabilize blood sugars,” says Gagnon. She also encourages eating more cruciferous vegetables like, “Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, collard greens and kale. They are low in calories (25 per serving), and rich in folate, vitamins C, E, and K and fiber. Glucosinolates give them their unique flavor and smell and may help prevent cancer from forming and/or spreading.” (Try our tips for starting a plant-based diet.)

9. Work with your hormones, not against them

“Eat for your hormones!” says registered dietitian and certified aromatherapist, Amanda Liptak, RDN, CA. “Progesterone begins to decrease as early as your early 30s and one of the most magical benefits of this hormone is calming your nervous system, making it easier to cope with stress. So aim for nutrient-rich, mood-boosting foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B6. You can find them in salmon, whole eggs, walnuts and flax. Foods high in magnesium also support mood and help boost progesterone, so make sure to include pumpkin seeds, dark leafy greens, black beans and lentils.”

10. Exercise smarter, not harder

Last but not least, and not technically an eating change but just as important, focus on exercising smarter, not harder. Muscle mass decreases 3-8% per decade after age 30. So while your metabolism doesn’t “break,” it does slow because you lose muscle. Muscle is metabolically active, meaning it burns calories even when you’re sitting at a desk all day. The less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn at rest.

Add strength training to your routine 2-4 times per week to build muscle. No, you will not get bulky. Instead, you will burn fat, get lean and boost your metabolism. If you’ve been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully, and are not strength training regularly, your 30s is the time to get started. Strength training helps people not only lose weight but also maintain weight loss.

“Create an exercise routine you enjoy,” says Anzlovar. “Exercise offers so many benefits—from stress relief and mental health to cardiovascular benefits and feeling strong and confident in your body (independent of your body size!).”

Those who exercise also live longer and have reduced risk of chronic diseases, like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. “If you haven’t found a type of exercise you like, experiment with different forms from studio classes to dancing or even walking. While it’s never too late to start moving your body, the longer you go without creating an exercise habit, the harder it can be to start,” Anzlovar says.

Finally, don’t forget to eat enough protein to support muscle growth. Daily protein needs from ages 19-70 years old are 0.8-1 gram per kilogram of body weight, but depending on your goals, you may need more.

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Dreams are the only

afterlife we know;

the place where the children

we were

rock in the arms of the children

we have become.

They are as many as leaves

in their migrations,

as birds whose deaths we learn of

by the single feather

left behind: a clue,

a particle of sleep

caught in the eye.

They are as irretrievable as sand

when the sea creeps up

its long knife glittering

in its teeth

to claim its patrimony.

Sometimes my father

in knickers and cap

waits on that shore

the dream of him

a wound

not even morning can heal.

The dog’s legs pump

in his sleep;

your closed eyelids flicker

as the reel unwinds:

watcher and watched,

archer and bull’s eye.

Last night I dreamed a lover in my arms

and woke innocent.

The sky was starry to the very rind,

his smile still burning there

like the rail of comet

that has just blazed by.

She places her hand on his chest – this, I Know.

I barely know you , she says, voice heavy with sleep. I don’t know your favorite colors or how you like your coffee. What keeps you up at night or the lullabies that sing you sleep. I don’t know a thing about the first girl you loved , why you stopped loving her or why you still do.

I don’t know how many millions of cells you are made of and if they have any idea they are part of something so beautiful and unimaginably perfect.

I may not have a clue about any of these things but this- she places her hand on his chest – this, I Know.

It was just a dream

 When you are explorer of new places and specially hunted place explorer than your life is full of excitement and fun. But life become blessed when you get a circle of friends who share same hobby . I am the person who do like to visit new places and enjoy clicking and sharing everything online and most probably i feel blessed my self that i get a group of friends , who are always ready to hang out. 

    we get one life from GOD than why to waste it by being at same places , lets make it full of fun, enjoyment and specially experiencing new thrill adventure . So this time we all make a plan of visiting a new but a scary place . And that too by not informing our family of places , because we easily get permission for hang out but places which have some kind of restriction, we are not allowed. But this time we finalize that we wont inform about place at home.

   As we generally go for holidays of 2-3 days , so we easily get permission and we always remain in our limits, so this is our plus point. At our home everyone knows about friend member so that too a safe point. But this time we are little thrilled about place and specially hiding it from family, like after coming back , we will elaborate to each and every individual about our thrill visit.

    On the decided day we reach to station together and than finally at our destination place around 7 in evening. Than after some refreshment we decided to spent night at royal scary palace . We individually pack small bag pack  with some sort of snacks and beverages. Finally we start  looking for taxi or riksha so that we dont have to walk too much, but after spending 20 minutes we are unable to get any single riksha or taxi because of rumors or scary stories about palace . And no one wants to be in problem specially in night .

   But we all are totally excited and dont want to drop idea, so by some guidance of local person, we decided to reach there by normal via shortcut way, but that too with number of restriction of not making any stupid activity , because anything can happened. But we don’t pay attention to anything or don’t even bother for their number of advices and stories.

   We start with concrete road and on 10 minute distance we reach to small path to Haveli that is the shortcut way of around 15 minute. We started  walking with the help mobile torch light . We are walking one after each othe in a common row . We are gossiping that how can be people be immature and can believe in this era on this kind of non – existing things. 

   We are talking and laughing loudly and suddenly we start feeling like environment is getting cold too much, like in the month of October ,  we are experiencing December cold. But we all act like , this is just normal cold and its because of less crowd of people here . 

  But this is not the only change which we are feeling but there is one more change that is like we are surrounded by number of people like who are walking with us and behind us and even we are feeling something is flying over us. 

   Now we all are  scared  but dont want to accept it .And not a single person is want to become spolier of our thrill plan  . Our heartbeat is increased and we are shivering but we are walking and this time with full of silence.

   Suddenly something fall on us, a big piece of cloth , or may be a big curtain or big pieces dark cloth which make everything invisible around us and for some time there was big silence and i was unable to here anything . And a minute later a loud beep or whistle noise is there which is so much unbearable  for me. I just want to free myself from this terrable voice, so without looking for others i start running .

     From the voice of foot tapping i can feel that we all are running in different direction But i can see that a black shadow is flying over me, that was getting bigger and coming closer to me with every step . Than a sudden sound of boom at my front and last girl among us is flipped in air and fall down on earth . we all run towards her and shocked that aa narrower street become plain ground on which we were walking and now it have big hole of around 5-6 ft and the last girl is lying there inside.

 We are unable to judge that is she ok or even alive or not. In that duration we are not able to believe that what had happened in just a moment. black shadow is just behind us and its like a big face of someone female person and that shadow opened her big jaw and one of girl from rest of three is in her mouth with in a blink .

  Rest we two are so scared that could not even decide , that what should we do . In sudden i just stood up and start running but other one was just crying and doing nothing . So i came back and grab her by her hand and start dragging  . but in that moment the black shadow picked me up in her hand.

  She picked me up so high in her hand that , now I’m above cloud in sky , but because of full fear i closed my eyes tightly . I was scared much ,  whatever will happen , i will not open my eyes and i shouted loudly and praying to GOD that please save me. Someone touched me oved my shoulder and as i opened my eyes my mom switch on the light and I found myself in my bedroom . My mother is standing front of me and saying me to , ” Calm down, you were seeing dream”

   I feel relaxed that it was just a dream . But I stopped my mom to switch off the light. That dark is still scary .