Yourself are your true mate

The sky is so tragically


It is the graveyard of stars;

It doesn’t hurt but it leaves the


Not just on mind but the whole

human soul

Not just it control, but the heart

that it stole.

Maybe that’s what life has to 


But this should not stop you to


Cause without pain,

How would you know joy;

It builds you up and just believe,

that it does not destroy.

All you need to have is faith,

Cause once it was said that life

is ‘fickle finger of fate’,

Believe in yourself because you

yourself are your true mate.

Love Letters

I’d write love letters to the earth,

whisper them to the wind,

Fold them into paper boats,

And find a stream to sail them in,

I’d write of beautiful sunrises,

of the oranges and pinks,

While I sit beside the seashore,

Where the waves can smudge my ink,

I’d write these words on paper,

But for paper I need trees,

Like many things mankind has made,

But doesn’t really need,

And so our letters to the earth,

Leave less love than they do scars,

When we write them in our blinding light,

That block out all the stars,