Tuesday Thought

Everyone you meet is your mirror. Why is that? We come to

understand ourselves best through our relationships with other

people. We can only be triggered by something we have experienced 

ourselves. The traits we tend to dislike in others are usually 

the traits we do not like about ourselves. We then tend to judge

and criticize these characteristics. This calls to mind the 

analogy of pointing a blaming finger at someone. One finger is 

pointing at another person, and three are pointing back to

ourselves. When certain characteristics in someone’s personality

trigger a negative reaction from you, there is something within

you that is coming up because it is ready to be healed. Usually, it

represents issues from your past that have gone unresolved. An

example of this would be constantly attracting people who betray

you in close relationships because you have not dealt with

a parental abandonment issue from your past. What you are seeing is

a manifestation of your belief that you cannot trust anyone with your 

feelings. Every person we meet in life is showing up at the perfect 

time in our lives to reflect something we need to heal within ourselves.

The people with whom you interact are showing you who you are and

ultimately providing you with an opportunity to love yourself. Since our 

mission is to discover what we don’t love and learn to love it, the 

people who get on our nerves the most are among our greatest teachers.

Believe it or not, forgiving yourself is the most effective way to

disengage from negative interactions with people. We can only love and 

accept  others to the degree that we love and accept ourselves. When 

you make it a habit to learn from your relationships, eventually you will 

discover that you can observe negative traits within others without

judgment and without getting hooked into someone else’s drama. If you

discover that you are in a relationship with someone who habitually abuses

you in some way, it is sometimes healthy to limit your exposure to that

person or to avoid their company completely. This serves you well only

after you have embraced the lessons that you have seen reflected to you 

through the relationship, followed by choosing to forgive yourself and 

the other person. The good news is that the desirable behaviors we see

in others is also a reflection of ourselves. When we predominantly choose

thoughts of love, we live in a reality of love. In other words, as we 

focus on our light within, we bring out the light within others. Everyone

we meet has come into our path to help us to remember this.

Life: You need to know what it is

So figure out what you most need to heal within your-

self by seeing what you most want to change in others.

Doing so will free you in a way you can’t imagine. Doing

so is necessary piece of the life-you-want puzzle,

because all the energy you’re using trying to avoid,

deflect, delude your way into not acknowledging what

you need to heal/change/deal is being wasted, at best,

and is actually actively keeping you from the life you

want, at worst.

What is worth suffering for?

Everything is hard in some way. It’s hard to be in the

wrong relationship. It’s hard to be in the right one.

It’s hard to be broke and miserable, it’s hard to achieve

your dreams. It’s hard to be stuck in the middle, not really

feeling anything at all. Everything is hard, but you

choose your hard. You choose what’s worth it. You don’t

choose whether or not you’ll suffer, but you do choose

what you want to suffer for.

What owns you in this life?

Is it your desire for happiness? The past? The relationship

that almost-was-but-ultimately-didn’t? Your body hang-up?

Your fear? Your loneliness? Your lack of self-worth?

Everybody has one thing that ultimately owns them, drives them,

controls them at some visceral level. It’s the pattern that

everything else is rooted in; it’s the issue that crops

up again and again. It’s what you insatiably seek, then run

await from, only to find you ran right into it. What 

owns you in this life makes up the majority of what you do,

so you need to know what it is.

One Day – Always about you

You’re going to realize it one

day- that happiness was never about 

your job, or your degree, or being in 

a relationship. Happiness was never 

about following in the footsteps of all

of those who came before you, it was

never about being like the others.

One day, you’re going to see it- that

happiness was always about the

discovery, the hope, the listening to

your heart and following it wherever

it chose to go. Happiness was always 

about being kinder to yourself, it was

always about embracing the person

you were becoming . One day, you

will understand. That happiness was always 

about learning how to live

with yourself, that happiness was

never in the hands of other people.

It was always about you. It was 

always about you.

This is how it works

i know now that this is how it works

you don’t get to keep everyone in your life forever

there are some people

that are just meant to be a sunrise for you

a light to pull you out of darkness

there are friends, lovers, relationships

that are seasonal

and no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how much you shared your heart

even if you can still draw the lines of their smile

like the map of a too familiar road

in the back of your mind

there almost always comes a time

to move on

a time to let go

and regardless of the letting go

i just wanted you to know

you’re always going to feel

a little bit like home to me

no matter how temporary

it is still beautiful

that i got to call so many hearts my home

Always About You

You’re going to realize it one

day- that happiness was never about

your job, or your degree, or being in 

a relationship. Happiness was never

about being like the others.

One day, you’re going to see it- that

happiness was always about the

discovery, the hope, the listening to your 

heart and following it wherever

it chose to go. Happiness was always

about being kinder to yourself, it was

always about embracing the person

you were becoming. One day, you

will understand. That happiness was

always about learning how to live

with yourself, that happiness was never 

in the hands of other people.

It was always about you. It was 

always about you.


                   He works.

                   She works.

                they split bills.

            his hobbies are video games.

        her hobbies are reading and facebook.

         he leaves her alone to her hobbies.

         she leaves her alone to her hobbies.

at night time they watch illegally downloaded movies together

                or stream one on netflix.

                 she makes him a sandwich.

                  he gives her a back rub.

     they joke about how the people they know ae stupid.

       he tells her about how annoying her friends are.

          she tells him how annoying his friends are.

                    they laugh together.

                 then they have amazing sex.

  days off are spent surfing the web together , playing games together.

      or occasionally going outside to do stuff like:

          get coffee and make fun of strangers.

     eat together at restaurants that have a cool atmosphere.

                    go mini-golfing.

                    go to the movies.

    she surprises him with an occasional blowjob in the morning

    and he returns the favor followed by cooking breakfast.

    he surprises her byy letting her play a video game with him.

        and she responds by whooping his ass at it.

         they respect one another or get jealous

               they trust each other.

 have cute arguments like who’s turn it to do the dishes or

     what answers don’t count in scattergoires.

               they’re a team. A club.

      a 2 person gang that nobody else is allowed to join

               it’s them vs everyone else