I want to know you

 I want to know you.

I want to hear about your interests, 

Your favorite things, your problems, your thoughts.

I want to see the pale blue of your eyes up close,

glimmering as you speak softly and carelessly.

I want to be the reason behind your smile,

rendering me speechless as dimples appear upon your cheeks.

I want to be the one to sing along to the radio with you,

laughing as we try to hit all of the notes on key.

I want to hold your hand,

for hours upon hours, never letting go.

I want to wake up to your raspy morning voice,

watching as you wipe the sleep from your eyes.

I want to be the one to touch your soft lips with mine,

hearing your breath catch in your throat as you move closer.

I want to run my hands through your soft hair,

detangling the blond mess and smiling as you close your eyes.

I want to be the one to hold you close late at night,

when your demons come out to haunt you.

I want to wipe your tears away,

when the thoughts become too much to handle.

I want to lay my head on your chest,

listening to the heartbeat of the person who has somehow

enchanted me with their mere existence.

I want to be there for you, with you , near you,


I want to learn every single thing about you.

I want to know you.

Shore Line

Leave your worries by the shore line,

And run your bare feet through the sand,

Let the water be a soft bed,

When you cannot bear to stand,

Make friends with flying seagulls,

And hold the sun up on your palm,

Before you duck beneath the water,

Where the world is mute and calm,

Tell the fish all of your problems,

As they all come swimming past,

When your lungs are close to bursting,

Swim above the waves and gasp,

Let the water hold your sadness,

And waste it right out to the sea,

So like a message in bottle,

All your worries are set free,

And the sea might make you feel alone,

But the world has troubles too,

For how else do you suppose,

That the ocean got so blue?