How to Stay Mentally Strong During a Crisis

At one time or another, you’re bound to face a crisis. Your loved one might be diagnosed with a terminal condition. Your marriage might come to an end. You may find yourself in a dire financial situation.

The list could go on and on. No matter who you are, how much you earn, how rock-solid your life feels, crises are inevitable. But the way you respond to these crises is optional.

Staying strong during a crisis is key to getting through tough times. Here’s how to stay mentally strong during a crisis:

1. Accept reality

When faced with bad news, it’s easy to waste a lot of time thinking things like this can’t be happening, or this shouldn’t be happening to me. But this isn’t the time to waste your vital resources worrying about fairness.

Accept the situation. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with what’s going on, but it does mean that you’re willing to acknowledge reality. Only then can you take positive action.

2. Don’t worry about building strength right now

Trying to build mental strength in the midst of a crisis is like lifting weights right before you try to pick up a heavy box. It’s not the time to worry about strength building—it’s time to put the strength you already have into action.

3. Seek support

Talk to your friends. Ask for help from a professional. Reach out to your loved ones. Whatever you do, make sure you that you ask questions, tell people what you need, and get the emotional support that could assist you.

4. Practice self-care

As difficult as it may be to eat and sleep, it’s important to take care of your body when you’re in the midst of a crisis. Go for a few short walks when you can, make healthy eating choices a priority even when you’re pressed for time, and rest your body and your mind.

5. Ask yourself what advice you’d give to a friend

Sometimes, a crisis requires you to make tough decisions. And when you’re feeling overwhelmed and really emotional, those tough choices may seem impossible to make—especially when you have to make them fast.

Whether you have to decide which medical procedure to try, or you need to find a new place to live, ask yourself what advice you’d give to a trusted friend. That helps take a lot of the emotion out of the equation, which can be key to making the best choice possible (even when you feel as though you’re between a rock and a hard place).

6. Create a helpful mantra

Develop an affirmation, like “I’ve survived tough times before I will get through this too,” and repeat it to yourself as needed. It can help drown out the negative thoughts that are bound to swirl in your mind, and it can keep you on track so you can move forward.

7. Prioritize what needs to get done

When you’re in the middle of a crisis, you’re going to likely need to give some things up so you can focus your energy on the task at hand. Create a to-do list that will help you prioritize what needs to get done. And write things down, as your memory is sure to fail at times when your stress level is high.

8. Find time to experience your emotions

While you don’t want to suppress your emotions forever, there are also times you need to regulate your feelings so you can be productive. Crying in the doctor’s office might get in the way of being able to ask the questions you need answers to. Similarly, allowing fear to take hold might prevent you from taking action.

At times, you may need to move forward quickly—with little time to really even think about how you’re feeling. That’s OK when you’re in an acute crisis. But just make sure you set aside time later to let yourself experience painful feelings—it’s a crucial part of healing emotional wounds.

9. Take small steps

A crisis can make you feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to change, accomplish, or solve. Break down those big tasks into small steps.

Whether you need to sort through a loved one’s belongings after they’ve passed away, or you need to shed some serious weight to resolve a health crisis, identify something you can begin working on today.

10. Do something that helps you keep a sense of normalcy

When you’re in the middle of a crisis, you might feel like the entire world is upside-down. Perhaps you spend all day every day sitting in the hospital at a loved one’s side. Or maybe you’re applying for jobs from the time you wake up until the time you fall asleep.

Doing one thing that helps you feel “normal” might help you stay mentally stronger. Watch your favorite show before you fall asleep. Go for a walk in the morning, like you always did before the crisis. Whatever it is, look for one shred of normalcy that you can continue even when life feels anything but normal.

Build Strength After the Crisis Is Over

Once the acute crisis is over, take time to unwind from the stress you endured. Whether that means planning a weekend hike in the mountains or scheduling an appointment with a therapist to help you move forward, take whatever steps are necessary to help you grow from your experience.


 New year celebration and enthusiasm last only for an hour or a day but then everything start acting similar as last any other day. For me i was whole day busy with my system and now at the evening i feeling like alone. 

  loneliness everywhere , that you cant go outside and there is no such person whom with you can discuss about your whole day experience. and specially when there is nothing to share about . It just very regular day ….laptop….laptop…laptop

Have you had the experience of feeling lonely, like there is no one around and no one to talk to, as you sink into a state of sadness or anxiety that you fear you will never get over? Does such a feeling overwhelm you at times? If you’ve had such feelings of loneliness, you are far from alone. Loneliness is one of the most common, if unpleasant emotions that millions of people experience. For some, it may be a passing emotion. For others, it’s a recurring sense of desperation and sadness. But for all of us, it is part of being human.

Loneliness can lead to excessive drinking or binge eating, to suppress those unpleasant feelings. It can lead to depression and rumination, as you dwell on the question, “Why am I alone?” It can also lead to hopelessness. But having a strategy to deal with loneliness can be an important safeguard against depression, substance abuse, or even making bad choices for partners.

If you’re experiencing loneliness, there are some things you can do about it. Below are nine strategies for how to deal with being lonely ( i come across all this while google search).

Join a Class or Club

Whether it’s an art class, exercise class, or book club, joining a class or a club automatically exposes you to a group of people who share at least one of your interests. Check your local library or community college as well as city parks and recreation departments to see what’s available.

Joining a class or club can also provide a sense of belonging that comes with being part of a group. This can stimulate creativity, give you something to look forward to during the day, and help stave off loneliness.


Volunteering for a cause you believe in can provide the same benefits as taking a class or joining a club: meeting others, being part of a group, and creating new experiences. It also brings the benefits of altruism and can help you find more meaning in your life.

In addition to decreasing loneliness, this can bring greater happiness and life satisfaction. Additionally, working with those who have less than you can help you feel a deeper sense of gratitude for what you have in your own life.

Find Support Online

Because loneliness is a somewhat widespread issue, there are many people online who are looking for people to connect with. Find people with similar interests by joining Facebook or Meetup groups focused on your passions. Check to see if any apps you use, like fitness or workout apps, have a social element or discussion board to join.

You do have to be careful of who you meet over the internet (and, obviously, don’t give out any personal information like your bank account number), but you can find real support, connection, and lasting friendships from people you meet online.

A word of caution: Social media can actually increase feelings of loneliness and cause FOMO, or “fear of missing out” so be sure to check in with yourself if you’re starting to feel this way.

Strengthen Existing Relationships

You probably already have people in your life that you could get to know better or connections with family that could be deepened. If so, why not call friends more often, go out with them more, and find other ways to enjoy your existing relationships and strengthen bonds?

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to reach out to your loved ones, it might be helpful to start slowly. Come up with just one supportive friend or family member who you could imagine reaching out to. It’s also reassuring to know that strong social support is beneficial for your mental health.

Adopt a Pet

Pets, especially dogs and cats, offer so many benefits, and preventing loneliness is one of them. Rescuing a pet combines the benefits of altruism and companionship, and fights loneliness in several ways.

It can connect you with other people—walking a dog opens you up to a community of other dog-walkers, and a cute dog on a leash tends to be a people magnet. Additionally, pets provide unconditional love, which can be a great salve for loneliness.

Talk to Strangers

An easy way to find connections in everyday life is by interacting in small ways with acquaintances or strangers you encounter. In fact, research shows that doing so contributes to our social and emotional well-being. So next time you grab a cup of coffee or see your neighbor on a walk, strike up a conversation. You might just find you feel happier afterward.

Do you have a smartphone that you frequently check while out and about? Think about putting it away a bit more. Whether you’re looking up directions or checking the news while waiting in line, research suggests that technology can get in the way of social opportunities.

Practice Self-Care

When you’re feeling lonely, be sure you’re doing what you can to take care of yourself in other ways. Self-care is always a good idea, but especially when you are feeling down. Eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting enough sleep will only make you feel better in the long run. Bonus: Take a workout class or join a running club for exercise and social interaction.

Keep Busy

Distract yourself from those feelings of loneliness and make a date with yourself. Do you have a hobby you’ve always wanted to take up or a home improvement project that’s been lingering on your to-do list? Take some time to invest in yourself and your interests and keep your mind occupied in the process.

See a Therapist

Research suggests that loneliness and symptoms of depression can perpetuate each other, meaning the more lonely you are, the more depressed you feel, and vice versa.

Sometimes just “getting out there” and meeting other people isn’t enough. It’s possible to still feel lonely when you’re around them, which could actually be a sign of depression or social anxiety. If this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to seek psychotherapy to help with feelings of loneliness, especially if you also feel other symptoms of depression.

Some forms of therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can help you to change your thoughts as well as your actions to help you not only experience less loneliness but have more tools to prevent it. Whatever you do to combat loneliness, know that you are truly not alone, and there are many things you can do to feel more connected.

and im personally trying to implement one of this , as the first one is not working for me, so let see how i can cope with other option. do share your ideas to deal with loneliness.