Loving You With Everything

I’m going to love you in your weakest moments to your strongest ones.

 I’m going to love you when you’re happy and I’m going to still love you the most when you’re sad. Don’t you understand? I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere I want to love you, each and every piece of you. I want you with your imperfections as much as I want you for you. 

And I’m always going to be here loving you with everything.


If you’ve listened close to silence,

I’m sure that you have heard,

The gentle constant ringing,

In the space between two words,

When you really pay attention,

You find it’s not just in your head,

But instead is whispers of the words,

The world has left unsaid,

It’s ” I love you” left unspoken,

And a mothers last goodbye,

That she never had the chance to say,

As she watched her daughter die,

It’s forgiveness never given,

And a “sorry” left too late,

That would have saved a best friends life,

If they’d known it could not wait,

It’s a phrase that could have helped them,

And it’s secrets that could heal,

It’s words from those too scared to say,

The truth of how they feel,

But you have an advantage,

For you’re still alive to speak,

Words that could help save a life,

Or give strength to someone weak,

So many you never leave unspoken,

Words the whole world ought to hear,

Before they just become the ringing,

In another person’s ear

Yesterday is gone But Gifted Positive Today

Monday evening , a full of hectic day with work and only work but I’m feeling relaxed and hearing old song and no doubt lyrics are so soothing that directly touch to your soul.

        मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल दूसरो न कोई          जाके सर मोर मुकुट मेरो पति सोई
          मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल दूसरो न कोईThere is specific reason why im totally happy and That was burden of those Yoga classes which i recently join  , initially everything was going well and than suddenly everything changes and im started to find excuses to avoid that place. May be its my own imagination or there is something unusual which my heart cant accept . Its completely my own decision to join that place now im the one who want to quit , but its not that easy to explain everyone that what is going in your head , specially because of that place.            And i know when you don’t belong to particular , you just want to run away from there , but this added one more burden on my shoulder. Because its easy to say no , to unknown person , But its can become 1000 time difficult when you have to say no to some familiar of known person.
But today finally i get courage to say no . I cant say that , i just go straight and say no . More like i make everything in good way , so that it will not impact our old terms, but im feeling free now , free from all stress and burden. 
        I can say that, i was able to clear this stage because of my last two good days which i spent with nature family and no doubt with Girdhar Gopal. On Saturday and Sunday we went to two new places and whole day activity bring me close to relaxed version of myself . And i understand that all you have one life , then why to make it clumsy . Moreover You cant be good to everyone.  

    The Saturday begin with early morning walk up , followed up by ekadashi puja and than we went to Girdahar gopal temple. I literally realize that you should spent some time with elders too, all were so friendly because their main reason to be there was to follow rituals and i fall in love with  that environment .       The cool environment and all are non familiar to each other , but look like they born together , because there main bonding is with GOD and we were there almost for 3-4 hours and i really dont know that how time passed full of music , bhajans and laughter .
   In the similar way my next day , the Sunday  begin with same temple music puja environment , because according to indian tradition its dwadashi , the following day of ekadashi . Those people who do fasting on ekadashi should continue to dwadshi for fasting as well as for dan rituals.    According to my mother dan ritual is not limited to people only but you can go for animal feeding steps too. You can arrange food likes different type of seeds for birds , fishes and green grass for animals. So basically this will count equal to big bhoj. And with similar way , we first went to lake side for fish food and than follow up process with food for birds and finally to the cow and big elephant .
   I just love all this because and feel so good after doing this all, specially my dad focuses on that i should perform everything with my own hand.