I’m trapped inside a tower

I’m trapped inside a tower,

I’ve been locked and lost the key,

Now the darkness that creeps in at night,

Is my only company,

No-one tries to save me here,

Since they can’t hear my cries,

I pass my days in solitude,

Watch the world move on outside,

This tower isn’t very grand,

It’s really not the tall,

But still I can’t escape it,

I can’t break free at all,

You can’t see this tower,

Juts believe it’s there instead,

Because my tower isn’t made of stone,

It’s all inside my head.


I feel nothing

at the same time,

I feel everything.

Without purpose or plan

I wonder , why?

Everything I try, goes awry.

Unable to fit in

I keep to myself,

Set a goal,

Find a way , not to lose control.

Why does it never feel right?

This feeling in my gut, It’s sinking,

sometimes it all feels like, too much.

The fog appears, making nothing clear,

Thoughts get lost, moving too fast,

can’t keep track, wandering through,

Doors in my head, too many broken,

No way to open,

I try and express the feelings within,

But it isn’t accepted,

They say they want to help,

But they don’t want to hear,

People fear they will be infected ,

So, they treat me like I am demented ,

It is easier for them to reject,

What they cannot understand,

What it is like,

To feel nothing

And at the same time,

To feel everything.

Love Letters

I’d write love letters to the earth,

whisper them to the wind,

Fold them into paper boats,

And find a stream to sail them in,

I’d write of beautiful sunrises,

of the oranges and pinks,

While I sit beside the seashore,

Where the waves can smudge my ink,

I’d write these words on paper,

But for paper I need trees,

Like many things mankind has made,

But doesn’t really need,

And so our letters to the earth,

Leave less love than they do scars,

When we write them in our blinding light,

That block out all the stars,

Lost Things

Do you know when you’ve lost something – like your favorite t-shirt or set of keys- and while looking for it, you come

across something else you once missed but have long since forgotten? Well whatever it was, there was a point where you decided 

to stop searching, maybe because it was no longer required or a new replacement was found. It is almost as if it never existed in 

the first place – until that moment of rediscovery, a flash of recognition.

Everyone has one- an inventory of lost things waiting to be found. Yearning to be acknowledged for the worth they once

held in your life.

I think this is where I belong- among all your other lost things. A crumpled note at the bottom of a drawer or an old 

photograph pressed between the pages of book. I hope someday you will find me and remember what I once meant to you.

The Girl Who Was Afraid To Be

She speaks to me fondly of passions and talents,

guitars and stars,

and apologizes for speaking at all.

All because somewhere in her life,

someone she loved broke her heart

by ignoring her beautiful words

and telling her to 

shut up,

keep it down,

nobody cares.

I’m right there in your heart

When tomorrow starts with out me

please try to understand

that an angel came and called my name

and took me by the hand

The angel said my place was ready

In heaven far above

and that i would have to leave behind

All those i dearly love

But when i walked through

Heaven’s gates

I felt so much at home

When God looked down and

smiled at me, and told me

“Welcome Home”.

So when tomorrow start with out me

Don’t think we are far apart,

for every time you think of me,

I’m right there in your heart

Your Voice

 I heard your voice in the wind today

and I turned to see your face;

The warmth of the wind caressed me

as I stood silently in place.

I felt your touch in the sun today

as its warmth filled the sky;

I closed my eyes for your embrace

and my spirit soared high.

I saw your eyes in the window pane

as i watched the falling rain;

it seemed as each raindrop fell

it quietly said your name.

I held you close in my heart today

it made me feel complete;

You my have died…but you are not gone

you will always be a part of me.

As long as the sun shines..

the wind blows..

the rain falls…

You will live on inside of me forever

for that is all my heart knows.

I Can Feel Your Picture

Its almost 786th  time or may be more…

I can spend every second of day while just watching your picture. 

 I cant explain how i feel when i see your picture. Not just the regular one which we have at our home on walls and in our albums but every   new picture you send to me . I can not resist my self to look it again and again. I know it would be more good , if we stayed together always. You cant change situtation but  i cant even explain my happiness of having you in my life.

When in morning you drop me a picture of yourself, receiving award for excellence in work . The picture was very simple and and you too were looking very elegant in that but i was lost in moment that i didn’t even realize that i should congratulate you.

My stupid love aura break when you call me and ask me that why i didn’t reacted , just like always . And that time i understand that you never mention but you too like to hear me. It could be anything but you want me to reply you. You expect my reply . You expect me to talk with non stop routine so that you can ask me to stop, which have unsaid exclamation to never stop. 

You never speak much and specially i wont dare to compare you with me. Because im a non stop train who once start there is no ending point. But you like me in this way and i love our this pattern . Where only i say and you here me without any interruption . Due to our this one side conversation ritual i start communicating to  your picture. 

 You dont even believe that what i become these days. Whole day i feel like you are standing near me or walking with me, so im saying and you are just hearing me as usual. It does not matter im standing in our bedroom or living room i just kept on talking with pictures of you which are hanging on wall.

I can feel that if im talking than you are hearing me. If im crying than you will just come from there and embrace me tightly in your arms.

If im singing than you are seeing with full of love. 

I can feel your picture.