The Sound of Silence

The sound of two people ignoring each other

The sound of no one being there for another

The sound of eerie nothingness engulfing the air

The sound of no one even bothering to care

The sound of wind blowing everything away

The sound of the pain you go through everyday

The sound of everything that is unknown

The sound of being completely alone

The sound of thinking quietly inside

The sound of being left behind

The sound of trying not to cry

The sound of wishing you could die

The sound of silence can’t be heard

Just like the soft swift wings of a bird

The sound of silence can seem unreal

The sound of silence is something you feel

The sound of silence

Soft yet shril

The sound of silence

I think

Can kill


 Healing is uncomfortable. It is a long journey. It is upwards and downwards and taking 5 steps forward and 3 step back. It involves tears and pain and lots of struggle-but it gives you so much back. Lessons. Growth. Wisdom. Closure. Healing isn’t like the process of an external scar being replaced with new skin. It’s more like a broken ceramic glass being glued together with love, lessons and people. 

You will heal through broken hearts and healthy relationships. You will heal through jobs and careers and friendships. You will heal as you adventure through life. You will heal as you leave the country, start a new adventure and give up an old love. 

You will keep healing and healing. And it probably won’t stop even when you’re older. You will just get wiser. You will just get stronger. Healing won’t act as an anesthetic that makes you numb. Instead, it will bring the pain to you and teach you how to live with it. That’s what healing will do.

This is how it works

i know now that this is how it works

you don’t get to keep everyone in your life forever

there are some people

that are just meant to be a sunrise for you

a light to pull you out of darkness

there are friends, lovers, relationships

that are seasonal

and no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how much you shared your heart

even if you can still draw the lines of their smile

like the map of a too familiar road

in the back of your mind

there almost always comes a time

to move on

a time to let go

and regardless of the letting go

i just wanted you to know

you’re always going to feel

a little bit like home to me

no matter how temporary

it is still beautiful

that i got to call so many hearts my home


I’m slowly learning that even

if I react, it won’t change anything,

it won’t make people suddenly love

and respect me, it won’t magically

change their minds. Sometimes it’s

better to just let things be, let people

go, don’t fight for closure, don’t ask

for explanations, don’t chase answers

and don’t expect people to understand

where you’re coming from. I’m slowly

learning that life is better lived 

when you don’t center it on what’s

happening around you and center

it on what’s happening inside you

instead. Work on yourself and your inner peace.


they warn us to not make homes out of people.

they say it will hurt too much while the’re gone.

but what are these beating hearts good for

if not to be a place for others to belong?

my heart is a home with many rooms

with empty spaces for people to stay,

and sometimes we are lucky and find ones

who remain with us even when they are away.

i’m forever making homes out of people,

scattering bits of myself in the ones i trust.

and yes, it’s messy but trust me it’s better

than keeping them to myself collect dust.

there are parts of others you need to take care of

and parts of yourself you need to give,

and while missing people is like being homesick,

i think this is how we are meant to live.

because we all have certain people

that for some reason feel like the safety of home.

it’s true that withoutt them you might feel lonely

but at least you are not doing life alone.

I Think Love is Something That Happens to Other People

like winning the lottery/ or finding God in your sock drawer.
I think love is something
that happens to other people nebulous,
distant, an invention of the movies; I think love is like death/as in,
it happens to everyone/ to you,
until it happens/ to you,
and then where else could you be
but in love? Where else could you be but in
the belly of the beast, ? that oozing cavern
where people go in fairy tales? I think
is a creation. I think maybe you shape it
with your hands, I think maybe you find it
stuck in your molars, I think maybe it comes to you
when you’re in the shower, your face tilted
towards the water while your mind melts somewhere
else, I think maybe
we’ve all been naming it
You know that love? That falling-to your-knees love?
That where’d – the water-go love? That
coffee-creamer love? That what-we talk-about-when-
talk-about-love love? You ever felt what? I mean,
really felt any of that?/ Yeah, tell me again
how you feel it. Yeah, tell me again/ how it fills
the chest, fills the head, fills the
lungs. Tell me
what it means to find God in your sock drawers. Tell me