Etsy SEO Tips – Optimize your Etsy Store and Gain Sales With These Simple Steps

 What Is Etsy SEO

For starters, Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO) is a fundamental aspect for every online business and service agency across the industry sectors. In short, SEO as a whole involves quintessential factors that will optimize your content, enhance organic traffic, generate new leads, and ultimately enable you to become more recognized/profitable within your niche.

Why Does This Matter in Terms of How to Sell On Etsy?

That means it is vital to optimize your Etsy store to both bolster your brand presence and compete for that first page, as not being there means you are losing 75% worth of opportunity to grow your organic searches.

By this point, you may have guessed that the best way to do this is by learning how to sell on Etsy using the power of SEO on Etsy best practices to rank higher, automate, and boost overall success.

Etsy SEO Best Practices

Etsy is a good marketplace to sell your products. However, keep in mind that there are thousands if not millions of other sellers on the platform as well. Standing out is hard especially if you’ve got lots of people to compete with. That’s why it’s important that you optimize your marketing efforts to help you out.

Whether it’s Etsy or some other online marketplace that you are posting your products on, proper marketing practices are a must. SEO is a crucial practice for everyone regardless of what business you have. If you want to be more successful, consider these vital tips for your Etsy store.

1) Choose a Descriptive Shop Title

Your shop’s name is the first thing that people are going to see and read. It’s important that from the get-go, you’re able to distinguish what your business is all about. Your potential customers shouldn’t have to read an entire paragraph just to know what you are offering. It’s always best to let them know what you have in store as soon as possible.

Make sure to include words that are related to your business within your shop’s title. This way, your store can pop up just in case your customers make a specific search on Etsy. Of course, it’s also important that your shop title isn’t the same as the competition so make sure to do the appropriate research on your competition too.

2) Avoid Keyword Stuffing

One of the common misconceptions when it comes to SEO is that your efforts should be focused mainly on keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing means excessively using keywords so that your shop can appear more frequently to users. However, this is a practice that can get you penalized by Etsy.

Algorithms for SEO have long changed. Now, you can do with a few keywords so long as they are in the right place. Consider putting one or two keywords per 100 words of text and that should be more than enough. Don’t overstuff your posts as you’ll be seeing your shop less that way.

3) Use All 13 Tags for Each Listing

One of the great features of Etsy are tags. These basically categorize your shop into specific sections. This will make your shop more visible in certain categories, thus making it easier for potential customers to find them. Don’t be afraid to use tags. If you use them properly, they can be very beneficial for your shop.

Overall, you can put 13 tags for each listing. Use all of them. Doing so increases the visibility of your listing. Just make sure that you are putting the proper tags so that your items aren’t put in the wrong places.

4) Put the Important Keywords at the Beginning of Every Field

Remember when we said that it’s more important to put the keywords in the right places other than overstuffing your posts? This is what we mean by that. Make sure to put your keywords at the very beginning of every field. This makes the keywords easier to detect and it makes it more visible as well.

One of the last things you’d want to do is to put the keyword in the middle of long texts. This will make it harder for the algorithm to detect the keyword thus meaning your SEO isn’t proper. Most importantly, don’t force the keyword. Make sure that it’s as smoothly inserted as possible.

5) Refresh Your Listings

Always update your listings when possible. One thing you should know about Etsy is that posts that are old get placed lower because they’re no longer the priority of the platform. It’s important to refresh and update your posts every once in a while so that Etsy focuses on putting them on the top of lists on their store.

Refreshing your listings is a very important practice that you should never forget. Ideally, you’d want to refresh your listings at least once a month. That will be more than enough to make sure that your posts stay relevant on the platform.

6) Get Inbound Links

Link building is a very important practice when it comes to SEO. It helps establish your authority and it also helps your business reach out to the market of other entities online. If you want to maximize your reach, then you should consider putting inbound links on your post.

When putting inbound links, make sure that those links are from authoritative websites only. Avoid linking to content farms as those are only going to hurt your SEO more than anything else. It can be tricky to link build at first but with the right efforts, it will be easier to get more partnerships in the future.

How to Improve Etsy SEO

Visibility is the name of the game when it comes to eCommerce. So, improving your presence on Etsy should be a top priority from day one. To improve your store’s authority with Etsy marketing and SEO, you should start thinking about finding the right keywords for your product. So, here are the fundamentals you should know about keywords in order to get found on Etsy.


Keywords are the heart and soul of SEO. To put it simply, these are search terms that make it possible for your content or text to appear when people search for specific things online. For instance, a keyword for a dentist in New York will be new york dentist – only in this case, that’s a key phrase instead of a keyword.

This is an important part of SEO as, without it, your Etsy SEO efforts won’t matter. Keywords directly link your products to specific search terms – that’s saying a lot about how powerful they are.

Short and Long Tail Keywords

Keyword research, both short and long tail, is the backbone to optimize your Etsy store.

Etsy algorithm picks and chooses the first products to showcase based on the first few keywords someone types into their search box.

From there, Etsy autocompletes the next high-ranking Etsy keywords for searchers.

Keywords and phrases you chose can help you rank high.

For reference, a good short tail keyword would be ‘necklace’ for those searching for general information about the platform, and a solid long tail for more specific searches would be something like ‘handmade green necklace on Etsy.’

Ideally, you want to use both short and long-tail keywords to optimize your Etsy search potential across every angle.

How to Find Keywords

For some more insight here, to find such keywords,

➢ Using Etsy SEO tools such as or to find keywords.

➢ Using Google Trends to see what people are searching for on that search engine.

➢ Use Etsy Search to find the most specific/popular keywords being used.

➢ BrainStorm –  

Once you have your results – you should come up with 4 keywords in total.

As for the 4 keywords you pick, the first one should be the word or phrase you think your audience will more than likely search. It could be something like green necklace.

From there, your second and third will be the next in line you feel they will search after that first one.


Etsy users may search for terms like bachelorette party, stocking stuffer, first anniversary, or tacky sweater party.


Shoppers often have an aesthetic in mind, so consider how this affects how your listing is found. Is your product rustic, minimalist, nature-inspired, art deco, etc.?


Does your product offer a solution to a buyer? Consider how a user may search for a problem solver like drawer organizer or microchip pet tag.

How and Where to Place Keywords?

It’s no longer about keyword density. In the early days of SEO, it was very important to have more than one keyword on your posts. However, placement is more important nowadays. SEO is a very dynamic practice. Knowing proper placement is a must if you want to get the most out of your keywords.


➢ The very first few words of your title are the most important to help to get your items seen for specific keywords.

The majority of the items on the very first page will have those exact keywords in the beginning of the title.

➢ Putting your exact keywords at the beginning of your title means your keywords are the first few words in the creation of the link to the listing,

and it means your item is much more likely to be found for those keywords.

➢ It’s the idea that your titles must match your tags (will discuss later). This is not true. don’t repeat the tags on the title or the keywords on the tags section, you’re going to kill your chances at getting found on Etsy.


Place the most vital keywords within the first 40 characters of your item descriptions. As this enables it to show up in the meta description.


Tags are different from keywords. They are a form of metadata that categorizes your listings into specific links. To put it simply, you can think of tags as an index only this time, instead of letters, your listings are going to be linked to specific words. Proper usage of tags is another key towards Etsy’s success and might even let your post make it to the top Etsy searches.

One of the key techniques when it comes to tags is to add keywords to them. This further increases the effectiveness of your SEO.

How to Optimize Etsy Listings

Etsy SEO and keyword tags are one thing, but promoting your products to convert those leads into sales is another. For this, you could have the best quality and authentic products on the Etsy platform. However, if you are not promoting them well or they are not priced accurately (either too little or too high), it can dull your SEO end results. To help you with this, use the following formula to get the most accurate/competitive pricing for your products:

➢ Materials + Labor + Overhead x 2 = Wholesale price

➢ Wholesale price x 2 = Retail price

For some more insight, most crafters charge an average of $12 to $20 an hour for their labor costs. Once you have that nailed down, don’t just promote your products on Etsy – branch out to other social platforms to reach as many people as you can. (see point #3 for more details on this part).

Optimize Your Tags

The very first step towards getting the most out of your tags is to optimize it. Make sure that your listings are placed in proper tags. If you don’t put them in the right categories. For instance, if you’re selling a phone make sure to put a tag on whether it’s an Android or an iOS phone. Being specific is also key to utilizing your tags more. Etsy tags that sell are those that are very specific.

Etsy lets you use a total of 13 tags for your listings. It’s very important that you utilize each of these tags. This might not make sense but you need to be as specific and as broad as possible at the same time. The key is to categorize your product in as many appropriate places as possible.

Create a Store Name That Accurately Describes Your Product

We’ve said a while back that it’s very important to make sure that your store name should be similar or related to your product. Now, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be creative. However, your Etsy shop name should at least be a reflection of the products that you sell. Remember, you’re not running a major brand so it’s a must that you let your customers know what you are selling immediately.

The good news is that you can rename your Etsy shop and link if you’ve already put a name on yours. It’s fairly easy to change your shop’s name when you can so make sure that it remains optimized at least. A good Etsy shop title should be catchy. You should check out the top stores on Etsy to see some good Etsy shop title examples.

Renew Your Listings as Often as Possible

What does it mean to renew your listings? To put it simply, this means pulling down your listing and reposting it. If there are any new details or updates about the product, then you should update the post with whatever that new information might be. It’s very important to renew as much as possible when it comes on how to get found on Etsy.

As we’ve said, renewing your listing means you are renewing it’s content as well. This will help the product stay relevant on Etsy. Doing this will help you get found on Etsy as much as possible.

Promote Using Inbound links

Adding inbound links, also referred to as backlinks, is the process of increasing website/Etsy store traffic through strategically incorporating links within your content that leads to other source pages for your business.

An example would be using ad campaigns on social media or blog content that contains anchor hyperlinks that connect to your Etsy store.

Going this route means you are opening the doors to more potential leads/sales across a broader audience while simultaneously building a respectable brand image along the way to increase followers.

Some other tips for leveraging this encompass the following:

Keep in mind here that there was once a time when search engines like Google would rank websites/stores higher by the sheer quantity of inbound links they had, but that is not the case anymore.

So, make sure to focus on the quality of your links and how relevant they are to your content to be seen as a reputable source in the eyes of SERPs.

1. Promote your Store on Multiple Social Media Platforms

Along with Facebook and Instagram, share your Etsy store products on social platforms like Pinterest and Twitter as well.

2. Consider Partnership With Other Etsy Sellers

Network with other Etsy sellers or relatable bloggers to exchange product/brand features and perform cross-promotion to gain more exposure.

3. Contact Influencers for Promotions or Sponsorships

Reach out to reputable influencers to help promote your store with a free product as payment.

4. Promote a Referral Program

Create a referral and/or an affiliate program to entice people to connect with your brand and market on a more personal level.

Prioritize Customer Service and Gain 5-Star Reviews

Rule #1 on how to sell on Etsy is that without customers, your growth efforts are going to get very far.

This very reason is why so many new sellers on Etsy tend to get frustrated as the sellers with hundreds/thousands of followers and reviews take the top spot.

However, never forget that even those high-performing Etsy sellers had to start somewhere too.

For this, the best thing you can do to gain traction as a trusted seller is prioritize customer service and gain as many 5-star reviews as you can.

Now, a large part of this still involves Etsy SEO and learning how to optimize your Etsy store because those are key factors that help position you to become a trusted source worth investing in. The other part is being transparent, friendly, responsive, and open to remediate conflicts professionally and fairly.

It also means staying on top of your inventory, having a well-oiled Etsy fulfillment process, and seamlessly managing your order operations from purchase to delivery so your customers have a seamless and favorable experience.

That, along with delivering quality products is what will get you those 5-star reviews, which will become a snowball effect for more sales.

What Else to Consider

SEO involves a lot of techniques and marketing strategies that not many are familiar with. We’ve tackled the general tips on how you can improve your SEO but those are just a small part of it. There are still a lot of things you need to consider to fully maximize your SEO efforts in Etsy.

1. Always Monitor new Potential Keywords

Be sure to change up your keywords every so often based on demand shifts. For instance, having holiday-rich keywords only works well during the holiday season.

2. Put Extra Care into Creating your Titles

Believe it or not, the title of your product weighs more towards boosting sales than the tags and the description categories.

Though every factor matters, be sure to always get your titles right.

In short, the idea that your titles need to match your tag is simply not true and trying to repeat all 13 tags (recommended to use all of them) in that title area can not only make you go slightly insane, but it can also kill your chances of getting discovered on Etsy.

3. Avoid Repetitive Tags

Never repeat your keyword tags, as this approach only wastes tag opportunities because it doesn’t help you rank higher.

Instead of using the same keyword 5, 10, or 20 times, integrate different ones that hold promising SERPs ranking power to broaden your chances of reaching more people organically.

4. Carefully Curate your Keywords

As for the 4 keywords you pick, the first one should be the word or phrase you think your audience will more than likely search.

It could be something like a green necklace. From there, your second and third will be the next in line you feel they will search after that first one.

Finally, the last one (keyword #4) is one you think people will use, but probably less frequent than the rest.

Overall, find 4 keywords using this strategy, as it will help you cover more space in SERPs and allows you to not have to add tons of keywords every single time to get the same or similar search results.

Summary – Don’t Take Etsy SEO Lightly

In summary, learning how to sell on Etsy and how to optimize your Etsy store is the cornerstone effort to spearhead your success both short and long term within that platform. Overall, those Etsy SEO tricks not only help you sell on Etsy more, but they can also help you pave the way for an advanced future filled with profit and expandability.

You can also take it a step further and enjoy the fruits of business automation using tools like Export Your Store, to streamline syncing/Etsy SEO routines so you can spend more time on other business areas to advance faster.

In the end, it can be intimidating for Etsy sellers to jump in on the action, gain momentum, and reach optimal growth potential, especially with the market landscape continuously changing.

But if there is one thing for sure, with the right software tools and SEO ranking approaches in your pocket, you are already 10 steps ahead towards succeeding than those who do not.

With that being said, if you truly want to optimize your Etsy store and outrank your competition and gain more sales, understand that it’s not as convoluted as it might seem on the surface. Because with a bit of mindful SEO tailoring and leveraging automotive SEO/syncing processes, you are well on your way towards achieving new levels of Etsy ranking success.

Prepare for the Festive Season

 The Great Indian Festival and Shopping Season is here! And that calls for putting your online business on the forefront to grab some attention (and drive more sales) to achieve those year end goals you’ve been working on. That’s why we’ve created a quick guide on holiday marketing which includes some of the best small business festival marketing ideas too! 

How and where Indian consumers are shopping has changed quite significantly over the past 14 months. While the majority of millennials in Tier-1 metropolitan areas shop online frequently, we are also seeing this trend expand to Tier-II and Tier-III cities as well. 

While this is the best time to bring forward your best deals and discounts, it is also the one time when it gets tougher to get your offers noticed. 

So we took into account the most commonly used channels by consumers in India and brought together some of the best seasonal marketing strategies you can implement to ensure that you’re on your consumer’s mind (and cart) during this period of gifting and  crazy year-end shopping! 

Marketing strategies for the festive and holiday season sales 

We took a look at some of the most successful Indian brands out there and tried to break down how they were reaching the right audience at the right time with the right message with their seasonal marketing campaigns.

Here are some of the lessons we learned from them, listed as simple steps or even a checklist to help you run the best holiday marketing strategy this year:  

  • Get your online store ready for the festive and holiday season 
  • Create a festive-ready collection of your products 
  • Create offers and discounts keeping the holiday season in mind 
  • Reach out to your subscribers on email to let them know
  • Set up social media ads to boost awareness around the sale 
  • Set up search ads to tap into the search intent of online shoppers 
  • Leverage content marketing 
  • Reach out to customers on SMS 
  • Send a promotional broadcast on WhatsApp 
  • Send promotions on Telegram 
  • Automate your web push notifications 
  • Create and offer gift cards 
  • Set up retargeting and remarketing ads 

1. Get your store festive ready 

First things first. Whether you have an offline store, an online one, or both, it’s time to give it the look and feel of the season!  If you have a physical store, adding a few lights during Diwali  for some happy, winter cheer can go a long way in getting into the groove and inviting more footfall. 

Similarly, if you have an online store, make sure you bring in some festive and holiday season cheer to your design. You can do this by simply changing the hero banner image on the homepage to something that reflects the festive cheer. Or if you’re taking your sale live, you could showcase this as a banner.

Then you can create an additional page to display all your discounts and deals, and redirect websites to this page. For example, ‘Secret Santa Sale’ for your Christmas marketing campaign, could be a page that displays all the items that are on discount. 

Another good idea and holiday marketing campaign example of something that works to capture attention is to use product labels to highlight the items on sale. They’re also a subtle design element that makes it easy for visitors to spot the items on discount amidst the hundreds that may be present on your site. 

Bonus tip: You can also promote a hashtag that subscribers can use to participate in the contest while sharing a purchase on social media. This is one of the ways you can gather social proof, which can become one of your most influential marketing assets.

2. Create a festive or holiday ready collection of products 

Take a look at your products, what your customers are buying actively and then create a holiday season sale collection. These could be individual items that you offer on discounts for the time period. Or you could even bundle different items to create packages they are more likely to purchase. 

For example, Phool combined their incense sticks along with diyas to create Diwali gift boxes with custom packaging for their Diwali Sale. 

Similarly, an effective Christmas promotion idea is to set up a Secret Santa page wherein shoppers making a purchase from the collection, receive a surprise gift alongside their order. 

Think strategically  about how a consumer can make use of your collection or offer and go all out with it.

This is also a good time to bundle your slow-selling products with hot-selling items to make the purchase more valuable for your customers, and to get your inventory out. But remember to create a limited inventory of the same, to keep the FOMO going in your holiday marketing strategy.  

3. Create offers and discounts keeping holiday shopping in mind 

The festive and holiday season sales aren’t just all about the deals and discounts for consumers. A lot of your potential customers are also looking for things like express shipping or discounted shipping. So take consumer psychology in mind while creating offers and discounts for this seasonal sale. 

A few offers and discounts that you can experiment with for Christmas marketing and holiday season promotions include: 

  • % off storewide 
  • % off on select items/ collections 
  • % off on a defined cart total 
  • Free shipping for a limited period of time 
  • Discounted shipping 
  • Free shipping on orders above a set threshold 
  • % off on volume purchases 
  • Buy x, get y discount 

4. Reach out to subscribers on email

As soon as you have your festive or holiday season sale planned out, use email marketing to reach out to your existing customers and subscribers. But remember a one-time announcement will do you no good! 

Start with a sneak peek into the discounts to create excitement around the sale. Then gradually countdown to the sale, nudging your subscribers to create wish lists or keep a tab on the products going up on sale to not miss out on a good deal. 

If you’re open to taking pre-orders on the discounted prices, remember to clearly mention the same in your emails. And finally, when your sale goes live, remember to clearly state the same in the email as well! 

Pro tip: Keep your subscribers engaged even during the sale using email marketing to recommend products based on their browsing history, previous purchases and more. You can also use emails to seek product reviews or feedback from customers. 

5. Set up social media ads to grab attention 

According to a study, about two-thirds of online shoppers today use social media as a part of their shopping journey. But it’s also a fact that posting on social media or creating video content is no longer enough to grab consumer attention. To get your festive and holiday season sale deals noticed, you should leverage social media ads. 

Depending on which platform your audience is the most active on, create ads that announce your sale, share discounts and deals or even collections that are up on a special price. But don’t forget to combine it with a good ad copy that lets shoppers know that these deals are time-sensitive! 

Depending on the social media channel you’re making use of, you can also set up shoppable ads like these to make it simpler for your audience to buy products they see in the promotions:

6. Run search engine ads to tap into intent 

According to a study conducted by Google, 39% of consumers are influenced by a relevant search. This simply means that for most of us, online shopping journeys start from the search engines. 

Now ranking high up on the search results when there is so much content being published, can be tough and time consuming. This is where search ads come in. 

Similar to social media ads, you can use search ads to direct traffic to your seasonal sale page for specific keywords. This will ensure that when someone is searching for ‘christmas gifts’, your ad becomes visible to them right at the top of the search results. 

7. Leverage content marketing 

Have you ever gotten stuck in a rut where you don’t know what gift would be best for a festive celebration? Or did you run out of ideas to surprise your friends and family on Christmas? Or maybe you’re hosting a party during the holiday season, but you don’t know what games you could play together? 

The very first thing you’re most likely to do, is head to the search engine to look for answers. Now your consumers are the same! 

Now we’re not saying that all of these searches were made by someone who eventually did go on to make a purchase online. But these were consumers with a high intent of making a purchase, seeking information that they may use for online or offline shopping. 

If you have a unique set of products that fall into different search buckets, leverage content marketing to target these keywords. You could write a quick blog with a list of gift ideas. Or you could simply create an Instagram guide with the help of carousels to share gift ideas from your collection of products.

If not gift ideas, you can actually use content marketing to share a story, talk about a sensitive topic or something that your audience cares about during this period. For example, Heads Up For Tails always has timely content up on their blog to guide pet owners in making the right purchases. Their focus is to educate first and then sell! 

8. Reach out to your customers on SMS 

Did you know that 64% of consumers think brands should contact them via SMS more often? 

There are about 75% of consumers who want to receive texts with special offers or notifications of ongoing discounts. And that’s your sign to start leveraging SMS marketing this festive and holiday season! 

Reach out to your existing customers and subscribers on SMS. Send them a quick update about your ongoing deals, let them know until when you have the sale live or share a special coupon code with them to encourage them to visit your store. 

9. Reach out to your customers on WhatsApp 

With about 340 million users (and increasing), India is WhatsApp’s biggest market. There are more than 100 billion messages sent via WhatsApp every day. That only goes to say how frequently we use the chat app on a daily basis! 

And that’s reason enough for you to start using WhatsApp for seasonal and holiday marketing. 

Similar to SMS marketing, you can use WhatsApp to send out broadcast messages to announce your sales and discounts. You can even set up follow-up messages to remind subscribers about the ongoing sale when it goes live, recover abandoned carts or even nurture them post-sale with review requests, product recommendations and more. 

10. Send an update on subscribers on Telegram 

A popular alternative to WhatsApp, the Telegram app has been downloaded more than 220 million times in India since August 2021. According to The Next Web, Telegram’s active user base has grown by 110% in India last year, making it another promising channel for businesses to reach out to their customers for promotional purposes. 

Similar to SMS and WhatsApp marketing, Telegram too can be used to send out broadcast messages about your ongoing sales. You can also send sale/ discount updates during the holiday season to keep customers in the loop and nudge them subtly towards making a purchase. 

Some businesses also use Telegram to create exclusive communities for their customers, wherein they share special discounts or early bird offers before the holiday season sale actually kicks off. 

11. Leverage web push notifications 

Owing to the increase in the number of online businesses, some consumers are becoming skeptical about sharing their contact information with brands. Imagine getting bombarded with promotional messages on email, SMS, WhatsApp and other platforms! 

This is where web push notifications come in, offering a soft touch communication channel. A store visitor can easily subscribe to getting updates about deals and discounts without sharing any of their contact information. 

12. Set up gift cards on your store 

According to a study conducted on the Indian retail market, the gift card market in the country is slated to grow at a CAGR of 18.4% from 2020-2025. The number shows how consumers today want to give the gift of choice to their friends and family at different occasions. And it’s no longer restricted to birthdays.  

Set up gift cards on your Shopify store for Diwali, Christmas, New Year and every little occasion in between. They make for great last-minute gifts that no one minds receiving too! 

But make sure that you promote your gift cards proactively on all popular channels of communication. Be it through social media, ad campaigns, web push, SMS or even with promotional banners on the website, don’t forget to get them in the limelight. 

13. Set up retargeting and remarketing ads 

When you start promoting your season sale, remember that it’s not a one-time effort. An average internet user sees about 5000 ads every day, on different channels and in different formats. There’s a high chance that they may forget about yours by the time they actually need to make a purchase.

This is why you need to set up retargeting and remarketing ads to bring back consumers who had shown interest in your initial set of promotional ads or other marketing efforts to promote seasonal, festive and holiday sales. 

Since this is an audience that is already aware of your discounts and the deals you’re offering and has been introduced to your brand before, they are more likely to convert. According to studies, the average click-through rate (CTR) for ads is 0.07%, while the average CTR for retargeting and remarketing ads is about 0.7%, getting you more ROI on your campaigns! 

Start an eBay Store

 Until recently I thought that it was common knowledge that you can sell on eBay without creating an eBay store.

Then I started reading some posts from eBay newbies and realized that the “eBay store” feature is seen by many newbies as a must rather than an optional feature that is relevant only to some eBay sellers depending on various parameters.

So for this post I decided to create the ultimate guide on how to start an eBay store:

Right time to open an eBay store

Subscription type to choose

Guide to setting up your eBay store

Features to implement in your store

Which 3rd party tools are recommended, if any?

When is the right time to open an eBay store

For most entrepreneurs, a store is a natural step in the growth of your online business. 

Some would argue that setting up an eBay store instead of your own webstore is a mistake , the main reason being that when you sell on a marketplace where you are a guest, you are essentially on someone else’s platform and must abide by their rules or else you run the risk of being suspended and losing your livelihood.

Going back to talking about the right time to open an eBay store, to me this is equally a cost based question as it is a branding issue, here are a few points to consider before setting up shop on eBay:

Building your brand name – having a strong brand is a key factor when selling products. Even mega brands like Coca-Cola spend tens of millions of dollars a year in brand retention. That is exactly what eBay does and that is why it attracts millions of shoppers the world over. The question you have to ask yourself is: Do I have the knowhow to build a strong enough brand to do it independently?

Cost efficiency – eBay makes it beneficial for sellers from a certain level to pay for a store subscription versus selling without a store. It mainly depends on your monthly revenue and the number of listings you post. I wrote a complete guide explaining all types of eBay seller fees including how to choose the correct eBay store subscription, please read this on order to understand the whole picture.

Promotion – Where will my products get more exposure ? eBay has millions of shoppers but also millions of sellers. But traffic is traffic and you can run relatively low cost advertising campaigns on eBay and on social media. When you have an independent web store you need to start promoting yourself from the ground up and are likely to begin with very little traffic – it will take time and money to build your customer base.

The ultimate question you ought to ask yourself though is on which platform will I be most successful and profitable?

For those of you who believe eBay is your best bet, read on and I will walk you through the process of starting your very own eBay store:

Step-by-step guide to setting up your eBay store

Keep in mind that in order to open a store on eBay, you need to first open an eBay account and it is recommended to have first sold a few items as an individual as eBay restricts new sellers, forcing them to use training wheels before they can fly.

Here is a four step guide to starting a store for the absolute newest of newbies:

Step 1: Opening an eBay business seller account

In order to sell items on eBay, you need to register for an account. At the top left hand corner click the register button:

Keep in mind that you will have to accept eBay’s user agreement and that:

It is totally free to sign up for eBay but when you do sell an item you will pay eBay seller’s fees

Be sure to be up to date with the latest eBay seller policies so that you don’t break any rules. The most recent update is the 2017 Fall seller update

If long term you are planning on making a business out of this then opt for the business account option and not the personal account. Do keep in mind though that you have to be a legally registered business for this.

register ebay business account

Once you have registered you will need to decide what to sell on eBay. If you already have a bricks and mortar store then you will probably want to sell those items online otherwise I would recommend focusing on selling one type of item such as men’s shoes or one category type such as men’s clothing. This will make you seem like an expert in your field to potential buyers. And of course you can always check out the “Trending on eBay!” page to see what is hot right now:

Start by listing a few individual items for sale on eBay. Remember that eBay will charge you once you have sold the item and try to:

Write a title that real buyers would search for. See my my previous eBay Title builder blog for more on this

Include high quality photos

Write a thorough description or consider using a high generating eBay description template

Step 2: Qualify to open a store

I recommend you gain 3-6 months of experience before opening up your store. This will allow you to:

Learn about the buying and selling process

Allow you to hopefully receive positive buyer reviews and feedback

Do away with eBay restrictions for new sellers

Make sure you are generating enough monthly sales in order to make it worth your while to open an eBay store. I recommend you be moving $500-$1,000 a month in merchandise.

eBay recommends that sellers have at least 25 active eBay listings at a time so make sure you have that many and that you can handle that level of inventory management.

Make sure you have a payment method on file – eBay requires this so that they can automatically charge you seller fees when items are sold.

Also make sure that you have a verified PayPal account as many buyers prefer this method of payment. Typically you will need to provide:

Bank account information

Credit card information

Tax ID number such as your Social Security

choose payment method for ebay store

Step 3: Choose the right eBay store subscription

First off you need to choose what type of subscription you want and need. Before choosing I recommend you start simple as you can upgrade at any point in time (eBay recently announced on a lower store subscription tier called ‘Starter’ which costs $7.95/mo so you may consider this plan at first). Choosing a plan means you will not be paying individual listing fees rather one flat fee for a specific predetermined number of listings. The more items you sell on eBay the better the offer will be. Here is the official eBay pricing chart:

As you can see eBay has divided its store subscriptions into three simple categories (we did not include the ‘starter’ and ‘enterprise’ plans as they are not live yet):

Basic – 250 fixed price listings per  month at a 20 cent insertion fee and 250 auction style listings per month at 25 cents as well as 5,000 off-eBay promotional emails per month  

Premium – 1,000 fixed price listings per  month at a 10 cent insertion fee and 500 auction style listings per month at 15 cents as well as 7,500 off-eBay promotional emails per month

Anchor – 10,000 fixed price listings per month at a 5 cent insertion fee and 1,000 auction style listings per month at 10 cents as well as 10,000 off-eBay promotional emails per month

Choose your store name

Next, Choose a name for your store – this name will ultimately become your store’s URL so make sure to choose wisely and think about how real people will be able to find you or more accurately your product on a search engine. Try to be precise over being cool or humorous: try ‘Men’s Clothing & Accessories’ over ‘Mike’s Shoes & Belts’, for example.

ebay store name url

Once you have chosen your subscription type and your store name you simply have to agree to eBay’s terms and conditions and officially subscribe.

subscribe to an ebay store

Now your store is active you can start selling like a pro and you can work on other aspects of your business such as:




Just to name a few.

Step 4: Design your eBay store

By now you are well on your way to becoming a successful eBay shop owner. Don’t forget to:

Constantly add new items to your store

Offer promotions

Pay attention to which products are selling and which aren’t – ditch the ones that aren’t profitable and increase the variety of your top sellers

Don’t forget to try out both ‘auctions’ and ‘buy it now’ and see which one works best for you

Oh ya, don’t forget to have fun – shopping should always be fun and believe it or not shoppers can sense sellers who are positive and believe in their product, your shop window (or homepage in this case) is your facial expression and smiles sell more than frowns 🙂

Setting up the 2 most valuable eBay store features

#2: Creating store categories

Creating ebay store categories

Be sure to create categories for your store. eBay gives you the option to divide your products into categories as a store owner and this makes it untellingly easier for customers to find your items which ultimately makes it easier for you to move your merchandise. If you are selling men’s clothing consider putting each item in its proper category such as:












store categories for clothing

#2: Building an email list for newsletters

Building an email list of your shoppers is critical for repeat business. Over time it’s one of the most effective tactics to generate more sales. The idea behind this is very simple: think about it from a shopper’s view, if you bought something and you’re happy with the experience, would you buy from the same retailer again?

eBay allows its store owners to dabble in email marketing via newsletter and shoppers can sign up by:

adding you to their list of saved sellers

or clicking ‘sign up for store newsletter’ which appears on your store homepage

Sellers typically create these messages in order to:

Promote their store

Update customers regarding sales

Inform shoppers when new items are added to your store

And to generally touch base with customers and remind them that your store is there for them whenever they should need to make their next purchase

eBay provides ready made templates under ‘marketing tools’ > ‘email marketing’ (I also recommend reading X-cart’s expert guide about email marketing templates).

Your email will be comprised of:

Subject – This appears in people’s inbox and is the first thing they see assuming your email hopefully did not end up in their spam box. Try and make this short, catchy and simple, for example: ‘Hot new men’s outfits’ or ‘winter sale: 20%off all items’

Header – This will appear at the top of the message and might be something catchy like ‘50% off all electronics’ or ‘buy one get one free’

Personal message – You want to keep this message professional but friendly and let people briefly know what you are selling and why they should buy from your store today

Items to showcase – here you can highlight items that you want to push or that are particularly popular, on special offer or new arrivals. These items appear as large images at the top of the message

Item list – eBay allows you to display a list of up to 50 items so that shoppers can browse your wares without leaving the comfort of their inbox

Seller feedback – you have the option to link to your feedback. Positive peer feedback and high ratings consistently account for consumers choosing whether or not to buy from one seller or another so make sure to include this line if you have great ratings. If your feedback or ratings are not so high maybe avoid displaying this link altogether.


Having a store on eBay is definitely not a must, it should be a financial decision first and a branding decision next.