Date Night

I met the moon for coffee

it was Tuesday night I think

when he watched me hardly sleeping

and invited me for drinks

we found ourselves a table

in the middle of the night

whilst the constellations twinkled

like a thousand fairy lights

he asked me how I’d been

as he poured coffee from a pot

and he said he’d watched me

waking up at midnight quit a lot

I said my head was far too full

my mind was always on

and when I woke, it felt as if

I was the only one

the only one who watched the moon

whilst sitting on my bed

with thoughts that raced at lightning speed

around my busy head

the only one who watched the clock

tick one and two and three

who lay awake and worried

whilst the world was fast asleep

my thoughts remained in orbit

and I couldn’t pull them back

as they preferred to swim against

a sky so vast and black

the moon said simply nothing

but he opened up a book

and I saw it was a diary

so I took a closer look

and listed there were names

of people all around the Earth

and all the thoughts and worries

that the moon had overheard

just then, my eyes were drawn

towards the name that was my own

and that was when the moon said

“see, you shouldn’t feel alone”

and then he pulled me close

using the night sky as a blanket

and said “I know you sometimes

feel so lonely on this planet

but when you cannot sleep, ger up

and watch me from your room

and you’ll see so many others

having coffee with the moon


When you can’t sleep, what do you do?

Just fret and worry, toss and stew?

That is a foolish thing to do!

It only makes blue things more blue.

Why don’t you lie and just relax?

Forget about your income tax!

Then jump aboard your memory ship

And , back to childhood, take a trip.

Play once again the ages you played;

That causes fret and fume to fade.

The swimming hole, the rippling brook,

The funny story, cowboy book;

The fun you had, while just a boy,

Will prove that life has lot of joy.

Go tramp the field and woods again

Get lost once more in drenching rain.

Remember, when the bull chased you,

The fence you had to struggle through.

Or think of dolls that made you glad

And how you loved the neighbor’s lad.

Go back to school or Sunday school

The pranks you played; the Golden Rule.

Repeat the prayers your mother said

Each night when you were tucked in bed.

Then, if you’ve taken my advice,

You’ll find that life is pretty nice.

Perhaps you’ll laugh, perhaps you’ll weep

Then, in sheer gladness, go to sleep.


Fear Lurks in the familiar

and he finds comfort in my darkness.

With not enough heart to deny my old friend, Fear,

a safe place to settle,

he makes himself at home with me

every night.

Fear prepares my bedtime story

and I follow his bespoke narrative.

Fear works with avoided truths

and he knows what I can see

when I glance into a shadowed alley.

And he knows what I feel

when I detect an unknown presence close behind me.

Fear arrived again last night

and I ushered him into the darkest corner

and he coaxed me in with him too.

He introduced me to another unfamiliar room

and promised no surprises

as my limbs stiffened

and my mind desperately choked

into a comfortable lethargy.

Fear taunts me with the same narrative every night.

The impulsive smother,

the frozen submission,

and the frantic search for refuge from a person

I’ve not yet been acquainted with.

Fear made a mistake last night,

He forgot to turn off the light in the room he placed me in.

The light grew

and it’s warmth unfroze me from my fate.

My body loosened and lifted me away,

something I knew Fear wouldn’t have the power to do.

I was honest with Fear last night,

I said

Light offers me more than darkness

and I’m curious to hear another narrative.

I’m tired of being told the same story every night,

and I think it’s time you give yourself a rest.

Fear surprised me for the first time last night.

His face grew softer

and he came out of the darkness

and that’s when I realized 

that it was my turn now

to tell fear a bedtime story

The Sun-Kissed Sea

A beauty rare, beyond compare,

    Is sun- kissed sea.

No scene so calm- no scene so fair

    As this to me.

When floods of light dispel the night,

   The morning’s kiss,

On waves which sparkle with delight,

   Is loveliness.

When ends my day, I trust and pray,

    My voyage be

O’er waters where some golden ray

   My kiss the sea.

No -one cares

I lend everone my ear,

But nobody my heart,

And I sure would like to change that,

But I don’t know where to start,

I smile more to myself,

Than the world will ever see,

Because the only time my smile is real,

Is in my own company,

People don’t know how I feel,

They never even ask,

It seems that I have fooled them all,

They can’t see past my mask,

If they were with me late at night,

When the world was still asleep,

Maybe then I’d let them sort,

Through the secrets that I keep,

But when I wake at 2am,

Nobody is ever there,

And I learnt that why I hide my heart,

Is because no-one really cares.

It’s ok

It’s ok to not have answers.

It’s ok to not be strong.

It’s ok to do nothing at all.

It’s ok, so ok, to be wrong.

It’s ok to just be you.

It’s ok to lose a game or fight.

It’s ok to take a nap.

It’s ok to cry in bed at night.

It’s ok to go your own way.

It’s ok to play for fun.

It’s ok to fail a test.

It’s ok to not be number one.

It’s ok to be alone.

It’s ok to make a mistake.

It’s ok to stare out a window.

It’s ok to need a break.

When I was young so long ago

here’s something I wish I knew-

When the world says, Listen to me

It’s ok to listen to you.

Loving You With Everything

I’m going to love you in your weakest moments to your strongest ones.

 I’m going to love you when you’re happy and I’m going to still love you the most when you’re sad. Don’t you understand? I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere I want to love you, each and every piece of you. I want you with your imperfections as much as I want you for you. 

And I’m always going to be here loving you with everything.

The Special One

I want to be,

special for someone.

So that I never feel alone-

Two arms holding me tight,

And forever keep me close.

I want to find the missing colors,

For my life is black and white.

Someone crawling in my thoughts

When I try to sleep at night.

I want to find the wandering feet

That with mine will walk the world.

Someone warm against my skin

When the winter nights are cold.

And forever keep me close

Two arms holding me tight,

So that I never feel alone-

I want to be,

Your special one.

The Night

It’s been a while since words have found me,

   the time between – you’ll come and go;

   I’d grown to love the sun around me,

   I’ve been a stranger to my woe.

It’s been so long since there was silence,

   all around me, your voice had rung;

   like a bird who sings, to greet the morning,

   to tell you that the day has come.

It’s been some time since I’ve felt lonely,

    like a book that is, no longer read;

    the darkness lingers on, without you,

    it fills my empty heart with dread.

It seems an age ago, since you have left me,

    time has filled me, with words unsaid;

    as the sadness seeps into me slowly,

    and I am left to face the night ahead.

I’m trapped inside a tower

I’m trapped inside a tower,

I’ve been locked and lost the key,

Now the darkness that creeps in at night,

Is my only company,

No-one tries to save me here,

Since they can’t hear my cries,

I pass my days in solitude,

Watch the world move on outside,

This tower isn’t very grand,

It’s really not the tall,

But still I can’t escape it,

I can’t break free at all,

You can’t see this tower,

Juts believe it’s there instead,

Because my tower isn’t made of stone,

It’s all inside my head.