7 ways to make money and scale your business with Amazon

 Amazon can be a great place to build your business, whether you want to sell a few products as a side hustle or are thinking about adding an online sales channel to your existing business. From choosing a product to building your own brand, explore some of the different ways you can make money with Amazon.

7 ways to make money on Amazon

1. Choose a product type or specialize in a niche

Choosing a product to sell can be a challenge. Start by thinking about your interests and hobbies, allowing you to draw on your strengths and capitalize on knowledge you might have about a particular industry. Other times, inspiration can strike when you least expect it.

You might try selling a single product, or source a variety of items from different product categories. You might find yourself gravitating toward one category, like clothing or toys. You may want to expand your catalog, or narrow it down to a handful of products—maybe even just one top seller.

Check out this guide to find product ideas, and get inspired by this list of successful online businesses.

Use Product Opportunity Explorer in Seller Central to identify popular product categories and niches.

Keep an eye on purchases, and let sales analytics guide your decisions.

2. Sell handcrafted items

If you’re a pro at sewing, woodworking, or another skill, turn your expertise into an ecommerce business. Amazon Handmade is an online community of artisans selling unique goods to a global audience. This program comes along with a fee waiver for a Professional selling plan, plus other perks for artists and creatives who want to share their work with the world.

Learn how other artisans turned their handmade passions into a business in the Amazon store.

See how you can easily list your first handmade product.

Explore how Amazon Lending can help you fund your business.

3. Create and distribute merch

Maybe you have a great idea for a funny T-shirt or coffee mug. Bring your ideas to life with Amazon Merch on Demand. This program allows you to design custom apparel and accessories on a print-on-demand basis. Products print after each sale (so you don’t have to worry about unsold stock) and ship through Prime so customers can receive orders quickly).

Have an idea but need someone to bring it to life? Amazon’s Merch Collab is a licensing program where brands collaborate with qualified designers and manufacturers to create branded merchandise.

Keep in mind considerations for selling clothes online and running an online clothing business.

Learn more about requirements for brand names and logos in the Amazon store.

4. Sell to businesses

Amazon Business provides a suite of features and tools that can help you connect with business-to-business (B2B) customers. Business customers often buy in larger quantities and return items less—which means you can sell more with less time and effort. Reach business customers with customized prices, bulk selection, certifications, and other B2B features.

Use certifications and a business profile to help your products stand out to procurement professionals and other B2B customers shopping on Amazon Business.

Understand and manage your B2B sales in this B2B Central overview.

Get B2B product and pricing recommendations using Business Discount Insights.

5. Earn passive income by recommending products

You don’t need to sell products to make money with Amazon. Amazon’s affiliate marketing program, Amazon Associates, lets you monetize traffic through social media and other channels by recommending products for sale in the Amazon store. This affiliate marketing model allows you to earn up to 10% in commissions. Interested in earning passive income?

Associates Central has resources for reporting, payments, account information, and more.

Associates use easy link-building tools to direct audience to recommendations.

If you have a following on social media platforms, you can also join Amazon’s Influencer Program. You can monetize your social media content by recommending Amazon products and earning commissions on qualifying purchases.

6. Sell books online

Selling books online can be a great way to generate some extra income. Whether you want to resell children’s or comic books, list rare collectibles, or self-publish a book you wrote, selling books online can help you reach readers around the globe.

Secondhand books are generally easier to find, cheaper to acquire, and can be more profitable if you find good deals locally or online. Learn about Amazon’s condition guidelines for books.

Have you written the next great novel or play? Self-publish through Kindle Direct Publishing, which allows you to maintain control of your rights, set your prices, make changes anytime, and earn royalty on sales.

Book prices depend on variables like type and condition. It can be a good idea to monitor the prices of other booksellers and adjust your prices accordingly to make sure they’re competitive. Amazon’s Automate Pricing tool lets you automatically adjust prices based on pricing rules and preferences.

7. Resell, wholesale, or dropship products

Rather than creating your own product or establishing a brand, other ways to make money with Amazon are by reselling, sourcing wholesale, or dropshipping products.

Resell products: Amazon can be a great channel to resell for a profit. Just be sure to follow Amazon’s selling policies and code of conduct for sellers.

Source wholesale: If you’re planning to move lots of inventory, work with a wholesaler or a manufacturer to set up a supply chain and get products into the hands of as many customers as possible.

Dropship or print on demand: Don’t want to invest in procuring and storing inventory until the product sells? You can work with a dropshipper to send orders directly to customers after they place purchases. You might also use a print-on=demand solution like Amazon Merch.

You can start out with just one of these strategies, or try a combination. Get inspired and learn more with this guide to inventory management.

Strategies to drive ecommerce sales

Once you’ve decided how you want to make money in the Amazon store, there’s a range of ecommerce strategies you can use to grow your business.

Build your own brand

Building your own brand takes effort and investment, but it can pay off in customer loyalty. Plus, Amazon offers a suite of brand-building tools and protection benefits through Amazon Brand Registry. From enhancing your product detail pages and increasing customer engagement, to generating customer reviews and protecting against counterfeits, the program takes the guesswork out of brand management.

Build your brand with tools that help grow awareness for your brand, improve customer consideration, increase conversion, and build brand loyalty.

Protect your brand with programs and tools like Transparency and Report a violation to give you peace of mind.

Make strategic decisions to grow your business based on aggregated customer data with Amazon Brand Analytics.

Set competitive prices

Do you have a pricing strategy? If not, researching the competition for products you’d like to sell can be helpful. This is especially important when you first list products, but sales can benefit in the long run if you set up a system to conduct pricing research on a regular basis.

Dedicate some time to analyzing prices for similar products in Amazon search, or use our Automate Pricing tool to automatically set prices across your portfolio based on current demand.

Optimize listings to connect with more shoppers

To connect your offerings with more potential customers, use SEO best practices to help product listings rank in search results. Basic search engine optimization involves targeting specific keywords in product titles, bullet points, and product description.

The Listing Quality Dashboard on Seller Central can help you identify ways to improve the discoverability of your products by recommending product attributes and other details to add to your product listings. This can improve the customer’s experience and fix time-sensitive issues that may result in your listing being hidden from search results.

Cross-sell, advertise, and offer special deals

Depending on the products you’re selling and your ideal audience, trying new sales and marketing tactics can be a great way to boost your bottom line. Here are a few ideas for driving sales on Amazon:

Cross-sell or up-sell: Cross-selling is where you help the customer find products related to the one they want to buy. For example, someone purchasing a phone might also want a phone case. With Virtual Bundles, you can combine two to five complementary products from your enrolled brand on a single product detail page. Up-selling is where you recommend a premium version of a product or an upgrade, such as an add-on. Use comparison charts in A+ Content to subtly cross-sell or up-sell.

Advertise: Amazon offers cost-per-click ads to help you reach current and future customers, including Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. Reach customers outside of Amazon by using Sponsored Display.

Offer deals and coupons: You can entice customers with digital coupons and promotions. Two common types are Lightning Deals (random deals that appear throughout the day) and Best Deals (short-term promotions where an item is featured for a limited number of days).

To land on the Amazon Deals Page, try promoting your offers with seasonal sales, or run deals for holidays and shopping events such as Prime Day. Learn more in this guide to ecommerce marketing.

Experiment with A/B Testing

What content works best? With A/B testing, you can find out by comparing different versions of titles, images, and other parts of a product listing.

lofi illustration of AB testing campaign results

Experimentation can increase sales by up to 25%. Run A/B tests (also known as split tests) on Amazon product content to optimize for conversions using the Manage Your Experiments tool found in Seller Central. Learn more about how running A/B tests can help your bottom line.

Engage your audience

Engaging with your customers can be a key part of creating customer loyalty. You can do this a few ways.

After a customer purchases a product, you can follow up with them via email and invite them to leave product reviews. Amazon offers email templates to help you shape the customer journey to improve sales.

If your customers spend time on social media, it might be worth investing in social media marketing. You can hold contests, post trivia, and use other interactive ways to show people products and channel traffic to visit your online store. If you want to take it to the next level, social selling through a destination like Amazon Live is a way to do product reveals in real-time, give customers tailored product suggestions, and more.

Tools and program to help you scale

Signing up for Amazon’s Professional selling plan comes with access to a host of programs and tools to benefit your business—whether you’re already established in ecommerce or considering selling in the Amazon store for the first time.

Take advantage of fulfillment solutions

The fulfillment process—picking, packaging, shipping orders, and handling returns—can consume valuable time and resources, especially as you scale. But you have several fulfillment options based on your specific needs: fulfill orders on your own, outsource fulfillment, or do both.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) lets you outsource order fulfillment to Amazon. Once you send your inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment network, we store, pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service and returns. The program can help you increase sales and stay focused on growing your business.

You can also use FBA’s Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) program to outsource fulfillment for purchases made on your own website or another sales channels.

Streamline operations with ecommerce automation

Amazon provides sellers with automated technology for inventory management, tracking sales and orders, responding to customers, and other essentials. Simplify and automate daily tasks to keep your business running smoothly, such as marketing workflows and analytics reporting.

Automating your business can save you time, improve customer satisfaction, maintain a consistent brand presence, and help you gain valuable business insights.

Process payments

Payment processing is a key part of providing customers with a seamless shopping experience. Amazon Pay offers shoppers the trust and convenience of Amazon for your online store, while Amazon Currency Converter in Seller Central lets you sell globally and get paid in your local currency.

Pinterest SEO: 7 Steps to Harness This Marketing Strategy

 Sure, Pinterest is a haven for pretty things. Who doesn’t love photos of adorable kittens in teacups? But did you know you can use Pinterest SEO (search engine optimization) to increase your reach on Pinterest?

Under its glossy sheen, Pinterest is a robust informational superhighway. Imagine metal cogs whirring and shifting at warp speed.

It can be the best thing that’s happened to your website or online shop. Traffic, shares, all that good stuff.

So let’s make that happen, shall we?

If you haven’t yet read my post on 6 steps to set up your Pinterest profile to get found & make sales, do that first. What I talk about in this post should come after you’ve built that solid foundation. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t take very long!

Once you’ve gotten that out of the way, your next step is to optimize your Pinterest profile for search engine optimization. But before you actually DO anything, you should follow these three steps first. Trust me, they’re important.

7 Essential Pinterest SEO Tips

1. Identify Your Ideal Audience/Customer

Everything you do on Pinterest should attract your ideal customer. So, you’ll need to consider who that is for your business.

Take a look at who has bought from you in the past: what patterns do you see in their lifestyle, interests, and actions?

This might sound weird, but write out a bio of your ideal customer. This will help you focus on your niche, and determine how to proceed with the next steps below.

2. Brainstorm 10-20 Boards Within Your Niche

Keep in mind these boards should mirror both your products and your ideal audience’s interests. Think of it as a Venn diagram (if that doesn’t ring any bells, it’s the one with the two circles that intersect). Which types of boards are related to both your products and your ideal customers’ interests?

For example, let’s say you sell Harry Potter bookmarks. You might want to create some boards like “Harry Potter Fan Art”, “Harry Potter Quotes”, and “Awesome Gifts for Harry Potter Fans”. But go a step further. People who like Harry Potter are likely to love all things books. Think “Dream Home Library” or “Literary Home Decor”.

This way, you’re not limiting yourself too much, but you’re staying within the scope of your niche.

3. Use the Search Bar for Pinterest SEO Keyword Research

If you’re on your home feed, tap the search bar at the top and start typing a word related to your niche, then click ‘Search’. More words will appear below that finish the phrase. You can scroll over to see more. These are keywords people are searching for.

You’ll want to find at least 10-15 of these phrases (also known as long-tail keywords) to use while optimizing your profile for SEO. Think of words your ideal customer might use, and what they might be searching for within your niche.

For example, if you’re a watercolor artist, you might want to start by searching for “Watercolor Art”. Some additional keywords that show up are “Abstract”, “Flowers”, and “Disney”. If any of these phrases relate to your products, use them for your SEO (we’ll get to that next).

4. Create 15-20 Boards + Optimize Them for Pinterest SEO

Now that you’ve thought up 15-20 niche-specific boards, it’s time to add those keywords. Add a keyword-rich title and description to each board. Since you have more space here, focus more on using long-tail (entire phrase) keywords.

Be sure to add related categories to your boards. There should be a dropdown menu for this when you edit your board.

Also, include a board for JUST your products and/or blog posts. Don’t make it difficult for people to follow your original pins! I don’t know how many times I’ve come across a pinner who creates beautiful pins, but only pins them to group boards that I might not want to follow. No one should ever stumble on your Pinterest profile and have trouble finding pictures of what it is you actually sell.

*SEO tip: when you first add a new pin of yours to a board, pin it to the MOST relevant board first. This makes sure Pinterest understands exactly what the pin is about. Then, add that pin to your generic brand/business board later on.

5. Add Descriptions + Hashtags to Pins

In the same vein as the step above, add related long-tail keywords to your pin descriptions. Yes, this includes pins you’re re-pinning from others’ accounts – just don’t put as much time into those. One or two phrases should be fine there.

Pinterest prefers descriptions to be full sentences, not just keyword-stuffed jumbles of words. On your own pins, write a few sentences with your keywords in them, then add 3-5 related hashtags to the bottom.

Yep, Pinterest uses hashtags now! They’re just like Instagram hashtags. Pins with a specific hashtag will show up chronologically whenever someone searches for that hashtag.

6. Title Your Images Before You Upload

Before you upload an image directly to Pinterest, check to make sure the image’s name is relevant. Yes, it actually matters what the image is titled on your hard drive. The more relevant it is, the more SEO juice you’ll get.

7. Add Alt-Text to Images on Your Website

If you have a website, make sure to add alt-text to all your images. If someone pins an image from your site, the alt-text is what pulls in as the description.

This way, you’re saving people time by writing a description for them, and you’re making sure your pin is SEO-optimized so it gets seen by more people. Win-win!

But keep in mind: when it comes to image alt-text, it’s best to keep it short and avoid any hashtags or keyword-stuffing. Otherwise, you could hurt your Google rankings.

And there you have it. Soon enough, you’ll be beating off hordes of followers with a stick! Well, maybe not quite that. You’re probably a nice person. 🙂

How to Find Your Niche: A Step-by-Step Guide

 “The riches are in the niches.”

A popular saying that makes me realize I’ve probably been pronouncing “niche” wrong this whole time. 

If you’re interested in doing business online, creating content, or developing products, odds are you’ve heard about the importance of creating a niche. 

A niche is a specific area or topic that you’re passionate about and can excel in. It’s something that you enjoy doing and that you have a unique perspective or expertise on. 

But how do you go about finding your niche? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Interests and Passions

The first step in finding your niche is to take some time to reflect on what you’re interested in and what you’re passionate about. This could be anything from a hobby you love or something you’re really good at. 

If you ask me, there’s no such thing as too small of a niche. Check out Reddit, for example. There are subreddits for just about every topic under the sun with passionate communities behind them!

To get started, do a quick brain dump of all the things you enjoy doing in your free time. Also consider any causes or issues that are important to you and add those to the list. 

Once you have your list, take some time to think about what it is about each of these interests and passions that draws you to them. 

Do you love the creativity and self-expression of painting? Do you appreciate the relaxation and escape that reading provides? Understanding the underlying motivations behind your interests and passions can help you narrow down your niche and find a focus that truly speaks to you.

Step 2: Consider Your Skills and Expertise

In addition to your interests and passions, it’s important to consider your skills and expertise when trying to find your niche. What are you naturally good at? What do you have experience or training in? These factors can help you identify areas where you have a unique perspective or a competitive advantage.

For example, if you’re obsessed with finances and have your Notion budget spreadsheet dialed in, you might consider starting a blog or consulting business focused on helping people achieve their financial goals. If you always find yourself dreaming of the next place you’ll visit, you might consider starting a travel blog or becoming a freelance travel writer.

In addition to your personal interests, think about any skills you’ve developed through your personal or professional experiences. These could include things like problem-solving, communication, or leadership. These skills can be valuable assets that can help you stand out. 

Step 3: Research Your Niche

Once you have a list of potential niches, it’s time to narrow them down. Here are a few things to consider in narrowing your list. 

Demand: Is there a demand for the product or service you’re considering offering in your niche? You’ll want to make sure there is a market for what you’re offering before you invest too much time and energy into it. You can research this by looking at industry reports, talking to potential clients or customers, and examining the competition in the market.

Competition: How crowded is the market in your niche? While it’s not necessarily a deal-breaker if it’s a crowded space (take food blogging for example), you’ll want to consider how you can differentiate yourself and stand out from the competition. Look for opportunities to offer unique products or services, or to position yourself as an expert in a certain area. 

Profit potential: Is it possible to make a living in your niche? While making a profit isn’t the only reason to pursue a particular niche, it’s important to consider whether it’s a viable option. 

Alignment with your values: Does your niche align with your personal values and goals? It’s important to choose a niche that aligns with your values and that you feel good about contributing to. This will make it easier for you to stay motivated and passionate throughout your journey. 

Step 4: Narrow Your Niche

Once you’ve done some reflection and research, you may find that you’re interested in a specific sub-niche within your broader area of interest. For example, if you’re interested in health and wellness, you might find that you’re particularly passionate about helping people with anxiety or holistic health.

Narrowing your focus to a specific sub-niche can help you stand out from the competition and make it easier for potential customers to understand what you offer..

Are you struggling to find your place in the world? Finding your niche could be the key to unlocking your potential and finding fulfillment in your work. In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to find your niche, including tips

Finding your niche is an important step in building a business that truly speaks to you. By reflecting on your interests and passions, considering your skills and expertise, and researching and testing different options, you can find a niche that aligns with your values and goals and allows you to make a difference in the world. Don’t be afraid to try out different niches and narrow your focus as you go – the key is to find something that truly resonates with you and that you’re passionate about.

Niche Blogs

 Why Your Blog Needs a Niche 

POV: You’re planning to start a blog that can generate a (full-time) income, but you have no idea what topics you want to blog about.

Or… you already have a blog, but you cover a wide range of topics, and you’re wondering if it would be valuable for your blog to choose a clear direction.

If either of these situations applies to you, then this is the right article for you!

In this post, I’ll explain why choosing a specific niche for your blog is incredibly important, and you’ll find a list of the 15 most profitable niches to choose from.

What is a blog niche exactly?

A blog niche is the specialized field that revolves around your website and/or blog. It’s the subject you focus on when publishing content for your readers. For example, a blog in the food niche will only write about topics related to nutrition and won’t cover parenting tips.

Why is choosing a blog niche important?

Choosing a niche is becoming increasingly crucial. In August 2022, Google introduced a significant update stating that websites with expert status will perform better than those that write about anything and everything.

Many bloggers have a lifestyle blog. I also considered starting one for a while because a lifestyle blog essentially covers all topics the blogger finds interesting. Sometimes I see a single blog covering topics like parenting, business, interior design, and travel.

That’s all great, but when it comes to organic traffic, Google prefers to see you demonstrate expertise in a specific subject. By covering too many topics, you don’t send a clear signal about what you truly have to offer.

And it’s not just about Google, right? Because even – or especially – for the ultimate reader, a niche blog is much better. When you go to a hair salon, you don’t expect to be able to buy fishing gear there too, do you?

And if you could buy both, does this hair salon truly have a passion for their field, and is it wise to expect expert hair advice? And will you ever come back as a customer in the future?

In short, choosing a niche is crucial if you want to establish a profitable blog, and as online competition continues to grow, your expert status will become increasingly important.

If you know a few things about “effective parenting” and write a few blog posts about it, you’ll always find professional parenting blogs that can provide much more comprehensive and superior information.

But how do you go about choosing a blog niche?

The formula for success is simple: your area of interest plus the topics within that subject that are frequently searched for equals your profitable blog niche!

Now, that may sound easier said than done, and the truth is, many bloggers end up selecting the wrong niche or choosing the right one but failing to write – about topics they can rank for or that have a demand.

Let me break it down for you: almost any niche has the potential for profitability, but it’s undeniably easier to make money by promoting higher-priced products that offer generous commissions, rather than recommending a €20 book in every single blog post.

Furthermore, conducting thorough research within your niche is crucial. You need to identify which topics are consistently searched for and determine if you can establish authority and rank for them based on your domain expertise.

So, when it comes to choosing your niche, consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • What are your personal interests?
  • What subjects do you possess extensive knowledge about?
  • How competitive is the niche you’ve chosen, and how much time investment will it require to carve out your own piece of the pie in that industry?
  • Can you find enough beginner-friendly keywords that you can rank for in this niche?

And if you happen to have an online store, your niche is already defined. It’s crucial to align the topics of your blog with the products or services you offer in your shop.

15 Exciting Niches for Your Blog

Still uncertain about the perfect niche for your blog and in need of some inspiration? Look no further! Here’s a comprehensive list featuring a remarkable 15 profitable niches to choose from.


One of the most competitive yet highly rewarding niches at present is finance. It’s no wonder, as money is something everyone desires more of, regardless of the time of year. 😉 In today’s world, people are constantly searching for innovative ways to save, earn, and ultimately achieve financial freedom.

You don’t need a degree to dive into this niche, but Google does take into account your qualifications in this field. Possessing some background knowledge in finance is definitely advantageous, and if you don’t have it, you’ll need to establish yourself in this area.

Saving money

Frugal living


Affiliate marketing

Side hustle ideas


Debt repayment

Financial freedom


Will you be my direct competitor? 😉 Blogging is also a highly competitive subject , so be prepared. However, it aligns perfectly with the current trend of individuals seeking to learn how to earn money online.

You can write about anything related to starting, managing, and promoting a blog, and, of course, share your own blogging journey.

Starting a blog

Hosting providers

Monetizing your blog

Blog promotion (social media)



We live in a time when our dear Mother Earth is not in her best state, and sustainability is a topic that concerns nearly everyone. If you already lead a very eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle, why not contribute even more by sharing your knowledge with others?

Sustainable travel

Ethical fashion

Green toys

Zero waste

Sustainable crafting ideas


This is the most popular niche, but it can also be the most broad and challenging for establishing yourself as an expert. If you choose the lifestyle theme, it’s better to select a sub-niche and focus your blog specifically on that.

Interior design and home decor

DIY projects



Gift guides


Dating advice

Relationship advice

Wedding planning

Living together

Valentine’s Day

Health and Fitness

Weight Loss

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss



Health Tips

Staying Fit During Lockdowns




Dogs / Cats / Fish, etc.

Pet Health

Pet Nutrition

Training Animals

Dog / Cat Sitting

Beauty and Fashion

Makeup Essentials / Tutorials

Favorite Beauty Products

Skincare Products

Skincare Routine

Outfit Ideas

Latest Fashion Trends

Hair Care

Nail Art



Travel Essentials

Budget Travel Destinations

Luxury Travel Destinations

Unique Airbnbs


If you love spending your weekends binge-watching Netflix and staying updated on the latest movies and series, you can share your honest reviews on your blog!

Celebrities / Gossip

Film/TV Show Reviews


Reviews Book Reviews


Starting a Business

All About Entrepreneurship

Bookkeeping / Taxes

Digital Marketing

If you have a background in digital marketing or experience managing social media accounts, share your knowledge and expertise on a digital marketing blog!

Instagram Influencing

Pinterest Marketing

Facebook Ad Manager

Instagram Tips and Strategies

Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing


Are you someone who loves cooking up elaborate meals, constantly experimenting with new recipes, and creating mouthwatering dishes? Then starting a food blog is perfect for you. People are always on the lookout for fresh recipe ideas, and food blogs are incredibly popular. And if you do start a food blog, make sure to share your posts on Pinterest, the go-to platform for every food blogger out there!

Explore different cuisines

Vegetarian / Vegan options

Delectable recipes

Organic food

Meal planning tips

Study and Education

Are you a student with some insightful hacks to share with your fellow students? Create a study/education blog and pass on your knowledge!

Navigating independent living

Valuable study tips

Preparing for graduation

Choosing a major

Internship experiences (abroad)


New parents are constantly seeking tips and advice from those who have been there before—other parents! Personal anecdotes that resonate with new moms and dads are highly sought after. Moreover, you can provide reviews on the countless products available for each stage of babyhood!

Pregnancy guidance

Baby care essentials

Mom life / Dad life / Single parenting

Childcare advice

Remote Work / Digital Nomad

Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle

Becoming a digital nomad

Thriving in remote and location-independent work

Tax and administrative considerations for digital nomads

Discovering digital nomad destinations

In conclusion

Choosing a niche for your blog is incredibly important for achieving organic success in Google. Those who demonstrate themselves as true experts in their field are more likely to secure a spot at the top of the search results compared to those who only have a shallow understanding of various topics.

It’s actually quite logical when you think about it, but as a blogger, it’s important to be aware of this fact.

What niche will you choose for your blog? Let us know in the comments below!