
You haven’t wasted time when things don’t

work out. Yes, time has passed, and you can’t

get it back, but now, everything that happened

taught you: you are worth so much more than

that. You have started to see that even though

letting go was one of the hardest things you

have ever had to do, now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can now take 

deep breaths knowing that the mere fact that

you’re here means your story isn’t over yet.

Today may look different from what you

planned a year ago, and this is also true:

through every change, now you know, the

morning sun still shines. The moon still

illuminates the evening sky. And every day,

you are starting to see: love is still boundless

and so much greater than you imagined it to

be. You’ve had to say goodbye to so many

things, and yet, here you are, still finding

peace. still pursuing growth and wisdom, as

you become who you were meant to be.

Date Night

I met the moon for coffee

it was Tuesday night I think

when he watched me hardly sleeping

and invited me for drinks

we found ourselves a table

in the middle of the night

whilst the constellations twinkled

like a thousand fairy lights

he asked me how I’d been

as he poured coffee from a pot

and he said he’d watched me

waking up at midnight quit a lot

I said my head was far too full

my mind was always on

and when I woke, it felt as if

I was the only one

the only one who watched the moon

whilst sitting on my bed

with thoughts that raced at lightning speed

around my busy head

the only one who watched the clock

tick one and two and three

who lay awake and worried

whilst the world was fast asleep

my thoughts remained in orbit

and I couldn’t pull them back

as they preferred to swim against

a sky so vast and black

the moon said simply nothing

but he opened up a book

and I saw it was a diary

so I took a closer look

and listed there were names

of people all around the Earth

and all the thoughts and worries

that the moon had overheard

just then, my eyes were drawn

towards the name that was my own

and that was when the moon said

“see, you shouldn’t feel alone”

and then he pulled me close

using the night sky as a blanket

and said “I know you sometimes

feel so lonely on this planet

but when you cannot sleep, ger up

and watch me from your room

and you’ll see so many others

having coffee with the moon

An Uncommon Love

May you have the love

only two can know

May you go where only

two as one may go

May the sun rise and set

in your bonded hearts

and the moon never find you

too long apart

May you cherish each other’s

dreams as your own

and turn stumbling blocks

into stepping stones

May you brave life’s mountains

and miles together

May there be no storm

your love cannot weather

May you always be lovers

and allies and friends

May your soul’s conversation

never end

May you capture on earth

what’s in heaven above

May your hearts know the rapture

of an uncommon love.

I will Love you, until End of Time

I will love you

as long as the sun

burns in the sky,

as long as the moon

shines its light

into the dark night,

until the raging

blue oceans become

calm and run dry.

I will love you

until the end of time.

I AM a Witch

I am a witch

with rhymes and reasons.

I am a changeling like the seasons.

My mother is the moon,

My father is the sun;

With Goddess Earth am i as one.

I am a Witch , a pagan child.

Mother Nature’s spirit so wild

Grows within me,

Flows within me,

Meandering like a spellbound stream,

Enchanting my every waking dream.

I breathe the air of liberation,

I tend the fire of transformation,

I drink the water of creation,

Earth-magics is my conjuration.

I am a Witch of shadow and light,

Of Avalon mists and ravens’ flight.

I am a Witch, with pride say I,

For a Witch’s soul

Does never die.