Become A Client Attraction Magnet

 For first four months of my online business, I maybe would sign up a random friend or my mom. That was it. And for quite awhile after that, I would still get just a mishmash of people. It wasn’t my ideal client. It wasn’t the person that I knew how to serve best. Inside my private online business group, it was not a tribe community. It was really just an assortment of people who had all of these different problems, and I was running around trying to serve everyone.

The other day, I’m like, “I don’t know what to do. I can’t find anyone who wants to pay for my services. When I look inside Facebook groups  struggle , it’s just a really negative space.  Everyone’s just throwing a pity party, and I don’t know what to do. I can’t find my dream clients. I don’t know if they exist!”

I said, HOLD UP.  

Number one: These groups are negative spaces that your ideal client would not be frequenting.

The person who you’re trying to attract is probably not going to go and spend her time around other people who are feeling sorry for themselves; who are convinced there are no solutions.

Number two: You’ve got to watch what you say.

She’s saying these clients don’t want to pay for her services.  There were two women that she had on the phone who said they needed to save money.

But anyway: I told my client that her lack of belief in finding motivated clients is a mirror.  She’s on the same energetic frequency as those clients who believe they have no solutions. She’s believing that motivated clients don’t exist.

See how the energy is the same? She was getting the energy that she was putting out, because as humans we magnetize, manifest, and energetically attract what we put out into the world.

Let me say that again:

You magnetize, manifest, and energetically attract what you put out into the world.

There’s a great quote from Mother Teresa, and I think it’s so on point.  She says,

“I will never attend an anti-war rally.  If you have a peace rally, invite me.”

Why did she say this?  She said this because she understood that being anti-something was actually creating resistance. And since what you focus on expands, if you’re focusing on antiwar, what are you really focused on?  You’re focused on war. You’re not focused on peace. It’s okay to have contrast. It’s good to be able to use that as a tool to recognize, “OK this is what I don’t want. How do I then take the things that I do want and be really intentional with my words?”  

Be really intentional with your words and your focus.

Now, I get it. You guys have a lot of different objections that you come across; lots of limiting beliefs that your clients give you.  Let’s talk about one you hear all the time: money.

The biggest money objection that you hear all the time?  

I can’t afford what you’re offering.

But YOU KNOW that if they broke their phone tomorrow, they would be at AT&T buying a new one for $800 without blinking an eye. So, it’s really not an issue.

We had a student who we worked with and she was saying, “No one wants to buy my stuff.”  Funny enough: she was late on some of her payments. We said to her, “Hey buddy, you are a mirror for what’s happening in your business. If you’re not paying things on time, why do you think your clients are going to pay on time?”

You’re somebody that’s wanting to make six figures in your business, but you’re unwilling to uplevel.  You’re unwilling to invest in a coach, to get additional training, to get certain systems and/or a nice looking membership site.  You’re in a lack mindset!

You’ve got to ask yourself:

“Am I just not stepping up because I’m afraid the money’s not going to come?  Or am I actually preventing it from coming by not anticipating its arrival?”

Another one that I hear from a lot of you guys is, “Finding clients is hard.”  

“Everyone wants free coaching. No one wants to invest.  Everyone’s getting free coaching, because I just live in my inbox answering free questions and then no one buys my program or one-on-one.”

Well.  If that’s how you are showing up in your business, that’s the expectation that you’re putting out. You want to sign on high paying clients, but you’re not valuing your time, your energy, or your knowledge.

Well, they’re not going to, either.

They’re picking up your cues. They’re doing exactly what you’re doing.  They’re following your lead, so they’re not showing up as clients.

How many of you have had conversations that go “ghost”?

They seem really into signing up. You have this super long conversation with them, and then BOOM. They’re gone. They go ghost. You don’t know where they went. You followed up with them six times, you hear nothing.  You see them posting on social media, but they’ve stopped responding to you.

These are the mantras – and especially for network marketers:

“Signing on business builders is so hard!”

“Where are these people?  It’s like trying to find a yeti or a real life unicorn. These people don’t exist.”

“Women don’t take growing their business seriously.”

“No one on my team wants to really get to the next level.”

“I want to find 10 of me but I’m not sure that these women are out there.”

“How are these other people growing teams??”

I understand that you’re struggling, but we have to consider not just the strategy, but also the spiritual energy.

Here’s the deal: You are always in the process of deliberate creation.

You are always manifesting.

We have to understand we live in a complex universe, and this is very metaphysical. As soon as you have a thought, it has an energetic vibration that is attached to it.  That thought becomes a path of desire, and it’s sent out into a complex universe that is full of others’ desires and thoughts. Well, here’s the good news: we live in such a complex universe, you don’t think to yourself, “I hope I don’t get robbed” and then 10 seconds later someone robs you.  It takes time for thoughts to build momentum. For your manifestation to come into your existence, it takes time.

So if you’re  practicing some mantras that are not serving (“Nobody has money to pay for me.” “I don’t think I’m going to sign anyone up for my program.”), catch yourself.  Otherwise, you’ll lose motivation to sharpen your business.

You can’t necessarily catch every thought that you think, but you can recognize and be really in tune with how you’re feeling emotionally.

Don’t like what you’re manifesting? Choose again.

Don’t like the (lack of) money in your bank account? Choose again.

Don’t like the relationships in your life? Chose again.

Don’t like the clients that you’re bringing in?

Choose again, choose again, choose again.

Based on the beliefs we’ve just discussed, we have to shift them. Start removing vocabulary from your Rolodex.  


Here’s a few suggestions of what you can do… and yes, I want you to do homework today. I want you to take this seriously; really sit down, grab a journal, and actually write out new beliefs.  It’s a powerful thing for you to do.

I don’t want you to give your negative beliefs any more attention.

I don’t want you to give them any more focus.  

Instead, you can start writing out exactly what you do want.

I want you to write these out and I want you to really say these things out loud with emotion.  Why? Well, we can all sit and do manifestation visualization mantras in our heads, but it’s so much more powerful when you get up and use your physiology.

Use your physical body to get up, build that momentum, and build that energy.  Really get yourself into a peak state.

Here are some beliefs that will start magnetizing and attracting your ideal clients into your business.

I tried to keep them pretty specific, but also pretty flexible depending on the business that you have.  So, customize them for you!

I am so grateful that I have thousands of followers in my tribe who love support and appreciate the work that I do.

Every single day, I wake up with new messages and new e-mails from women thanking me for stepping forward to share my message unapologetically.

Hundreds of women invest in my programs and courses each and every month, ready and eager to change their lives.

I am blown away each and every day by the new, amazing results and testimonials my clients share with me and the rest of the world.

I am fine tuning my vibration to constantly, consistently and easily attract new clients into my business.

The universe works for me – effortlessly – delivering my message to women who need to hear it most. This all happens behind the curtain of time and space, and requires no additional effort from me.

This month, I easily make an additional $50,000 from clients who are so eager to pay in full for my programs and services.

My clients and team members are eager to get results. They are coachable, open, and ready to make changes in their lives.

It amazes me how many women (who have previously told me “no”) suddenly return in droves, ready to begin their coaching journey.


How did those mantras feel compared to some of the beliefs that you were previously holding? Some of these negative mantras are things that you were drilling in every single day.  So, every single day when you wake up, reflect on the business you want.

Check your thoughts, and start to choose again.

I understand that, for some people, this can be a little bit counterintuitive.  It can be a little bit even – dare I say – challenging. Some of you may face some resistance with this.  “Jen, you’re telling me to say all these things, but I’m looking around at my situation right now and I’m broke. I have no clients. No one wants to pay me. So how am I supposed to sit there and believe that I’m going to make an extra $50K this month? How am I supposed to actually sit there and believe that people want to pay for my services?”

Make this WORK for YOU.  If saying $50K, for example, is giving you anxiety and resistance, then just shift it! You certainly can think big picture, and you can put a wrinkle in time and space. There’s no limits to what’s possible. But, if you’re in a place right now with resistance that feels like having a gun; that it doesn’t feel right… that’s okay.

Find things that are just a shift in the right direction, and continually shift 10 more degrees.

Once you are able to manifest with total ease; saying your mantras to yourself every single day, getting excited about them, jumping around your house, wiggling your butt a little bit, and blasting some feel good music.  Once you get into that peak state and actually start putting that energy into your subconscious….

you’re going to be amazed at what happens.


The longer I live, the more I realize

the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me is more important

than facts. It is more important than

the past, than education, than

money, than circumstances, than

failures, than successes, than what

other people think or say or do. It is

more important than appearances,

giftedness, or skill. It will make or

break a company- a church- home. The 

remarkable thing is we have choice 

every day regarding

the attitude we will embrace for the 

day. We cannot change the fact that

people will act in a certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable. The

only thing we can do is play on the

one string we have, and that is 

attitude- I am convinced that life is 

10% what happens to me and 90%

how I react to it. And so it is with

you-we are in charge of our attitudes.

Cool Office Supplies & Gadgets In 2022

 From grey walls to blandly colored carpets, a pop of color or a splash of humor can help liven up an otherwise dull office. After all, a bad case of the Mondays can’t get you down when you pull your tape out of a smiling  tape dispenser or scope out the cool new office wall art.

So if you don’t have the time, money, or energy to face a complete office remodel (or if you just want to make buying cool office stuff a little bit more fun), try investing in some unique office supplies to brighten things up instead.

From cute and quirky to funny and novelty, here’s a list of some unique office supplies that’ll liven up your office!

1. Outlet Tower 

This Outlet Tower came highly recommended  that proves to be a complete game changer for your work space. Whether you’re at home or in the office, the Outlet Tower is a must-have for anyone who needs to keep their devices charged and ready to go.  

2. Work From Anywhere Essentials Kit

Work from Anywhere Kit is a curation of office supply products that help you stay productive and get things done no matter where you are. Whether you’re working from home or your favorite cafe, this kit will help you to work harder and smarter – wherever you are.

3. MoonPod

Revitalize your workforce with an office gadget that is both functional and relaxing. Melt away in the MoonPod while you send emails or Zoom calls with the team. There is no better way to work in the modern workplace.

4. Healthy Snacks

Think snacks don’t qualify as a supply you need for your office? A recent survey found that while only 16% of offices offer free snacks for their employees, 67% of employees with access to free food reported being “very” or “extremely” happy with their current job.

5. Motivational posters

Motivational posters for the workplace can be a great idea. 

6. DIY zen gardens

Take an afternoon to have a DIY zen garden workshop for your employees. Tons of bloggers have easy instructions for personalized zen gardens—like this one Dream a Little Bigger.

7. Awesome wall calendars

If you work in an office, knowing the date is usually a good idea. You need to date your documents, countdown to vacation, and keep track of the next holiday on the horizon.

8. A Desk Organizer 

Hand carved beautifully designed, premium embosed finishing, wooden body with rich brown polish gives a sophisticated décor to your work desk, 5 compartments and a small drawer to organize all your writing instruments

9. Timers

Easy to operate. First, Rotate the timer clockwise to the zero scale. Then turn it back to the number of minutes you want counterclockwise. When the time is up, it will automatically.

10. A posture monitor

Upright’s core technology monitors your posture and detects when you are slouching providing a gentle vibration to create cognitive awareness that drives behavioral change.

11. A supply of stability balls and resistance bands

Employees want more options to improve their health and lifestyle. Keeping some stability balls and resistance bands are a low-budget way of providing just that.

Your team will love getting some extra movement in…and they’ll enjoy some serious health benefits. 

12. Undercover games

Not quite as frivolous as a regular table tennis set, these notebooks become paddles and a net whenever the time for a game is right.

Finally, you can have a heart-pumping game of table tennis…and still take notes diligently when the boss walks in.

13. Plants

This is less of an office supply and more of a necessity for a cool office.

While this office decoration may require a bit of upkeep, it will be completely worth it once you see how much nicer your work area has become. While not every plant may be the best choice based on price and required care, a bit of research can help you find the right choice for your desk or work area. You can also take a quick trip to your local garden center to ask a professional.

14.. Legos

Since they open the mind to creativity, building blocks have a place in every office. If you wait long enough you might even be able to buy The Office themed Legos. Toys don’t get more office-appropriate than that.

15. Personalized anything

Business cards, mugs, post-its…if you can name it, you can personalize it. What’s a more unique office supply that are special for each person?

Deck out your office and boost employee morale with office supplies that scream your company culture.

16. Computer sitters

These guys keep you company all day long. And if anyone asks, you can say they’re helping you be more productive… definitely not toys.

17. A palm-sized portable speaker

Toss it, share it, and take it with you everywhere. The latest models of tiny portable speakers can make any office space more fun.

Jam out on Friday afternoons, lighten up a morning meeting, or even enjoy some easy classical listening during your afternoon coffee break.

18.  Books

Find books that relate to your company mission, that develop specific skills, or encourage creative thinking. Nothing else can offer so many educational and inspirational things in one small package!

You could even start a tiny library in your office where employees can share books that inspire them.