The little girl

Honor the little girl inside of you, the little girl

that was abused, hurt, abandoned, who felt she

was never enough. Let her feel safe, let her 

know she is loved, tell her everyday. Make her

feel so special, she deserves it, keep her clean

and warm and nourish her with the nutritious

foods. Let her feel free. Let her embrace the 

things she loved doing, skating in the park,

jumping on the trampoline, painting, running,

swimming, making sandcastles, girly

sleepovers, making stories, playing dressup. It

might sound silly, it might sound irrelevant but

honouring the little kid inside of you is going to

bring you so much joy and fulfilment. That little

version of you, still exists, and deserves to be

honoured. Give yourself the love and care, and

joy that was stolen from you as a child.

I Promise You

I can’t promise you

that dark clouds

will never hover

over our lives

or that the future

will bring us many rainbows.

I can’t promise you

that tomorrow

will be perfect

or that life will be easy.

I can promise you

my everlasting devotion,

my loyalty, my respect,

and my unconditional love for a lifetime.

I can promise that

I’ll always be here for you,

to listen and to hold your hand,

and I’ll always do my best to make you happy,

and make you feel loved.

I can promise that

I’ll see you through any crisis,

and pray with you,

dream with you,

build with you,

and always cheer you on

and encourage you.

I can promise that

I’ll willingly be your protector,

your advisor, your counselor,

your friend, your family,

your everything.

I promise you.


Our eyes made love to 

each other long


you were something

that felt so new

yet so familiar to me,

like a place I have never

been but somehow never


I think I have known you

my whole life and loved

you a while longer.

Lost Love

To have loved and lost

To have it took away

To have had a love

That could not stay

To feel so high

Then feel so low

To have it there

And see it go

To be so happy you could almost cry

To be so sad you could almost die

To have been loved 

And that love be gone

To feel that you

just can’t go on

There’s no worse feeling

No worse pain

The physical ache

The emotional drain

To have loved and lost

There’s nothing worse

It’s feels just like

a permanent curse

You lose more than a love

When it ends

you lose your soulmate

Your best friend

It can’t be replaced 

It can’t be rewound

You will stay lost

Until your re-found

Life is meant to be lived

You have to chase the things that ignite you. You have to do the things that bring you joy. You have to surround yourself with the people who bring you back home to yourself, with the people who respect you and embrace you in ways that make you feel like you are worthy and accepted and loved . You have to do the work to heal yourself, even when it hurts- especially when it hurts, so that you do not continue to approach your life within the boundary of what is heavy within you.

You have to put yourself out there, and you cannot worry about what other people think, you cannot rob yourself of experience or happiness or inspiration because you are scared of how you will be perceived . You have to be believe that your ideas, and your hope, and your being , deserve to take up space. You have to believe that you have purpose.

Because our existence is finite. and as hard as that is to understand, as hard as that can be to connect with , from time to time remind yourself that in the most human way- we are all living on borrowed time. We live as if we are promised the experiences and the potential we are chasing, we live as if we have control over what happens to us. But we don’t and that is liberating, because it is pressing- there is urgency within the lesson. It is mean to wake you up.