Tuesday Thought

Everyone you meet is your mirror. Why is that? We come to

understand ourselves best through our relationships with other

people. We can only be triggered by something we have experienced 

ourselves. The traits we tend to dislike in others are usually 

the traits we do not like about ourselves. We then tend to judge

and criticize these characteristics. This calls to mind the 

analogy of pointing a blaming finger at someone. One finger is 

pointing at another person, and three are pointing back to

ourselves. When certain characteristics in someone’s personality

trigger a negative reaction from you, there is something within

you that is coming up because it is ready to be healed. Usually, it

represents issues from your past that have gone unresolved. An

example of this would be constantly attracting people who betray

you in close relationships because you have not dealt with

a parental abandonment issue from your past. What you are seeing is

a manifestation of your belief that you cannot trust anyone with your 

feelings. Every person we meet in life is showing up at the perfect 

time in our lives to reflect something we need to heal within ourselves.

The people with whom you interact are showing you who you are and

ultimately providing you with an opportunity to love yourself. Since our 

mission is to discover what we don’t love and learn to love it, the 

people who get on our nerves the most are among our greatest teachers.

Believe it or not, forgiving yourself is the most effective way to

disengage from negative interactions with people. We can only love and 

accept  others to the degree that we love and accept ourselves. When 

you make it a habit to learn from your relationships, eventually you will 

discover that you can observe negative traits within others without

judgment and without getting hooked into someone else’s drama. If you

discover that you are in a relationship with someone who habitually abuses

you in some way, it is sometimes healthy to limit your exposure to that

person or to avoid their company completely. This serves you well only

after you have embraced the lessons that you have seen reflected to you 

through the relationship, followed by choosing to forgive yourself and 

the other person. The good news is that the desirable behaviors we see

in others is also a reflection of ourselves. When we predominantly choose

thoughts of love, we live in a reality of love. In other words, as we 

focus on our light within, we bring out the light within others. Everyone

we meet has come into our path to help us to remember this.

Jan 3, 2023 : Deep Conversation

Am i the one who is creating disturbance in my own life. Like see what my best friend ashi is struggling with , not having person who can match the vibe that she always wants in her life. But look at me i am the one who is running away from this.

Actually its not so….

I also want to go for party with my friends and family, even want to dance carefree and specially till next day or till my last breath . I would like to taste all dishes , like to dress everyday just like an model and a long drive with loud music where i can sing out loudly too. But everything with in zone of safe n controlled.

I dont want myself to be kept in situation , where i have to face something odd and specially which against my will. Dont want to be part of crowd where any moment they can lose control and strat behaving inappropriately. 

I dont want Weak Moments… i passed through this situation and let me tell you , this kind hangover is so tiring. You need to much strength to overcome this phace of your life. I am a weak person, because last time or i can say my first and last time , gave me a lesson that dont you ever repeat this thing.

I cried over months…it made sleepless all nights. 

The scary dream which i can see from open eyes….and break my aura that I’m a strongest person who can deal with any situation, but never will make any mistake. Specially which happened because of weak moment….

No way…

Not even i want myself to be situation where i feel like being spoiler of party environment . Generally till this moment of my life when i entered in year 2023 , i am clearly aware that , Yes ! It’s me — The party spoiler .

I dont want to eat….

I dont want to play….

I dont want to drink…..

I cant stay out , at this time

I want to go home….

I am not this type person….

I cant talk…..

I have nothing to say….

I am listening…

I dont want click pictures….

I am happy at here.. alone….enjoying own company….

I dont want to get marry… but im seeing people….

I am not settle yet…so I still need some time…

I have not lived my life yet , how I can plan to settle…

Some dues are there….so after that…

I dont want to see any unknown person…not even i can initiate ….nor i can join any ongoing conversation….

I am not the right person for anyone….

I need time to think about it….

Why…..is it me only…or ….I dont know?

I had fight or i can say verbal but extreme argument with the people whom with i can go out . Those people are the only and close one who supports me to do hangouts and do parties, and specially do whatever i want. 

But i messed it up.

I dont know, but every time they keep repeating that what ever im doing right now is not correct. And It will definitely land me  in situation where my all future become insecure. 

They say every time , that i am not and self-depended person. I cant do anything at my own. 

But that  is not true. last from ten year im running behind my dream and always trying to make everything right in my own way. But they dont like it.

I know that they are the one, who never question me for being modern and approaching life in new way, but with this they need solid confirmation that i strictly follow their path and do each step after giving them proper details.

They must be concern about me, but man how its possible, when i even dont know that what would be my next step.

I am totally clueless about my next moment…..

But now what, the time has gone. And thanks to me that i messed it up.

And truly i dont want to make any apology for what ever i have done. Because i need space…at least for sometime.  

So at last i can say loudly and with full of confidence.. That im , because its what i can do with me and my life…

With no regret.