Learn to let go

 I hope you learn to let go.

I hope you learn how to let go of everyone’s opinion of your life. I hope you

start to see, from a place that lives deep within you, that there is no universally

correct way to live a life that is solely your own. Every human being has different

vision of what it truly means to be alive. And because of that, people will judges you,

the world will try to change you, but you must continue to move in your own direction, 

you must continue to go at your own pace, because if you allow for that to alter your path 

– you’re going to end up living someone else’s life. I hope you learn how to make your life

your own. I hope you learn how to make your time here something you are proud of.

I hope you learn how to let go of the comparison you hold so closely to your chest. I 

hope you strive to dismantle the distractions, I hope you strive to see beyond what is manicured

and what is filtered in this life. you are a real human being who is living and 

breathing in this world, who is healing through and moving through seasons of beauty and seasons 

of change and seasons of evolution each and every single day. Your experience in this world will 

never be prefect, will never be faultless- but it will be real. It will be honest . I hope you 

learn how to embrace that.

I hope you learn how to let go of your tendency to favor distance over depth. I hope you learn how to 

open to this world, how to let love pour into your life. we often protect ourselves from seeming too

eager or too interested; we hold our feelings back because we don’t want to seem overly emotional or tender. We silence our instincts, we bankrupt our souls , and at the end of the day we feel alone. I hope you learn how  to let go of your fear, I hope you learn how to remind yourself that there is nothing wrong with vulnerability , with being human , with unhinging your rib cage and sharing your heart with this world. There is beauty to be found in being the person who cares . So care.


Love a girl who writes

       and live her many lives;

       you have yet to find her,

       beneath her words of guise.

Kiss her blue inked fingers,

       forgive the pens they marked.

       The stain of your lips upon her-

       the one she can’t discard.

Forget her tattered memories,

       or the pages others took;

       you are her ever after-

       the hero of her book.

You will walk with us forever

Our lives go on without you

But nothing is the same,

We have to hide our heartaches

When someone speaks your name.

Sad are the hearts that love you

silent the tears that fall,

Living our hearts without you

Is the hardest part of all.

You did so many things for us

Your heart was kind and true,

And when we needed to talk to someone

We could always count on you.

The special years will not return

When we were all together,

But with the love within our hearts

You will walk with us forever.

Stay Positive In Negative Situations

 Negative situations happen all the time. We can’t avoid them, so how can we counteract their negative effect on our lives and our attitudes?

How to stay positive in difficult times

Find out some great ways to stay positive in difficult times. This post will help you to stay positive after sad news or a challenging period. From mental resilience to mindfulness, learn more here.

First, tell yourself it is okay to feel down

The first thing to do when you feel down is to acknowledge that not feeling okay is, in fact, completely okay. All of our feelings are temporary states that cannot be kept forever. We cannot be happy every minute of every day and that means sometimes we are going to feel unmotivated or sad.

The first step in staying positive when things don’t feel right is to acknowledge that it is perfectly acceptable to feel down every now and then. It’s a normal part of the emotional spectrum and, in fact, it’s unhealthy to try to feel happy all the time. It’s especially natural if you haven’t seen your loved ones for a while and your usual routines and support systems are disrupted.

Learning the power of positive thinking helps us stay positive even in the midst of tragedy. Learning how to stay positive in negative situations is invaluable in leading a healthy lifestyle. Here are 5 ways you can achieve this:

1. Have a Positive Support Group

It’s important to have a positive support group that will help each member through difficult times. Notice that I said a “positive” support group. Surrounding yourself with positive people will help you stay positive when in a negative situation.

There are plenty of negative people out there—avoid them! Their negative attitudes will only bring you down and be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve by practicing positive thinking.

Learn more about the power of people around you: The Hidden Power of Every Single Person Around You.

2. Express What You Are Grateful For

Even in the worst of times, most of us realize that we still have things in our lives for which we are grateful. Voice those blessings! Practice gratitude , Talk about the things you are grateful for with your closest friends, your support group. Keep a gratitude journal to capture the thankfulness you feel for what you have on a daily basis.

Actively acknowledging what you’re grateful for will help you to always have a grateful mind and heart, even when bad things happen.

3. Retrain Your Mind

Are you a person who continually beats yourself up mentally? Do you constantly question your actions? Believe me, I’ve been there. Nobody needs to call me stupid, because I can do that just fine myself!

Retrain your brain to stop doing that to yourself. The more you talk negatively to yourself, the more that negativity will become a part of you. Instead, practice the power of positive thinking. Any time a negative thought comes into your mind, replace it with a positive one. At some point, this will become more natural as your brain automatically turns a negative into a positive.

4. Exercise Your Body And Mind

We know that exercise is good for our bodies, but what about our minds?

Sure, it is! It releases those natural endorphins in our brains that make us feel better.

Exercise has physical as well as mental and emotional benefits. Getting out there and moving around will keep your body in better shape, as well as boosting your self-esteem for having the discipline to exercise.

You might try adding yoga into your exercise routine now and then to help you learn to really focus and meditate. Exercise is an excellent way to fight the negative effects of bad situations.

5. Accept and Find Solutions

Many of us are resistant to changes in our lives. What we must do is learn to accept that change will happen.

Haven’t you heard that “the only constant in life is change”? There is a lot of truth to that, as we continually go through changes, whether good or bad. Accepting that changes are a part of life can help us to relax and be more accepting. Try to look for the positive aspect.

For example, if you’re in a bad job situation, what do you do? Accept it and try to make it better? Possibly. Or maybe this is the chance to make a change for yourself and look for that job you really want.

Final Thoughts

More tragic changes, such as death, will throw us off even worse. But when our brains are practiced on how to stay positive in negative situations, even tragedy won’t destroy us.

With the power of positive thinking, we can learn to put negative situations in perspective and to deal with them as they arise.