The Secretary Bird Size is tall and large, and located in open grasslands and savannah of the sub-Saharan region. The Secretary Bird has a head like an eagle with yellow color around its eyes. This hunter bird has long legs covered with thick black scales to protect the leg from snake venom.


The Height Of The Secretary Bird varies between 4 m to 4.3 m, but their height can increase up to 4.9 m. With a weight of 2.3 kg to 5 kg, they have an impressive wingspan of 6.2 ft to 7.2 ft and 2 meters wide.

The wings protect the Secretary Bird from the snake bite while chasing. With the curved talons on their ends, the toes are thick and strong. The secretary bird has a lifespan of 10-15 years and in captivity, it can live up to 19 years. Around the eyes, there are thick feathers and have black feathers on the end of the wing and thighs. There are black crests on the back of their head, which looks like old quill pens in their head.


  • Crest: There is the crest on the back of the head of the secretary bird, which looks like a stock of old quill pens held by official secretaries.
  • Head: The head of the Secretary Bird is not large as an eagle, but has the structure of an eagle. Around the eyes, you can see the yellow and red colors and also has thick feathers. 
  • Wings: With a wingspan of 6.2 ft to 7.2 ft and wideness of 2 meters, the secretary bird looks big.
  • Tail: Tail varies between 57 to 85 cm and held upright. It helps to maintain balance when running fast and also in a time of the fight.
  • Feet: The feet of Secretary Birds strong and have thick soles, which help to stamp the snake to death.
  • Plumage: The plumages are in white color and the black in end.
  • Legs: The legs are long with covered thick scales to protect them from the snake venom during the chase.


 The Stork-billed Kingfisher, Pelargopsis capensis, is a tree kingfisher that is broadly however sparsely distributed in tropical southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka to Indonesia. Its previous name was Halcyon capensis. This kingfisher is basically resident all through its vary.

Stork-billed Kingfisher is a species of a wide range of well-wooded habitats close to lakes, rivers, or coasts.

Its underparts and neck are buffs. The very massive invoice and legs are vivid red. The flight of the stork-billed kingfisher is labored and flapping, however direct. Sexes are comparable.

There are 13 races or subspecies, differing largely in plumage element, however P. c. gigantea of the Sulu Archipelago within the Philippines has a white head, neck, and underparts.

It perches quietly while looking for meals, and is commonly inconspicuous regardless of its dimension.

It’s territorial and can thrust back eagles and different massive predators. This species hunts fish, frogs, crabs, rodents, and younger birds.

Adults dig their nests in river banks, decaying bushes, or tree termite nests. A clutch of two to 5 spherical white eggs is typical.


The common life span of the kingfisher is 2 years.


The Stork-billed Kingfisher is a big hen, usually measuring 25 to 38 cm in size and weighing between 140 and 200 grams.

Grownup birds have a blue-green again, blue wings and tail, and a gray to brown head. The neck and underparts are orange-yellow colored.

It has a really massive invoice, 18 to 20 cm in size, which together with the small legs, is coral purple.

It has a direct, labored flight and its flight look is dominated by its plain blue wings and purple bill.

There isn’t an apparent sexual dimorphism in grownup birds, though females are usually bigger.

Juvenile birds are comparable in look to the grownup however have slim dusky fringes on the collar, decrease throat, and breast, giving it a scaly look. In addition, they have buff-green fringes on the higher tail coverts. Juveniles even have a duller invoice and fewer distinguished purple eye-ring compared to the grownup.


It is a very massive kingfisher, 35 cm in size.

The grownup has a green again, blue wings and tail, and gray head. Its underparts and neck are buffs. The very massive invoice and legs are vivid purples. The flight of the Stork-billed Kingfisher is labored and flapping, however direct. Women and men look alike.

There are 15 races, largely differing in plumage element, however, P. c. gigantea of the Sulu Islands has a white head, neck, and underparts.

Calls / Vocalizations

The decision of this noisy kingfisher is a low and much-reaching peer-por-por repeated every 5 seconds or in order properly cackling ke-ke-ke-ke-ke-ke.


The Stork-billed Kingfisher is discovered all through the South Asia subcontinent and Southeast Asia from India to Indonesia.

It’s resident all through its range broadly however sparsely distributed. It’s fairly sedentary, with some restricted native motion.

Diet / Feeding

It perches quietly while looking for meals, and is commonly inconspicuous regardless of its dimension. It’s territorial and can thrust back eagles and different massive predators. This species hunts frogs, crabs, rodents, and younger birds; however, they’re predominantly fish-eaters.

Like different kingfishers, it is ready to hover above the water whereas trying to find fish.

Their heavy bodyweight offers them sufficient energy to swoop down quickly on a fish that is near the water floor.

       An average family of 6 kingfishers eats as much as 100 fish a day!

Nesting / Breeding

Stork-billed Kingfisher digs its nest in a river financial institution, decaying tree, or a tree termite nest.