
You haven’t wasted time when things don’t

work out. Yes, time has passed, and you can’t

get it back, but now, everything that happened

taught you: you are worth so much more than

that. You have started to see that even though

letting go was one of the hardest things you

have ever had to do, now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can focus on

the path before you. Now, you can now take 

deep breaths knowing that the mere fact that

you’re here means your story isn’t over yet.

Today may look different from what you

planned a year ago, and this is also true:

through every change, now you know, the

morning sun still shines. The moon still

illuminates the evening sky. And every day,

you are starting to see: love is still boundless

and so much greater than you imagined it to

be. You’ve had to say goodbye to so many

things, and yet, here you are, still finding

peace. still pursuing growth and wisdom, as

you become who you were meant to be.

Letting Go

the economics of letting go

lately i’ve been thinking about

physical things and emotional things:

everything i have to carry.

i feel burdened with memories.

and the way i will hold on to

an item or thought

just in case

it will be of significance later.

i rehearse lines from a conversation had.


i never let anything gather dust.

because we never know if things

are going to be of

more or less

value in the future.

but lately i have stopped agonising over

the economics of letting go.

i am telling myself

it is okay to forgot.

i am making room for better things.

like light.

like nothing at all.

My heart no longer knew

I was the type of person,That held onto things too tight,Unable to release my grip,When it no longer felt right,And although it gave me blisters,And my fingers would all ache,I always thought that holding on,Was worth the pain it takes,I used to think in losing things,I’d lose part of me too,That slowly I’d become someone,My heart no longer knew,Then one day something happened,I dropped what I had once held dear,But my soul became much lighter,Instead of filled with fear,And it taught my heart that some things,Aren’t meant to last for long,They arrive to teach you lessons,And then continue on,You don’t have to cling to people,Who no longer make you smile,Or do something you’ve come to hate,If it isn’t worth your while,That sometimes the thing you’re fighting for,Isn’t worth the cost,And not everything you ever lose,Is bound to be a loss.