You have come so far. You have learned to let

go of what was not right for you. You have

learned to step out of the boundaries of your

worries, believing that in time, it all would be

woven together beautifully. It has not been an

easy road, but it has opened your eyes to all

of the possibilities of what this life could be,

even in your uncertainty.

So continue to give your all. In all things

great and small, continue to see that even in

your thankless, unnoticed work, you are still

sowing seed. You are still making mindful and

intentional steps towards where you were meant

to be. You are still living a life filled with 


There might be days where you feel that your

work is in vain, and there might be moments

where you do not know what to do with all of 

the sudden change, but you are wrapped in 

endless, boundless grace all the same; giving

you strength every day to breathe deep and

keep going, anyway.

End of the day

At the end of the day, I just want to be proud of the

person I have become. I want to be proud of the love

I gave- of the way in which I risked my heart despite

being hurt. I want to be proud of the effort I showed

those I cared about; I want to know with a ruthless

certainty that I showed up as much as I could, that I

made people feel seen, that I made those around me feel

less alone in this chaotic world. I want to be proud

of my life – of the way I healed, of the way I made mis-

takes and learned from them, of the way I felt every-

-thing even when it wasn’t convenient or comfortable. I

want to be proud of the way I grew, of the way I let go,

of the way I pushed myself to be a better person. At

the end of the day, I just want to be able to say without

hesitation that I lived my life, that I did not just take 

a back seat to my pain, or to my flaws, or to whatever 

hardships came my way. I want to be able to say that I

am proud of the way I survived. I want to be able to say

that I did not take one dat for granted.