There’s a girl

Remember the days

when you couldn’t stop singing

dancing and dressing up

laughing and grinning?

Well that was before

they all mocked how you dressed

said you would never

fit in with the rest

and so you stopped smiling

and changed what you wore

when music plays

you do not dance anymore

in case you look silly

in case you look daft

for fear it will dredge up

those memories past

for fear that you’ll feel

like you used to back then

embarrassed and worthless

again and again

see you stopped singing loudly

then stopped altogether

stopped being someone

that they would remember 

but there’s a girl watching

she’s looking to you

trying to figure out

what she should do

should she stop singing

and swallow her voice?

pick outfits to wear

that would not be her choice?

should she resist urges

to get up and dance

cause sitting there quietly

no one will laugh

but neither will she

she will not know the feeling

of singing so loudly

and dancing so freely

she won’t understand

all the power she holds

to do as she chooses

and not as she’s told

so warm up your voice

and then strike up the band

pick out your clothes

and get ready to dance

and smile as you do so

think of that girl

she’s the one trapped inside you

so do it for her

Guide from Beyond

This being human is a guesthouse.

 Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

Some momentary awareness comes

   as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

  who violently sweep your house

    empty of its furniture,

 still, treat each guest honorably.

  He may be clearing you out

    for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

  meet them at the door laughing,

      and invite them all in.

  Be grateful for whoever comes,

    because each has been sent

      as a guide from beyond.