How To Make Your Photography Business Stand Out

 Do you ever feel like every other photographer out there?

Or struggle with thoughts like, “Why would anyone ever hire me over someone else? There are so many photographers out there! The market is oversaturated with photographers.”

4 Ways To Make Your Photography Business Stand Out In An Oversaturated Market:

1. Invite people fall in love with YOU.

People buy from people and brands they like, connect to, resonate and fall in love with.

If you’re not sure why people would love you, ask your friends, acquaintances, and past clients what it is they absolutely love about interacting with and spending time with you.

Trust me, there are things that they absolutely love about you. The things that make you, you.

How you can do this:

Infuse your personality into your brand. If you want to stop being seen as the same as every other person in your industry, set yourself apart by being YOU. And it’s okay if not everyone likes you; not everyone should. If your goal is to build a photography business that EVERYONE loves, your brand isn’t going to stand out. It’s going to feel diluted.

If you haven’t yet, share your origin story of why you started. Why did you go into photography? Everyone loves a good story, especially when there’s passion and purpose involved. Don’t be afraid to share yours.

2. Create your own mini niche (unique selling point).

Want to stand out in an oversaturated market?

Don’t do what every other photographer in your industry is doing the same exact way they’re doing and definitely do not take on any and every job under the sun (or even if you do, don’t advertise it as such).

Build your portfolio and expertise, and pick a specific direction you want to go.

How you can do this:

Don’t just offer another service.

Provide an EXPERIENCE that people can only get with you. Maybe your specialty is shooting in a studio or at a beautifully designed Airbnb. Maybe you’re really good at shooting headshots for millennials in the start-up industry. Maybe you want to become a beach elopement photographer on the West Coast.

Brand your photography business and be known for your experience. That’s how you set yourself apart as a photographer in a saturated market.

This is specifically why people come to you, and this is what you’re known for. Create a niche within your niche.

3. Provide value with content marketing.

How are you going to make someone’s life better? We all have aspirations, dreams, goals, struggles, etc.

Become their guide – the person who takes them from point A to point B. (book recommendation: read “Building A Story Brand” by Donald Miller).

Value can come in so many forms: inspiration, education, storytelling, etc.

As a photographer, it’s good to be on Instagram, have a blog, and use Pinterest.

Instagram is a great way to connect with your ideal clients and a great place to showcase your amazing work. By regularly posting your best photos, you not only interact with your followers but also increase your chances of showing up on your ideal clients’ IG explore page.

Blogging can help your photography business show up on search engines when potential clients are searching for a wedding or elopement photographer in your city. As a business, you want to make it easier for your ideal clients to find you.

Along with having client galleries on your blog, I suggest having helpful blog posts. For example, you could write about the top wedding venues in your town and include your work in there.

Now, let’s talk about Pinterest.

Pinterest is actually a great platform for photographers to use for their marketing because it’s essentially a visual search engine. You can showcase your work and organize them into boards like engagement sessions, wedding photos, wedding venue inspiration, and so on. This helps with SEO and allow your ideal clients to find you.

4. Create an awesome brand experience / buyer journey.

Your favorite brands create brand experiences all the time, from the way they arrange their store to their social media channels.

Take a moment to think about how you feel when you interact with your favorite brands.

What are they doing to make you feel this way? What are they doing to inspire you to take action? (i.e. buying their products and services) It could be their brand mission, storytelling, design, messaging, aesthetics, overall vibe, etc.

How you can do this:

Think about how you want people to feel when they interact with your brand.

Then, write down a list of all the possible ways people interact with your brand. (Ex. IG posts – stories – highlights, FB, Pinterest; email newsletter; freebies and lead magnets; in-person events; investment guide; website; etc.)

How you can make your brand interactions more cohesive, consistent, and clear? How can you inspire them to take action?

In the world of photography, you’ve got to stand out, especially in a saturated market.

Here’s the scoop: People want to connect with you, the real you. So, let your personality shine through your brand. Next up, find your unique twist, your thing that nobody else does quite like you. It’s your superpower in a crowded world. Share your knowledge, tips, and cool stuff through your content, and you’ll be their go-to photography guru.

And don’t forget to make the entire experience awesome. From the first hello to the final photo delivery, make it unforgettable.

When you do this, your photography business becomes not just a service but an unforgettable experience that clients come back to again and again.