I know exactly where you are, fellow introvert.

You’ve been focussing your marketing efforts on Instagram for a while now.

You’ll spend ages creating graphics and editing images for the ‘gram, before you edit and re-edit the perfect caption, add those all important hashtags and spend enough time engaging to bring people back to your post, once your post has gone live. 

You put pressure on yourself to be active on your Instagram stories daily and you’ve seen the articles about needing to post everyday to gain traction. 

And perhaps recently you’ve felt like the effort you’re putting into social media isn’t rewarding you in the way it once was. In fact, social media has become an exhausting time suck – but the annoying thing is that, you’re kinda reliant on it now because you’ve neglected your other marketing channels. 

And perhaps you’ve also run some live launches. And it was great at the time, it gave you a buzz and it delivered results but afterwards you felt done in. 

And for several weeks you simply didn’t have the energy to show up as much as you would have liked across your marketing channels. 

How do I know this?

I’ve been there, this is my story as well as yours. But – I want you to know I have discovered a much more introvert-friendly way to do marketing in your business.

Not so long ago I was focusing all of my marketing efforts into Instagram and regular launches. But to cut a long story short, I ended up burnt out. 

Without any energy left to keep going, I discovered that Instagram isn’t actually ‘all that’. I was forced (luckily) to find more introvert-friendly, sustainable approaches to marketing. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending all of your time and energy on creating Instagram posts, scrolling the app, and feeling overwhelmed by DMs. 

But more recently I know I’m not the only one who was found that you’ve got to put 5 times the effort into social media to get the same results.

How would it feel to be focussed on introvert-friendly marketing instead? 

How would it feel to take the pressure off yourself to be speaking to camera every day and ‘doing reels’? 

Imagine if you could find a way to do your marketing while curled up on the sofa in your PJs! Read on fellow introvert! 

None of these introvert-friendly marketing strategies are going to be things you’ve never heard of before, in fact you might think – well DUH! But here’s the kicker – you might know all about these marketing strategies, BUUUT are you actually doing them right now? Or is social media gobbling up every last bit of your time and energy? Let’s dive in.

Introvert strategy 1: Blogging

At this point, blogging feels like the oldest trick in the book. It almost feels like blogging was the OG of online marketing and things have moved on since then. You don’t tend to hear people talking about blogging so much anymore, it’s all about Instagram reels and smashing your next launch. 

But when you’re talking about introvert friendly marketing – marketing that is going to reward you in the long run not, just in the next couple of days this is absolutely where your attention needs to be. 

Consistent blogging and building up your bank of evergreen content is a sure fire way to drive organic traffic to your website – where they can find their way onto your mailing list and into your online shop and courses. 

Here’s why blogging is such an introvert friendly way to do inbound marketing… you can do it in your pyjamas with a cup of tea curled up in bed, you can do it from your garden chair, you can do it by dictating into your voice notes whilst out on a walk, and editing it onto your blog later. 

I know blogging can feel overwhelming. We make ourselves believe that blogging is a huge ordeal (and it absolutely can be if you make it an ordeal) – but it doesn’t need to be! 

If you’re not blogging right now, the best place to start is by creating a healthy blogging habit that helps you find the JOY in it, before you get bogged down in keyword research and meta tags. 

Your next step? Creating a consistent blogging routine that you can stick to. 

How about, you challenge yourself to blog everyday for a couple of weeks? It doesn’t need to be War and Peace in length, it doesn’t need to be filled with beautiful imagery, and it doesn’t need to be endlessly researched for the perfect keywords – at this stage you just need to focus on building the Habit.

Introvert strategy 2: Pinterest

Pinterest is my happy place. 

When you’re scrolling Pinterest you’re thinking about your own life, and getting inspired and excited about the possibilities – your dream home, your business development, that clever organization system for your wardrobe. On Pinterest, you collect images and links to blog posts that inspire and inform you.

Whereas on Instagram, you’re looking at what’s going on for other people as you endlessly scroll. And so often this leads to comparison, frustration and that feeling of not enough-ness. 

So why wouldn’t you want to hang out and do your marketing in a place that makes you feel happy and inspired!? 

It’s also another platform that’s all about imagery, so if you love creating beautiful graphics, photography and faffing about in canva – this is the platform for you.

Here’s why Pinterest is one of the most introvert-friendly marketing strategies… it’s NOT a social Media platform, it is a search engine. Think of it as Google for images. That means no commenting and no exhausting DMs – just inspiring imagery and creating beautifully curated moodboards. Yes please! Perfect for introverts like us! 

The basic premise of Pinterest is that you create graphics and upload them to your Pinterest account, linking through to content on your website. 

This is where Pinterest works hand in hand with blogging. You create a pinnable image, or perhaps ten pinnable images for each of your blog posts, and pin them to the relevant boards on your Pinterest account. 

Once you get into the swing of it it’s really enjoyable and easy. And once you’ve mastered the basics there’s no end of geekery you can get into around keywords and optimizing your graphics if you feel so inclined. 

Introvert strategy 3: Evergreen marketing funnel

When we talk about marketing in business what we really mean is creating connections with our audience, and nurturing them through the customer journey – from discovering us, to knowing, liking and trusting us, to becoming a customer. 

One way of doing this is to do all of the legwork by being present on social media and running regular live launches – but that’s not a sustainable approach for you, fellow introvert. 

For us introverts, we can subsidies or even eventually replace the need for live launches and social media by setting up clever, automated systems that nurture our audience along that customer journey without us having to be there 24/7 – AKA an evergreen marketing funnel. 

An evergreen marketing Funnel can take lots of different forms, but let’s say you set one up that invites visitors to your website to opt-in to a free offer. 

Let’s say someone has Googled something that has led them to land on one of your blog posts. From there they see a link to sign up for your free lead magnet, that is going to help them overcome a pain point and give them some quick wins that will help them get the result they want. 

Once they have signed up for your free offer, and therefore opted-in to receive your emails, you then follow up with a sequence of automated emails or other content that continues to give value and nurture this person through your customer journey. 

Later on in your evergreen marketing funnel, you invite this person to learn more about how your offers could help them, and give them the opportunity to become a customer. 

Perhaps you’re thinking – sales funnels – grooooosss. Don’t they have to be really gross and aggressive to actually work? And that’s definitely not me. 

We’ve all seen really gross sales funnels out there. But that’s NOT what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about a value-driven and feel good approach to marketing funnels –  and an evergreen sales funnel might just be the answer to increasing your business income. 

And let me reassure you, it is possible to build funnels that deliver value and serve your audience with integrity. These is the kind of sales funnels I build for my clients.

6 Small Tweaks To Your Social Platforms That Can Explode Business Growth

 There are a number of ways to improve your social media platforms.

But as a small business owner, you don’t have a ton of time to devote to growing your social platforms.

These easy-to-implement tweaks to your social platforms can explode business growth and get you more customers, with minimal effort on your part.

1 | Improve your Pinterest bio description

Your Pinterest bio description is the place to showcase what you do, who you work with, and a call-to-action to get people on your email list.

Think about the people who are new to your profile. How would you want them to be introduced to your brand? Your profile should briefly describe exactly the people you help and how you help them, so people will know ahead of time what type of content you will be pinning.

Keywords in their title (example: organize, simplify, solopreneurs, blogging) and in their description. When people look up those keywords, these profiles are more likely to show up at the top of the results.

Explanation of what they do and who they help. This helps your audience have a clear understanding of who you are and if they want to work with you now, or perhaps in the future.

A link to join their email list, with an incentive. You should give viewers an incentive to join your email list. Use a free email course, workbook, or resource library to influence people to sign up for your email list.

2 | Create detailed board descriptions using keywords on Pinterest

Editing your board descriptions on Pinterest will help people who are searching for particular keywords find you and your Pinterest boards.

Here is an example of a great Pinterest board description with keywords

tells you exactly what type of pins will be included on this board: social media tips and resources. She also uses other keywords such as “driving traffic,” “creating community,” and “online business.”

When people search for those particular keywords, Meighan’s profile will show up higher in the search results, gaining her more followers and ultimately more website traffic.

3 | Use highly relevant hashtags on Instagram

Using relevant hashtags on Instagram is a great way to gain more targeted followers who may eventually purchase your products or services.

Here is a quick way to find relevant hashtags: Take a look at what some of the leaders in your niche use as hashtags. Once you click on one of the hashtags, you will notice other related hashtags that people use.

This is what shows up searching the #savvybusinessowner hashtag. Once you click on the hashtag, you will see “related” hashtags. These are hashtags that other people use in conjunction with using #savvybusinessowner. If you swipe to the left where it says “related” you will see more related hashtags you should consider using.

Keep a list of these hashtags on your computer as well as on the notes app on your phone. That way you can easily copy and paste these hashtags whenever you upload a new Instagram photo.

Take your Instagram posts one step further, and have a call-to-action in your descriptions. Lead them to your latest product or service that you offer, ask them a question, or direct them to sign up for your email list.

Here is a quick way to find relevant hashtags on Instagram

It’s not recommended to throw a call-to-action in your picture description just to have one, so make sure your CTA pairs well with the image you are sharing.

4 | Ask questions of your audience

Have you ever heard of the saying, “you never know until you ask?” It’s true, even on social media. We often forget that the people we are communicating with on social media are real, live human beings.

While some people might be discouraged because they *only* have 100 followers, try to think of it from a different angle: Imagine 100 people in a room, listening to everything you say.

100 people is a lot of people! Treating your followers like actual people will help you build a deeper relationship with your followers. These people will turn into your biggest fans, always buying your products and services as well as sharing your brand with everyone they know.

Social media isn’t just a one-way straight, it has the word “social” in it for a reason. By developing a deeper relationship, you will begin to learn exactly the type of content, products, or services they want to purchase. Knowing exactly what your customer will buy puts you at a huge advantage for being the most helpful as possible.

5 | List your business in your Facebook profile

This is probably the easiest tweak of all, but it can have a major impact on your business. If you participate in Facebook groups (which you should be if you aren’t!), then this tweak is an absolute must-do.

When you ask questions or respond to questions in Facebook groups, people will tend to hover over your name to see what type of work you do. Many times, if you don’t have anything listed, people won’t take you as seriously as a small business owner.

6 | Respond back to every comment. Yes. Every comment.

Yep, we’re going to go there. As a small business owner, you’re going to need to take the time to respond to every comment.


Let’s think about the 100 people again. Imagine you were in this room, and 25 of these people gave you a compliment. Would you just ignore them? Walk past without speaking a word? Not even utter a thank you?

No, you wouldn’t. At least I hope you wouldn’t.

That’s how you need to treat every comment on social media. Each commenter could become a client or customer. Taking the time to respond back will make you stick out from other businesses that won’t take the time to respond back.

A rule of thumb is to match the length of your comment to the length of their comment. If someone leaves a comment that says “great post!” you don’t need to spend an entire paragraph thanking them profusely.

But if someone leaves a thoughtful comment, spend a little more time crafting a response. Write how you would say it out loud to the person. You will sound more authentic if you write like you’re speaking directly to that person.

Instagram Shopping : A Step-by-Step Guide for Marketers

Forget the mall: these days, Instagram is the place to shop til you drop.

Sure, there’s no Orange Julius for a mid-spree snack sesh, but Instagram Shopping brings the retail experience to social media to reach an audience of more than 1 billion monthly users.

Rather than directing customers from your Instagram account to your website, Instagram Shopping allows them to select and purchase products easily from the app.

More than 130 million users tap on an Instagram Shopping post each month — foot traffic a brick-and-mortar shop owner could only dream of. So if you have products to sell, it’s time to set up your virtual storefront. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is Instagram shopping?

How to get approved for Instagram shopping

How to set up Instagram shopping

How to create Instagram shopping posts

How to create Instagram Shopping Stories

How to create Instagram Shopping ads

How to create an Instagram live shopping stream

How to create Instagram Shopping Guides

12 tips for selling more products with Instagram shopping

What is Instagram shopping?

Instagram Shopping is a feature that allows eCommerce brands to create a digital, shareable catalog of their products right on Instagram.

Users can learn more about products right in the app, and either purchase directly on Instagram (with Checkout) or click through to finish the transaction on the brand’s eCommerce site.

Sharing products or promoting sales on Instagram is nothing new. According to Instagram, 87% of users say influencers have inspired them to make a purchase, and 70% of avid shoppers turn to the platform to discover new products.

In the past, the only option for e-tail brands to directly drive sales traffic from a ‘gram was either through their bio link, or via clickable Instagram Stories.

With these new Instagram Shopping features, the whole process is streamlined. 

Here are a few key details and terms that every Instagram retailer should know before they get started:

An Instagram Shop is a brand’s customizable digital storefront, which allows customers to shop right from your Instagram profile. Think of it as a landing page where users can discover or browse all your products.

Spearmint Baby Instagram shop

Product Detail Pages display all of the key product information, from the item description to the price to photography. The product detail page will also pull in any product-tagged images on Instagram.

Burberry product detail page

Collections are a way that Shops can present products in a curated group — basically, it’s like merchandising your digital front window. Think: “Cute Spring Outfits,” “Handmade Pottery,” or “Nike x Elmo Collab.”

Spearmint Baby curated collection

Use a Shopping Tag to tag products from your catalog in your Stories, Reels, or Instagram posts, so your audience can click through to learn more or buy. U.S. businesses who use Instagram’s limited Checkout feature can also tag products in post captions and bios. (You can also use Shopping Tags in ads! Yowza!)

With Checkout (currently only available in select regions), customers can purchase products directly in Instagram, without leaving the app. (For brands without Checkout functionality, customers will be directed to a checkout page on the brand’s own ecommerce site.)

Facebook Pay checkout option

The new Shop discovery tab on the Instagram app provides a discovery tool for non-followers, too. Scroll through goods from brands big and small, all around the world: it’s window-shopping 2.0.

Instagram Shop discovery tab

How to get approved for Instagram shopping

Before you can set up Instagram Shopping, you need to ensure your business checks a few boxes for eligibility.

Your business is located in a supported market where Instagram Shopping is available. Check the list to confirm.

You sell a physical, eligible product.

Your business complies with Instagram’s merchant agreement and commerce policies.

Your business owns your eCommerce website.

You have a business profile on Instagram. If your account is set up as a personal profile, don’t worry — it’s easy to change your settings to business.

How to set up Instagram shopping

Step 1: Convert to a Business or Creator Account

If you don’t already have a Business (or Creator) account on Instagram, it’s time to take the plunge.

Besides qualifying you for Instagram Shopping features, Business accounts also have access to all sorts of exciting analytics

Step 2: Use Commerce Manager to set up a shop

1. Use Commerce Manager or a supported platform to set up a shop.

2. To choose a checkout method, select where you want customers to complete their purchases.

3. To choose sales channels, select the Instagram business account you want to be associated with your shop.

4. If you have a Facebook Page, check the box next to your account to have a shop on both Facebook and Instagram.

Step 3: Connect To a Facebook Page

If you have a Facebook Page, you’ll want to connect it to your Instagram Shop to make things flow smoothly. You’re no longer required to have a Facebook Page to set up an Instagram Shop, but if you want to, here’s how to set one up in seven easy steps. I’ll wait.

Now, time to link the two!

1. On Instagram, go to Edit Profile.

2. Under Public Business Information, select Page.

3. Choose your Facebook Business Page to connect.

4. Ta-da!

Step 4: Upload your product catalog

Okay, this is the part where you actually upload all of your products. You’ve got a couple of different options here. You can either input every product manually into Commerce Manager, or integrate a pre-existing product database from a certified eCommerce platform

Option A: Commerce Manager

1. Log into Commerce Manager.

2. Click on Catalog.

3. Click on Add Products.

4. Select Add Manually.

5. Add a product image, name, and description.

6. If you have an SKU or unique identifier for your product, add it within the Content ID section.

7. Add a link to the website where people can buy your product.

8. Add the price of your product that is shown on your website.

9. Select the availability of your product.

10. Add categorization details about the product, like its condition, brand, and tax category.

11. Add shipping options and return policy information.

12. Add options for any variants, like colors or sizes.

13. Once you’re done, click Add Product.

Option B: Integrate an Ecommerce Database

1. Go to Commerce Manager.

2. Open the Catalog tab and go to Data Sources.

3. Select Add Items, then Use a Partner Platform, then hit next.

4. Select your platform of choice: Shopify, BigCommerce, ChannelAdvisor, CommerceHub, Feedonomics, CedCommerce, adMixt, DataCaciques, Quipt or Zentail.

configure settings to connect ecommerce platform

5. Follow the link to the partner platform website and follow the steps there to connect your account with Facebook.

Hot tip: Remember to keep catalog maintenance top of mind. Once your catalog is set up, it’s important to maintain it. Always keep product photos updated and hide unavailable items.

Step 5: Submit your account for review

At this point, you’ll need to submit your account for review. These reviews usually take a couple of days, but sometimes it might run longer.

set up Instagram shopping

1. Go to your Instagram profile settings.

2. Tap Sign Up for Instagram Shopping.

3. Follow the steps to submit your account for review.

4. Check the status of your application by visiting Shopping in your Settings.

Step 6: Turn on Instagram Shopping

Once you’ve passed the account review process, it’s time to connect your product catalog with your Instagram Shop.

1. Go to your Instagram profile settings.

2. Tap Business, then Shopping.

3. Select the product catalog you’d like to connect with.

4. Tap Done.

How to create Instagram shopping posts

Your digital shop is shined up and gleaming. Your product inventory is bursting at the seams. You’re ready to start making that money — all you need is a customer or two.

Shoppable Instagram posts will feature a shopping bag icon in the bottom left corner. All the products your account has tagged will appear on your profile under the Shopping tab.

How to create Instagram Shopping Stories

Use the Stickers function to tag a product in your Instagram Story.

Upload or create your content for your story as usual, then hit the sticker icon in the top-right corner. Find the Product sticker, and from there, choose the applicable product from your catalog.

(Hot tip: You can customize your product sticker to match the colors of your Story.)

How to create Instagram Shopping ads

Either boost a Shoppable post that you’ve already created, or build an ad from scratch in Ads Manager using the Instagram Product tags. Easy!

Ads with product tags can either drive to your eCommerce site or open up Instagram Checkout if you have that functionality.

How to create an Instagram live shopping stream

Note: In February 2023, Instagram announced that they would be shutting down Live Shopping. Instagram’s other shopping features are still available, including Shops, tags and collections.

In many parts of the world, live stream shopping is a regular part of eCommerce culture. With the introduction of Instagram Live Shopping, businesses in the US can now use Checkout on Instagram during Live broadcasts.

Basically, Instagram Live Shopping allows creators and brands to connect with shoppers live, host product demos and encourage purchases in real-time.

How to create Instagram Shopping Guides

One of the latest features on the app, Instagram Guides are like mini blogs that live right on the platform.

For users with an Instagram Shop, this can be a great way to promote products with a bit of an editorial angle: think gift guides or trend reports.

1. From your profile, click the plus symbol in the upper right corner.

2. Select Guide.

3. Tap Products.

4. Search by account for the product listing you’d like to include. If you’ve saved the product to your wishlist, you can find it there also.

5. Select the product you’d like to add and tap Next. You can choose to include multiple posts for a single entry if available. They will be displayed like a carousel.

6. Add your guide title and description. If you would like to use a different cover photo, tap Change Cover Photo.

7. Double check the pre-populated place name, and edit as needed. If you wish, add a description.

8. Tap Add Products and repeat steps 4–8 until your guide is complete.

9. Tap Next in the upper right corner.

10. Tap Share.

12 tips for selling more products with Instagram shopping

Now that your virtual shelves are stocked, it’s time to catch a potential buyer’s eye.

Here are some best practices for encouraging users to shop ‘til they drop. (Or should that be “‘Gram til they… blam?” Hmmm, still workshopping that one.)

1. Use striking visuals

Instagram is a visual medium, so your products better be looking good out there in the grid! Prioritize high-quality photos and videos to keep your wares looking professional and appealing.

Just take a look at the playful way fashion brand Lisa Says Gah displays its tote bags: dangling from an arm that’s holding a bottle of wine.

fashion brand Lisa Says Gah tote bags

Make sure you’re up-to-date with the most recent image and video specs (Instagram sometimes changes things up), and that photos and videos are high-resolution whenever possible.

If you can, give your product shots an exciting, editorial vibe, showcasing your goods in action or in a real-world setting. Sharing beautiful details shots can be an eye-catching option too. 

2. Add hashtags

Using relevant Instagram hashtags is a smart strategy for all posts, including shopping content.

They’ll increase the likelihood that you’ll be discovered by someone new, opening up a whole new opportunity for potential engagement.

Using the right hashtags can also help you land on the Explore page, which has a special “Shop” tab and is visited by more than 50% of Instagram users each month (that’s more than half a billion people).

3. Share a sale or promotional code

Everyone loves a good deal, and running a promotional campaign is a surefire way to drive sales.

When you promote the code directly in your shoppable Instagram posts, it’s even easier for customers to act.

4. Show your product in action

The most popular type of video content on Instagram is the tutorial or how-to video. And this format is ideal for shopping posts because it offers viewers product education and proof-of-concept.

When you promote the code directly in your shoppable Instagram posts, it’s even easier for customers to act.

5. Be authentic

The principles of social media engagement all apply to product posts, too… and that includes the golden rule of authenticity.

There’s no need to stick to product copy. Your personality and voice should shine through here! Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with your audience with a thoughtful caption that offers surprising insight or an emotional connection. What inspired the piece? How was it made? Storytelling is a sales tool as old as time.

6. Play with color

Color is always eye-catching, so don’t be afraid to embrace a vibrant hue as a background for your product shot.

7. Establish a signature style

Having a consistent aesthetic on Instagram will help you improve your brand recognition and establish your identity.

It also helps customers scrolling through their feed or browsing the Explore tab to recognize your posts at a glance.

Did you know? There are a striking 37% more sales on average made by businesses who tag products in their feed posts.

Your signature style on Instagram should be consistent with your brand visuals elsewhere. Your website, ads, and product packaging should all fit together, with complementary images.

8. Be inclusive

If you want your brand to reach a wide audience, you need to ensure your images are meaningfully representative.

With over a billion users, it’s safe to say that Instagram users are a diverse group.

But too often, the people in Instagram promotions and images look the same: white, able-bodied, slim. Embrace all your potential customers with models who showcase all the different body types that are out there.

Another inclusivity tip: Caption your images descriptively so that visually impaired users can still learn all about your amazing product.

9. Share user-generated content

User-generated content (UGM) refers to any posts or Stories from Instagram users that feature your products.

Not only do these posts provide new, real images of your photos in action, but they also boost your credibility. That’s because posts from real users are considered more authentic, and that authenticity translates to higher trust. They’re like visual testimonials.

10. Create a captivating carousel

Show off your range with a carousel that showcases a variety of products. It’s a quick way for users to get a broader look at your latest collection, without having to tap allll the wayyyy to your Instagram Shop.

11. Collaborate with tastemakers

Team up with a tastemaker to help spread your product posts further. Invite an influencer or person you admire to curate a special Collection of their favorite goods from your catalog.

You’ll tag them in all of your posts; they’ll share with their own audience (and get a warm fuzzy feeling that you admire their sense of style). Win-win!

12. Craft compelling CTAs

Nothing pairs better with a beautiful photo than a compelling call to action. A call to action is an instructive phrase that pushes the reader to take action — whether that’s “Buy now!” or “Share with a friend!” or “Get it before it’s gone!”

Shopping on Instagram is only going to grow in popularity, and it’s just a matter of time until features like Instagram Checkout is global. So there’s no time like the present to dive in and find out how much it can benefit your business, as part of your overall social media strategy. Let the digital shopping sprees begin!


 Having a strong sense of community on Instagram is arguably way more important than your follower count. Creating an engaged community on your page will ensure stronger and more loyal relationships and end up increasing your growth and overall profits. People go on social media to connect with other people. Users now expect brands and businesses to act more human, transparent, and approachable instead of robotic, distant, and unresponsive. Now is the time to emphasize your brand’s personality and let it shine through the screen. In this post we’re going to show you small and simple ways to easily increase the sense of community on your page.

Screenshots of messages and comments on your Instagram story and feed

This is a simple way to create an engaging story or feed post that creates a sense of community among your followers. Have you ever been swiping through stories and landed on a text or DM conversation between a follower and the brand’s account? You probably found yourself pausing the screen to stop and read the conversation. It’s nice to feel included in a conversation we weren’t initially included in. Not only does this show other followers that people are engaging with you and your account, but it also shows that you’re responsive and care about your community. Keep in mind, the way you respond is a great opportunity to offer valuable information and show off your brand’s personality.

Do an Instagram page community spotlight

Once a week or once a month do a community spotlight. This would be where you pick a few of your favorite follower’s brands/pages and share them to your story- write something you love about them, and tag them! This shows that you’re involved in your own community, care about your followers, and strengthens your relationship with them. The people you tag will most likely re-share to their story exposing you to their own follower base. Remember earlier how we mentioned creating an engaging post with a CTA in the caption? Suppose you make a post asking people to tell you what they do and to tag their business/brand in the comments. instead of sifting through your followers, you now have a super-easy way to find really cool brands to shine a spotlight on your stories!

An engaging feed post with a CTA as a caption

Creating a stronger sense of community can be as simple as creating a caption that tells your audience to introduce themselves or to find someone who has similar interests in the comments. When you encourage your followers to share something about themselves in the comments, other followers will naturally get excited when they go to comment and see they have something in common with somebody else.

Show yourself on reels

Showing your face is such a powerful way to help people feel connected to you and your brand. Photos are great, but reels are even better. Showing your face on reels not only adds a more personal aspect to your brand but also shows your brand’s vibe and personality. If people feel connected to you, then they’re going to feel connected to your brand too, ultimately forming a community rather than just a page.

Just be social on social media

Reply back to all of your comments and DMs. If people are taking the time to engage with you and your content, take the time to thank them, and show your appreciation. You can even create a group DM with similar accounts where you discuss things, ask questions or share updates on topics relating to your field. This is like creating a community within your community, helping to further strengthen your relationships with others.

Add interactive stickers to your stories

Give your followers the chance to engage with you! Adding polls and questions to your stories says “hey let’s talk, let’s be friends, I wanna hear what you have to say and how you feel.” Stickers are so easy to add and convey a message that you care about your followers, and want to hear from them. They make you more approachable. A bonus is that Instagram loves to see people engaging with content, and will push your stories out to more of your followers.

Pinterest for Business

 Hmmm, Pinterest for Business? Really?

Yes, it’s not a secret anymore that Pinterest will bring you the most traffic to your blog, website, or any other place. And not only that, your sales will grow significantly if you do it right.

Why do most bloggers, entrepreneurs, and marketers see an increase in sales? Well, it’s because over 80% of Pinterest users are BUYERS!

How To Use Pinterest For Business - TOP Pinterest Tips

You won’t find that many on Facebook or Instagram.

That’s why it’s so important to use Pinterest for business. And there is another great news you should know – you can get MASSIVE Traffic for FREE!

1.) Why you should use Pinterest for business:

Reason #1: Most Pinterest users are buyers:

As I said before, the first reason is that over 80% of Pinterest users are buyers. You can reach out to a lot of people without struggling and wasting a ton of your time in front of your computer.

Reason #2: You won’t waste too much time reaching more people:

To be honest with you, I spent at least 4 hours more in front of a computer when I was using Facebook. There is nothing wrong with Facebook (I still use it), but if you want to reach out to more people, you will have to invest in ads. I can say that I’m not a Social Media slave anymore just because I started using Pinterest.

Reason #3: Pinterest ads are way cheaper and more powerful:

Another reason you should use Pinterest for business is that you can use its ads. You will invest way less money than with Facebook ads. The only problem that I see here is that Pinterest ads are not global.

2.) How to set up a Pinterest account for your business:

STEP #1:

You have two options here. If you already have a Pinterest personal profile, you can simply convert it to a business account.

OPTION 1: Convert a personal account to a business account:

Log in to your Pinterest profile account

Go to pinterest.com/business/convert/

Fill out your business name and website, then select a business type

Click Create account

OPTION 2: Create a new business account:

If you have a personal account but don’t want to convert it, go to pinterest.com/logout to log out

Go to pinterest.com/business/create/

Fill out your email, password, and business name, then select a business type

Click Create account

STEP #2:

Complete your Pinterest for a business account:

First, upload your headshot photo (smile on the photo)

Choose your username (it should be the name of your brand or just your name if you are branding yourself) – Include some keywords (for example, Pinterest for Business Tips, Ideas for Weight Loss…)

Complete your bio (include keywords – SEO optimized so that your business account will get ranked higher up and you will get in front of your targeted audience)

Also, you can add your location

And don’t forget to add your website 

STEP #3:

How to verify your website on Pinterest:

Log in to Pinterest from a web browser and click the arrow in your top right corner to open your menu.

Select Settings

Click “Claim” and enter your website URL, then click Claim. 

Select “Add HTML tag”

Then copy the tag and click Next

Go to the index.html file of your website and add the tag to the <head> section before the <body> section

Then go back to Pinterest and click Submit

STEP #4:

Your next step is to set up Pinterest rich pins:

You will need to add metadata to the content on your website.

Then you will have to verify your Rich Pins before you go to Pinterest

Then go to Rich Pins Validator:

If you read all the steps from the Pinterest help site, then you know you have to go to Rich Pins Validator. There you will see which steps to take next. This is how the site will look like:

You only need to do this once from any link on your website. Then you will enable Rich Pins for your whole domain.

3.) How to automate your Pinterest with their scheduler:

You can schedule your static or video pins inside Pinterest. Click ‘Create’ in the top left corner, then choose ‘Create Pin’.

There you can upload your graphics or videos, fill out the title, description, alt text, add a link, and choose the most relevant board.

At the bottom, you will see two options:

Publish immediately

Publish at a later date

Click ‘Publish at a later date’ and choose the date and time when you want your pin to be published.

4.) Create Pins for Pinterest:

Pinterest is a visual search engine, which means you have to create attractive pins. The pin images have to be vertical .

The ratio should be 2:3 – for example, 1000 x 1500 pixels. Here are other 2:3 ratio sizes:

I mostly use the size 1000 x 1500 px for static pins, and 1080 x 1920 px for idea pins.

Before you start making pins, you should know what they will look like. I’m talking about colors and fonts. Your brand is not just you, your products, or your services. It’s also the looks of your visuals.

Besides the high-quality images, you should always include the same colors and fonts. 

5.) How to grow your Pinterest account:

The number of followers is not that important but you should still grow it. The more followers you have, the more people see your pins. So here is what you should do:

At the end of each blog post, ask people to follow you on Pinterest 

When sending an email to your audience, including the call to action to follow you on Pinterest

Add a pin widget to your blog

Add a Pinterest share button to your blog

When making a video, you can include a call to action at the end

6.) Know your targeted audience:

You have to know who your targeted audience is. Not everyone is interested in what you have, so if you don’t want to waste your time, you have to figure out who are they, where they hang out (online or offline), and more.

You can create detailed customer personas and tailor your marketing efforts to your target audience by answering these questions. 

This can help you better connect with your potential customers, create more compelling content, and ultimately grow your business.

7.) Check your analytics:

And here we go with the boring part – at least it used to be boring to me. And that’s why I made the biggest mistake – NOT CHECKING THE ANALYTICS.

That’s why I wasted a ton of time doing stuff that didn’t work at all. I don’t want you to repeat my mistake. If you want to do Pinterest for business, then analyzing how your pins are doing is a must!

You can find the analytics in the top left corner of your Pinterest account. Click on overview and check all the stats. But I suggest you focus on your blog analytics more because Pinterest analytics are not that accurate.

How To Use Instagram To Attract Interior Design Clients

 “I wish my followers would become clients!” I’ve heard this time and time again on intake forms, during discovery calls, and from current clients. We’ve all been told that social media is a goldmine for finding people to work with you. But when it doesn’t seem to be happening for you (even though you’re posting allll the trending reels and spending hours studying Instagram tips and tricks), it can feel like all the social media experts are just talking a load of B.S. While some of the tips are cackapoo, I’m here to give you proven strategies for how to use Instagram to attract interior design clients.

This Is How To Use Instagram To Attract Interior Design Clients

There are 4 key components to a successful Instagram strategy (aka, one that increases awareness of your brand, build connections, and leads to clients). They are: profile optimization, strategic content, intentional engagement, and most importantly: not putting all your eggs in one basket.


In order to get clients, you need people to be able to find you. One of the easiest ways to do that (and what I see WAY too many interior designers missing out on) is to use highly searchable terms in your name field. Wasting that space on your business name means people who don’t know your business name yet are less likely to find you. So instead of saying “Brianna Michele Interiors”, think about what someone would look up when wanting to find a designer that offers what you do: Interior Stylist for Vacation Rentals. If you work in or are based in a specific location, be sure to add that to your name field as well!

They’re here – now what?

When a potential follower first lands on your profile, they’re going to make a decision about whether or not they want to learn more FAST. In order to make them stick around, you need to make sure your bio is set up to grab their attention and keep it.

First things first: Make sure it’s very clear what you do. Designing homes for families, Luxury interior design studio, etc. Don’t waste valuable profile space on quotes or quirky fun facts (save that for a feed post!)

Second: Add authority builders, if you have them. Mention years of experience, homes designed, or places you’ve been featured.

Third: Don’t forget to direct new followers to your website with a clear call to action. For example, “Download our service guide” or “Inquire about your project.” After all, your website is where they’re going to learn more about your services and inquire! (More on that later)

Optimization doesn’t stop with your bio. Next, they’ll see your highlights. Think of these as mini-web pages to cover the most important information someone would want to see when learning more about you. I recommend having the following:

  • a “Start Here” highlight
  • Your Services
  • Client Love/Reviews
  • Behind the Scenes
  • as well as a highlight for each project

And finally, consider which posts you’ll pin to your profile. Those three pinned posts will live on the top of your grid (ahead of new posts), and are a fantastic way to maximize traffic to important information. I recommend having a post that introduces you, a project you’re proud of, and one that explains how to work with you.


Hooray! Your optimized profile made that visitor hit follow. How do you keep them around?

With amazing content! When creating your posts, you want to speak directly to the type of person you are hoping to work with. Which means: avoid the DIY content! In order to use Instagram to attract interior design clients with the qualities and budget you want to see, speak to their concerns and what they’d want to get out of their work with you. Hint: it’s less “how to choose a paint color” and more “why working with an interior designer will save you hundreds of hours you don’t have.”

Don’t forget to show off your personality as well!

What if I don’t have a ton of content?

I hear this a lot from my clients who are newer interior designers. If you don’t have an extensive profile, it can feel overwhelming to try to create content. But that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck!

First, don’t be afraid of iPhone shots and behind the scenes! Your page doesn’t have to perfectly curated to attract clients.

Consider investing in professional brand photography for projects. You could include this in your design project fees to offload some of the cost!

And if you don’t have a ton of projects yet – a quality stock photo subscription like Haute Stock could be an amazing option to supplement! 

If you take one thing from this section, notice that I did NOT recommend reposting other people’s content to your page. Not only could this confuse your customers  and hampers trust-building with your audience, it also is an intellectual property violation (especially if the project was shot by a professional photographer). Instagram’s copyright rules are strict and you don’t want to put your account at risk! Same goes for downloading content from Pinterest. If you didn’t take the photo, or pay the photographer that did, don’t post it.


Posting content is one piece of the puzzle, but the way to truly see success on social media? Is to remember that it’s about being SOCIAL. When your focus is on building community, you’ll see a higher quantity and quality of leads coming your way.

How do you engage with ideal clients on Instagram?

There are two types of engagement on Instagram:

Inbound engagement is when you’re interacting with people you already follow or who follow you. Staying up to date on comments and messages ensures that people will continue to engage with you (after all, nobody likes to interact with someone who doesn’t give them the time of day!) This type of engagement is what creates a strong community.

But outbound engagement is what introduces you to new potential members of your community – and it cannot be overlooked. Especially for a small business wanting to grow on social media organically, putting yourself in front of people you want to work with is SO important.

Not sure where to look? For interior design clients, many of them might be private or not as easily found as a public-facing service provider. I like to look through the followers of competitor & peer accounts, as well as the followers of related services – for example, local realtors or family photographers!

Most importantly, when you engage, remember to do so ACTIVELY. Scrolling through your feed and throwing out likes won’t get your ideal client’s attention. Be sure to leave meaningful comments (and stand out by actually responding to their call to action!) and start conversations.

Why Is My Reach So Low?

Ok, you say. I’m spending all my time on Instagram, trying all the tips – but my reach is TRASH 🗑

Before we dive into the fourth component of a successful Instagram strategy for attracting interior design clients, let’s do a quick recap of how the app works.


The Instagram algorithm is based on RELATIONSHIPS – meaning, how well the app can tell if you’d like someone’s content and vice versa, based on your interactions . This is why engagement is so important. If you’re wondering how to use Instagram to attract interior design clients, the key is to focus heavily on the connections you build and demonstrating to the app that those people enjoy your content!


If your reach is low, there could be a couple things going on:

first, look at if your quantity of content has changed. You have to look at analytics in context – if you went from 5 posts to 2 posts a week, it’s reasonable that your reach would go down.

It’s also worth reviewing your hashtags. While they’re not the be-all and end-all, hashtags can increase your reach by 11-12%. Be sure you’re using relevant hashtags (not those huge 1M+ hashtags!) and switching them up for each post.

Has your content gone stagnant? Posting the same type of content that you shared in 2020 simply won’t work the same.

Are you using your insights to inform what you post, and when? Posting without reviewing the data means you’re shooting in the dark

And finally: Instagram is a competitive environment, and it’s only getting harder and harder to stand out. This is why it’s worth it to work with a social media manager who can do that hard work for you!

You Can’t Only Depend On Instagram

Back to what it takes to attract clients with Instagram. And for this final step, we’re talking about why you need to go BEYOND Instagram.

I recommend thinking of IG of as a place to show off your portfolio and build a community around your brand. But it’s only one touchpoint along your customer journey. Once someone lands on your Instagram, where do they go next?

In most cases – your website. It’s so important to have an on-brand website that makes it easy to reach out to work with you.

And what happens after they’re working with you? Your client experience during the project will help you land referrals and expand your network if done right. My most successful clients have a robust referral network that not only act as social proof, but continually help send new traffic to their IG and websites through post sharing, recommendations, and more.

In Short: How To Use Instagram To Attract Interior Design Clients

Instagram is a powerful tool for building a community around your business, connecting with potential clients and peers, and showing off your portfolio. With a search-optimized bio, quality content, intentional engagement and a customer journey that extends beyond IG, you can use this incredible platform to attract new interior design clients.

Instagram Stories Ideas

If you’re using Instagram, I am 100% sure that you have already seen Instagram stories. Did you know that you can use it to connect with your community and turn them into buyers? 

Instagram story is an excellent way to build relationships with your community and where your potential clients gain trust in you and your brand. 

But how will you do it and what is the content you should be posting in IG stories? I’m going to share with you my list and some examples in this blog.

How to Use IG Stories for your Content?

When I open my Instagram account, the first thing that I checked are the IG stories of the people I follow, how about you?

Big brands are using IG stories to show and promote their product simply because it is where massive attention is. According to Startup Bonsai, half a billion people use Stories every day, and  4 million advertisers use Stories to promote their products and services. Isn’t this a great number to consider using IG stories to promote your coaching business?

IG story is a great way to build LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST.  People buy from people who they think know well and have proven results. Here’s how you can use IG story for your coaching business:

◻️ Position yourself as an expert by teaching your community

 You can build your credibility by teaching your community how to get from their struggle to their goals. Share some useful techniques on how they can get awesome results and how you do your task behind the scenes.

◻️ Use IG stories to connect with your community.

 You can share a lesson you’ve learned from your own life experience, share a quote that inspires you, or the challenges that you overcome. This is to show the human behind the brand.

◻️ Ask and engage. 

You can share a lesson you’ve learned from your own life experience, share a quote that inspires you, or the challenges that you overcome. This is to show the human behind the brand.

◻️ Tease your community

Preparing for an upcoming masterclass? Share behind the scene with your community. You can share with your community, what’s your masterclass all about, who is it for, and what are things they will learn after your masterclass.

◻️ Flaunt your results 

To strengthen your credibility as someone who is an expert on your niche, back it up with results. You can share your past client’s results, some analytics that has great results, and testimonials.

How to Use IG Stories for your Content?

IG story is a great way to build LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST.  People buy from people who they think know well and have proven results. Here’s how you can use IG story for your coaching business:

Now, you want to show up in Instagram stories, but what do you talk about?

Stories must be 50% Business Expertise and 50% Personal stories. Of course, the purpose of showing up in stories is to position yourself as the expert (Business expertise) + build their trust (Personal stories)

For Business Expertise, you can share stories about:

  • Educational content – builds authority – tips, hacks, tutorials, instruction, mini-training
  • Promote offer/campaign/service
  • Share wins – anything that builds credibility and recognition of what you do(reviews, testimonials, invites, closed deals, past output or results, client stories, etc)
  •  Behind the scenes
  •  Reshare old posts or posts of other people. as long as it gives value to your community

For Personal stories, you can share:

  • Day-to-day life
  •  Behind the scenes
  • Celebrations/normal home scenarios/ real-life experiences
  •  Your story/visions/inspirations
  •  Routines (morning routine, fav food, makes people remember you)

Instagram Stories Ideas for Coaches

Things to Remember

Here are the things you need to keep in mind when using IG stories:

✔️ Show your face

✔️ Your stories are supposed to be spontaneous not curated.

✔️ Don’t get caught up with trying to be perfect, there’s nothing as such (and it’s boring)

✔️ Remember that it disappears within the 24hours so don’t forget to pin important ones on your highlights

 ✔️ Make sure your highlights contain important bubbles that support the building of LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST

✔️ Don’t forget to use engagement stickers

Wrap it up

IG story is great for nurturing your community, you need to combine teaching your audience + promoting your offer to make an effective IG story strategy that works for you.

Here’s how you can use your Instagram story to nurture your audience:

Position yourself as an expert by teaching your community

.Use IG stories to connect with your community

Ask and engage

Tease your community

Flaunt your results

In posting your IG story, do the 50/50, 50% for your business expertise + promotion and 50% for your personal stories.