Sunday Thoughts

How genuinely are you going to live? How afraid  are you going to be?

For how many more years are you going to let your demons conquer you?

  You are only in your 30s.It is not too late to start over.

In fact, I hope you start over all the time. Not by burning bridges or 

ditching town or closing yourself to what you have, but by no longer

fearing what you don’t. I hope you spend your free afternoons working

on the skills you need to have the job you want someday. I hope you

accept that you’re not supposed to look the way you did in high school,

or really want the same things. I hope you ask yourself: “What do I want

now?” every time it occurs to you to do so. I hope you learn that there

is only one way to guide your life, and it is by consistently focusing

on the next right step.

  Genuinely unhappy people are never upset by their circumstances; they 

are upset because they have externalized their power. They put their faith

in finding the right person as opposed to being able to attract and choose 

the right person. They put their faith in finding the right job, in the 

right economy, as opposed to honing their skills to the point that a

company would be remiss to overlook them.

  If you want to genuinely start over, clear the slate of everything you

ever thought about how to get your life together. Don’t predict, project, 

mind-read, assume. Don’t imagine a better elevator speech. Don’t only think

of what it makes sense to do. Think of what it feels right to do. Not what 

your impulses say, not what your laziness says, not what your fear says.

Those things have probably gotten you where you are. But a layer beneath

them is a more resolute voice, and it will tell you which way to go. You 

only have to get quiet, listen and act.

  Learn to live your life more than you’re inclined to sit around wondering

about it. You can’t reflect your way into a new existence, but you can think 

yourself into paralysis. If you know, at your core, that you must start over.

Life: You need to know what it is

So figure out what you most need to heal within your-

self by seeing what you most want to change in others.

Doing so will free you in a way you can’t imagine. Doing

so is necessary piece of the life-you-want puzzle,

because all the energy you’re using trying to avoid,

deflect, delude your way into not acknowledging what

you need to heal/change/deal is being wasted, at best,

and is actually actively keeping you from the life you

want, at worst.

What is worth suffering for?

Everything is hard in some way. It’s hard to be in the

wrong relationship. It’s hard to be in the right one.

It’s hard to be broke and miserable, it’s hard to achieve

your dreams. It’s hard to be stuck in the middle, not really

feeling anything at all. Everything is hard, but you

choose your hard. You choose what’s worth it. You don’t

choose whether or not you’ll suffer, but you do choose

what you want to suffer for.

What owns you in this life?

Is it your desire for happiness? The past? The relationship

that almost-was-but-ultimately-didn’t? Your body hang-up?

Your fear? Your loneliness? Your lack of self-worth?

Everybody has one thing that ultimately owns them, drives them,

controls them at some visceral level. It’s the pattern that

everything else is rooted in; it’s the issue that crops

up again and again. It’s what you insatiably seek, then run

await from, only to find you ran right into it. What 

owns you in this life makes up the majority of what you do,

so you need to know what it is.

Can’t Help Myself

I’m not supposed to want you;

I’m not supposed to care,

and yet I spend my time dreaming

of all that we could share.

I’m not supposed to think about you

or wonder where you’ve been,

but no matter how I fight it,

thoughts of you sneak in.

I’m not supposed to ponder

where you are each night,

but you creep into my vision

when the stars shine bright.

I’m not supposed to yearn so,

always wishing you were here,

but I hunger for your kisses,

and I long to draw you near.

I’m not supposed to imagine

where you are and what you do.

I know I shouldn’t cater

to a single thought of you.

I’m not supposed to need you.

I know these things. I do.

And yet I can’t help myself,

because I fell in love with you.


I don’t know what it is like to love someone, who the world tells me I am not supposed to love. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to love

someone I am afraid to kiss on the street .

But I do know what it like to love someone who I cannot be with. I know how it feels to have my brain tell me one thing,

and my heart another. To live with the knowledge that if circumstances had been different, I would be with the one I love.

I do know there are all kinds of barriers to love. I do believe the world needs less of them.