The waves have a story to tell me,

Ad I lie on the lonely beach;

Chanting aloft in the pine-tops,

The wind has a lesson to teach;

But the stars sing an anthem of glory

I cannot put into speech.

The waves tell of ocean spaces,

Of hearts that are wild and brave, 

Of populous city places,

Of desolate shores they lave,

Of men who sally in quest of gold

To sink in an ocean grave.

The wind is a mighty roamer;

He bids me keep me free,

Clean from the taint of the gold-lust,

Hardy and pure as he;

Cling with my love to nature,

As a child to the mother-knee.

But the stars throng out in their glory,

And they sing of the God in man;

They sing of the Mighty Master,

Of the loom his fingers span,

Where a star or a soul is part of the whole,

And weft in the wondrous plan.

Here by the camp-fire’s flicker,

Deep in my blanket curled,

I long for the peace of the pine-gloom,

When the scroll of the Lord is unfurled,

And the wind and the wave are silent,

And world is singing to world.

Simply You

What is love?

The way the sun sets so that the moon can shine. The sea greeting the shore no matter how many time he is pushed away. 

Leaves that blush at the sight of autumn. Dreams that show you the ways out of your maze. Our hearts together so that we may remember the tune.

This is how love might feel for most people, but for me, love is simply you.

When it is right

Trust me when I say- when it is right, everything that you love ruthlessly will love you back with the same conviction. Trust me when I say – when it is right, the things you reach in life, the things you deeply hope for, they will reach back, And I promise you, when that happens you will understand that all of the things

you ached for that did not work out, all of the hearts that failed to appreciate the home you made for them inside of yourself, they were not there things that broke you, or ruined you, or made you less worthy. No,

instead, you will see that they built you. They taught you about yourself. They led you to the person you

were born to be, and they guided you to the person you were meant to be with. They shaped you. They challenged you. They grew you.