Why Storytelling Works in Marketing

 If you’re in the online marketing space in any way, shape, or form, you’ve probably heard someone talk about the power of using stories in marketing. 

But what does it actually mean to use storytelling when it comes to business facts and not some fictional, fantasy novel?

Buckle up buttercup because this blog post is dedicated to all things story: what it is, why we (humans) gravitate toward it, and how to use it in your own marketing efforts

What is storytelling?

On the most basic level, storytelling is the act of using words to help a listener or reader imagine an experience or another world.  It usually involves a beginning, a middle, and an end and it definitely includes characters.

Almost every story in existence follows the hero’s journey. The hero’s journey contains a main character (the hero) who encounters a problem that forces them out into the unknown where they meet a guide who helps them face the problem so they can return home victorious. 

Okay, great, but…

Why do we even care about stories?

Storytelling is hardwired into our DNA (and that’s not me being dramatic, it’s science). If you want to get really nerdy about it the impact storytelling has on the brain, you can do so here and here or just Google “storytelling and neuroscience.”

Basically, we know that stories work because we’ve studied storytelling and the brain enough to prove that the brain gets excited when it’s listening to a good story. 

Just think back to something CRAZY a friend has told you about…

What just popped into your mind? Was it a fact or a story?

I’m willing to bet it was a story…because stories are deeply human. Not only do they evoke feelings within us which we have a lot easier of a time remembering than facts, but they’re also a deeply human habit. The act of passing on stories about events and each other is a core part of our survival and our history. 

Stories are also stupid powerful 

They are a rallying cry unlike anything else. Think about Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech – the whole speech is a story that had readers imagining a better world, a different world. 

Think about The Bible. It doesn’t just say: God created the earth – it recounts what happened on each of the seven days of creation. 

And at the core of wildly successful brands? You guessed it, storytelling. Which brings us to the next point…

What good stories and marketing have in common 


Every good story starts with a problem and that problem demands that the main character makes a decision: go passively about life and let this problem ruin everything or take action and dive into the unknown with the potential to be victorious. 

The same goes for marketing. Your ideal client is the hero at the beginning of their journey and when they come across your offer or your business, they’re experiencing a problem, a problem that you are offering a solution to. But taking a step toward fixing their problem requires a step into the unknown. 

The takeaway: how can you create stakes around what you offer so your reader can feel the tension between staying where they are and being fine/less than fine or taking the next step and being fulfilled?


The main character is what makes or breaks a good story because if you don’t like the main character, you’re not gonna keep reading the book or watching whatever series.

Good main characters are scared but choose to be brave anyway, they have things they would absolutely never do (strong values), they make mistakes and are too hard on themselves for it, they have moments of extreme self-doubt, and they crave more. They’re the ones seeking to make a change; a change within their world or a change that impacts all of society.

They also have a rich backstory that deepens readers’ connections to the main character because it helps them understand why they are the way they are. (Have you ever watched a movie where there was so little backstory you just couldn’t care about what was happening at all? It sucks.)

While you’re not actually the “hero” of your story according to marketing genius, Donald Miller, you can think of yourself as the main character when it comes to including these main character elements in your marketing. 

The takeaway: Have a backstory that contextualizes how you ended up where you are, make your values apparent, and reveal your vulnerabilities so that your audience can relate with you (and on a deeper level, care about the success of your brand). 


Along with a relatable main character, almost all good stories have a wise and wonderful guide who has faced the problem that the hero of the story is trying to overcome. 

And this is where the StoryBrand framework created by Donald Miller will blow your mind: you’re not the hero, you’re the guide. 

(I promise it’s still cool.)

The guide is the character that has been there and done that, having overcome similar challenges the hero is facing, and is a key character because the guide is able to relay their experiences in a way that helps the hero. 

(Imagine how bad it would be if Dumbledore was like: “Yeah, I’ve got no ideas how to beat Voldemort. Good luck though.” Not a very reassuring role model.) 

The guide is the all-knowing character that everyone respects and turns to for sage advice and is responsible for leading the hero through their journey, but ultimately letting them spread their wings and fly all on their own at the end. In your marketing storyline – your ideal client is the hero, turning to you for your expertise so you can lead them through their challenges and to triumph. 

The takeaway: you want to relate to your ideal client by telling them you know how they’re feeling because you’ve been there BUT that you’ve overcome it and you know what life is like on the other side, that’s why you’re qualified to help them.


A good story makes a big deal out of the end goal. Whether that’s overcoming literal evil or getting your parents back together (shoutout to The Parent Trap), the end goal feels plausible but like a big f-ing deal. It’s not so easy that it’s boring, but it’s not so hard that it’s completely impossible – story consumers need something to root for. After all, the end goal is what makes the opening problem compelling. 

If there’s no end goal, then there’s only hopelessness. If there’s only the end goal, but no problem, it’s boring. The end goal paired with the problem is what creates the tension that drives the whole story. 

Give people a good goal to root for and you’ll form a community.

Just like at Nike. Yeah, they’re selling shoes. But they’re also selling the idea that anyone can accomplish the unbelievable if they just do it. And they do so by showing you the stories of ordinary people who have become extraordinary athletes, implying that their audience could be that too. 

The takeaway: show your ideal client what’s on the other side if they take this leap; paint a picture of what their life could look like if they were to succeed. 


Humans are hungry for transformation and good stories know that. The mistreated and abused step-daughter who goes on to marry a prince (Cinderella) or the woman who starts out frumpy and insecure but transforms into a sexy, confident woman after a haircut and wardrobe makeover (any makeover show). 

The list goes on and on: the diamond that goes from nothing special to a treasured gem or even the cleaning videos you can find on TikTok of people washing dirt off rugs and organizing their houses. 

It stems from the human desire to go from what we are to what we’re capable of, unlocking our want to be more than we currently are. It’s a powerful element of storytelling and it’s also one of the easiest to incorporate into your marketing because whatever you sell is taking someone from where they are now to where they want to be. 

The takeaway: show your ideal clients where they are now in comparison to where they could be. Tap into where they dream of going by telling them what’s possible if they take a step in that direction. 


And what ties all of those pieces together? Emotion – the backbone, lifeblood, and undercurrent of all good storytelling. Because when people feel something, they remember it.

Pixar has perfected this one: they’ve got drawing on our emotions down to a science. They’ve made us empathize and care for just about everything out there: fish, toys, feelings that have feelings, monsters, robots, bugs, cars, and even rats to name a few of their most beloved movies. 

And you know why? Because emotion is front and center. Think about Ratatouille, a movie about a rat, a wildly unpopular animal, who wants to be a chef which is a ridiculous, yet entertaining concept on its own, but he’s not just a rat. 

He’s a rat who feels like an outsider, who want something more than what he’s told he can be. 

He dares to dream and after (forcedly) breaking away from the group and life he knows, steps into an unknown world where against all odds he finds someone who gets him, recognizes his talent, and helps him pursue his dream. Throughout the movie he confronts his identity, he betrays someone he cares about, and lastly, he owns who he is and becomes someone he is proud of: a chef who not only serves real people in a real restaurant but changes rat culture forever by taking typical cuisine from trash to tasty, real food. 

All of those points are incredibly emotionally compelling and relatable as hell. We can’t help but cheer Remy on as he embarks on an impossible journey and we can’t help but grin as his dream comes true. 

There’s a reason that movie has a 96% on Rotten Tomatoes and grossed 623 MILLION dollars at the box office.

The takeaway: Get emotional. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but you want to touch on the core emotional human experiences in a way that’s authentic and true to your story. 

The bottom line

Storytelling works and you can use storytelling in your marketing in all kinds of ways. Whether it’s the story of how your business got started, the story of your ideal client and what they’re looking for, the story you tell of how your offer transformed your customers’ life, or just a silly story you send to your email list, you can use stories everywhere. 

Elevated Client Experience

 Throughout the decade that I’ve been working , there’s one topic that I’ve seen fellow creatives struggle with time and time again: crafting an elevated client experience.

We talk about client experience all the time, and with good reason! How we serve our clients as graphic, brand, and web designers not only delivers a better overall experience to them, but it also makes your life much easier. Plus, a memorable client experience creates the kind of positive association that makes it easy for your clients to go forth and sing your praises to everyone they know. Hello, word of mouth referrals! 😍

But growing this kind of legendary client experience doesn’t happen overnight. It takes some intentional thought to elevate your processes and systems to royalty status!

I’ve seen so many designers who want to improve or refine their client workflows in order to create an elevated client experience, but they don’t know where to begin. Perhaps they think it’s all about writing the perfect thank you note or packaging the prettiest welcome gift… but friend, let me give you this one bit of advice: don’t overcomplicate the process.

If you’re wondering how the heck to do that, then keep on scrolling, friend! Below, I’m sharing three steps you can take TODAY to become to queen, king, or non-binary royalty of client experience. And, trust me, it’s easier than you think. 😉


Truly, a strong client experience is all about intentionally building trust in order to guide and provide value to your client, from the first moments you interact to the final day of your work together. So, without further ado, here are 3 practical steps you can take to uplevel your client experience right away!


Your clients need to know what they can expect throughout your time working together. It sounds simple, but it’s overlooked far too often! Knowing what to expect, from the very first steps to the very last, will help both you and your client to feel confident and rest assured throughout the process.

The best thing to do here is to be proactive and educate them on what’s to come. This could look like highlighting your process on your website or providing a welcome guide to newly booked clients with a timeline and overview of what’s to come. Regardless of how you choose to present this information, be sure to set those expectations at the very beginning.

My personal favorite way to do this is to jump on a complimentary consult call with every potential client, before ever working with them. This allows me to explain my process and the value they’ll receive, as well as the next steps if they decide I’m working for them, all while beginning to build a personal relationship before our project even begins. Over the years, this has made the full client process much smoother and rooted in an intentional, thoughtful, relationship-based experience.


Friend, it’s not enough to just talk the talk; you need to also walk the walk. Setting clear expectations for your project from the beginning is crucial, but you can’t expect your client to remember every detail you tell them on the very first day, or to know what to do with all that information over the weeks or months to come.

At each point of your process, remind your client of the expectations you set at the beginning of your project. Continually refer back to the initial timeline you created, or send them back to the page on your website where you have all the details listed out. Remind them of the stage their project is in, and what this means for them—what they need to do next, and what they can expect from you at this point.

Above all else, it’s imperative that you follow through on the expectations you initially set. Whatever you tell clients to expect, you must either (1) follow through on those promises, or (2) adjust their expectations if needed as the project progresses. This way, you’re able to create a seamless and simple experience, as well as building rapport and earning trust with your clients. On the other hand, by failing to follow through on the standards you initially set, you could create confusion with your client and undermine the entire experience you’re trying to create.

Remember, friend: strong communication is key to creating an elevated client experience!


Yes, this is a popular mantra in our industry. But friend, it really does make a difference in the way your clients view and engage with you!

“Overdelivering” does not need to equate to some grand gesture, an expensive gift, or anything that complicates your own life. There are so many ways to show your client that you care, without breaking your neck (or your bank account) to do so!

Truly, it can be as simple as ensuring their deliverables arrive in their inbox a few days earlier than you promised. It’s that simple: underpromise by setting a deadline farther out than you need it to be, and overdeliver by completing the task ahead of schedule. It may sound small, but this really does go above and beyond to serve and delight your client!


I get it, friend: creating a client experience that sets you apart in your industry and builds trust with your clients sounds like a daunting, overwhelming task. But it doesn’t have to be complicated, I promise! My greatest advice is to pour your heart into the process you are creating. Take some time to think about how you make your clients feel. I promise, that thoughtfulness and intentionality will shine through as you guide people through your process! It truly makes all the difference when your clients can resonate with the heartfelt details you weave throughout your time together.

Related: What I’ve personally learned about client experience while hosting an all-inclusive retreat

Sunday Thoughts

How genuinely are you going to live? How afraid  are you going to be?

For how many more years are you going to let your demons conquer you?

  You are only in your 30s.It is not too late to start over.

In fact, I hope you start over all the time. Not by burning bridges or 

ditching town or closing yourself to what you have, but by no longer

fearing what you don’t. I hope you spend your free afternoons working

on the skills you need to have the job you want someday. I hope you

accept that you’re not supposed to look the way you did in high school,

or really want the same things. I hope you ask yourself: “What do I want

now?” every time it occurs to you to do so. I hope you learn that there

is only one way to guide your life, and it is by consistently focusing

on the next right step.

  Genuinely unhappy people are never upset by their circumstances; they 

are upset because they have externalized their power. They put their faith

in finding the right person as opposed to being able to attract and choose 

the right person. They put their faith in finding the right job, in the 

right economy, as opposed to honing their skills to the point that a

company would be remiss to overlook them.

  If you want to genuinely start over, clear the slate of everything you

ever thought about how to get your life together. Don’t predict, project, 

mind-read, assume. Don’t imagine a better elevator speech. Don’t only think

of what it makes sense to do. Think of what it feels right to do. Not what 

your impulses say, not what your laziness says, not what your fear says.

Those things have probably gotten you where you are. But a layer beneath

them is a more resolute voice, and it will tell you which way to go. You 

only have to get quiet, listen and act.

  Learn to live your life more than you’re inclined to sit around wondering

about it. You can’t reflect your way into a new existence, but you can think 

yourself into paralysis. If you know, at your core, that you must start over.