She’s pretty amazing at loving

She isn’t the easiest girl to love.

she has this bad habit of overthinking. She tends to 

overreact and she gets a little insecure every once in a

while. She’ll be needy for your attention. She wants to

literally take up all of your time and she’ll require a lot of

reassurance. She isn’t capable of fully trusting you. She

doesn’t know when to stop fighting with you even if she’s

wrong. She has no problem pushing you away if she feels

like you’re close to hurting her. Loving her will stress you

out, loving her will make you angry, loving her will break 

your heart at times, loving her will test you, loving her will

challenge you, and loving her will change you. It may get

so demanding that you’ll be tempted to walk away, it may

get so hard that you’ll think about giving up, and it may

get so complicated that you won’t want to deal with her

anymore. Loving her means you get to see her at her worst

and most vulnerable and that is something that you’ll have

to be strong enough to handle because she needs someone

who’s patient enough to understand why she is who she is

today. It’s not gonna be an easy relationship with her.

But if she is in love with you, then she can promise that

you’ll be loved with such passion and intensity that you’ll

forget what life felt like before she came along because 

she’ll always be there to put your heart back together after

breaking it. Maybe she’s not the best at being loved,

but she’s pretty amazing at loving.

A fairy tale.

” There was a girl,

who was sacred of life itself.

So for the longest time

she just kept running away

as far as she could see.

She ended up

on the other side of the world,

escaped to the place

that was exact epicenter of life.

It was so loud there,

that she wasn’t able to hear herself.

And for some time it felt good.

Until one day,

when the whole world went silent,

and she was forced to see,

that she was just hiding away

in the castle made of air;

locked up with her own restrained dreams.

And then she realized,

that fear will never go away.

so she stopped waiting

for some kind of prince to save her,

she left the castle,

and made that fear to be her guard.

And only walking side by side with it,

she found a way that she was truly seeking.”


She speaks to me fondly of passions and talents,

     guitars and stars,

     then stops short

 and apologies for speaking at all.

All because somewhere in her life,

someone she loved broke her heart

by ignoring her beautiful words

     and telling her to

        shut up,

       keep it down,

      nobody cares.

   People aren’t born sad.

   We make them that way.


They keep saying that beautiful is something a girl needs to be.

But honestly? Forget that. Don’t be beautiful.

Be angry, be intelligent, be witty, be klutzy, be interesting,

be funny, be adventurous, be crazy, be talented-

there are an eternity of other things

to be other than beautiful.

And what is beautiful anyway

but a set of letters strung together to make a word?

Be your own definition of amazing , always.

That is so much more important than anything beautiful , ever.

Credit : Nikita Gill from Pinterest