Love with Life

I want you to know what it feels like to
be in love with the life that you are living.
I want you to know what it feel like to
wake up in the morning and be grateful
for another day, every day. I want you to
have all of the energy you need to live
the life you want to live. I don’t want you
to be scared of the unknown–I want
you to see the unknown as a beautiful
puzzle that you will be able to build on
your own. You are capable of building
your dream life–one that you look back
on in the future and are completely in
awe of. I don’t want you to look back
and regret not making the move you
doubted you could do. You can do
anything. Start by believing in what you
don’t believe you are capable of. Start
by letting go of the strings attached to
your past. Start slowly. It won’t happen
all at once but it will happen as it needs
to. Please, don’t doubt yourself and
remember you don’t need anyone else to
believe in you for your dreams to come
true. You deserve to believe in yourself
and let that energy carry you through.

What we have now

We’re waiting for tomorrow,

But tomorrow never comes,

Our last breath is right upon our heels,

Yet we still refuse to run,

86 400 seconds,

And we’re in another day,

All slipping through our fingers,

As we look the other way,

Day, weeks, months and years,

Are made up of right now,

A string of fleeting moments,

That we never can pin down,

We gaze into the future,

As though it’s where we’re meant to be,

Always planning for that day,

When we can say that we’re happy,

We spend so long looking forward,

That we may as well be blind,

Since we don’t see until the very end,

All the things we’ve left behind,

Now I know it’s just a theory,

But I think I’ve worked out how,

The only way to happiness,

Is to love what we have now.

Letting Go

the economics of letting go

lately i’ve been thinking about

physical things and emotional things:

everything i have to carry.

i feel burdened with memories.

and the way i will hold on to

an item or thought

just in case

it will be of significance later.

i rehearse lines from a conversation had.


i never let anything gather dust.

because we never know if things

are going to be of

more or less

value in the future.

but lately i have stopped agonising over

the economics of letting go.

i am telling myself

it is okay to forgot.

i am making room for better things.

like light.

like nothing at all.