
We always tell ourselves that the people we love will be

around forever, until one day- they aren’t anymore. And I 

know you’re missing them right now. That it feels like a

visceral ache, deep within a part of yourself you did not

know existed until the day you lost them. So today, I hope

you remember that they live on within you, not just in your

heart- but in the way you infuse their care and kindness

into everything you do. In the way you take risks, knowing

that tomorrow is not promised. In the way you so 

courageously stay open to new possibilities, even when you

feel like you simply can’t keep going. In the way you

continue to love so fiercely and purely, despite knowing the

terror and grief of loss. I hope you remember that even when

you lose someone you love, the love you shred lives on.

Their love is always with you. They are still with you.

I want to kiss you

all day everyday. I want

to hold your hand when we

go walking. I love looking into

your eyes as you look into

mine. I smile every time

I see you smile.

My god I’m so in love

with you. Each moment spent

with you means everything

to me. I hate when I’m

away from you.

I love the feeling I get when

you wrap your arms around me

and I like how you smile when

I pull you closer.

Being in your arms

cuddling together watching

the world go by is just beautiful

to me, I could do it forever.

I just want to be with you.

Finally Found You

I am not the first person you loved.

you are not the first person I looked at

with a mouthful of forever’s. We 

have both known loss like the sharp edges

of knife. We have both lived with lips

more scar tissue than skin. Our love came

unannounced in the middle of the night.

Our love came when we’d given up

on asking love to come. I think

that has to be part

of its miracle.

This is how we heal.

I will kiss you like forgiveness. You

will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms

will bandage and we will press promises

between us like flowers in a book.

I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat

on your skin. I will write novels to the scar

of your nose. I will write a dictionary

of all the words I have used trying

to describe the way it feels to have finally,

finally found you.

And I will not be afraid

of your scars.

I know sometimes

it’s still hard to let me see you

in all your cracked perfection,

but please know:

whether it’s the days you burn

more brilliant than the sun

or the nights you collapse into my lap

your body broken into a thousand questions,

you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I will love you when you are a still day.

I will love you when you are a hurricane.

You’ll be mine

                                First Kiss

It wasn’t that long. But, the memory would last forever.

I do remember how i was holding your hand seeking for

   a corner . It was the first time for both of us.

 Still i can feel your heartbeats and my shivering.

  Eyes rolling, making sure of no one can see us.

 My hand on your face was like an ice on a flame.

For a moment all stopped when i felt your lips on mine.

  It was like souls in heaven promising I’m your and 

                 you’ll be mine.

This is how it works

i know now that this is how it works

you don’t get to keep everyone in your life forever

there are some people

that are just meant to be a sunrise for you

a light to pull you out of darkness

there are friends, lovers, relationships

that are seasonal

and no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how much you shared your heart

even if you can still draw the lines of their smile

like the map of a too familiar road

in the back of your mind

there almost always comes a time

to move on

a time to let go

and regardless of the letting go

i just wanted you to know

you’re always going to feel

a little bit like home to me

no matter how temporary

it is still beautiful

that i got to call so many hearts my home


I’ll write for you a poem

that you can read from time to time.

A tale of how we could be,

in a world where you are mine.

We’d travel near and far, just us,

walking city blocks together.

Our feet could take us anywhere

and our hands would still be tethered.

The starlight could be blinding

as the sunshine fades away.

Just tell me what to write

and I’ll create anything you say.

I could write us into forever

if you let my mind run wild

I’d write us onto the tops of mountains

where we’d play just like a child.

I’d write us into all the wonders

that I’ve ever dreamt of seeing,

but the saddest part of writing

is that I can’t write you into being.


they warn us to not make homes out of people.

they say it will hurt too much while the’re gone.

but what are these beating hearts good for

if not to be a place for others to belong?

my heart is a home with many rooms

with empty spaces for people to stay,

and sometimes we are lucky and find ones

who remain with us even when they are away.

i’m forever making homes out of people,

scattering bits of myself in the ones i trust.

and yes, it’s messy but trust me it’s better

than keeping them to myself collect dust.

there are parts of others you need to take care of

and parts of yourself you need to give,

and while missing people is like being homesick,

i think this is how we are meant to live.

because we all have certain people

that for some reason feel like the safety of home.

it’s true that withoutt them you might feel lonely

but at least you are not doing life alone.

The Special One

I want to be,

special for someone.

So that I never feel alone-

Two arms holding me tight,

And forever keep me close.

I want to find the missing colors,

For my life is black and white.

Someone crawling in my thoughts

When I try to sleep at night.

I want to find the wandering feet

That with mine will walk the world.

Someone warm against my skin

When the winter nights are cold.

And forever keep me close

Two arms holding me tight,

So that I never feel alone-

I want to be,

Your special one.

You will walk with us forever

Our lives go on without you

But nothing is the same,

We have to hide our heartaches

When someone speaks your name.

Sad are the hearts that love you

silent the tears that fall,

Living our hearts without you

Is the hardest part of all.

You did so many things for us

Your heart was kind and true,

And when we needed to talk to someone

We could always count on you.

The special years will not return

When we were all together,

But with the love within our hearts

You will walk with us forever.