How To Manifest By Writing Things Down: 3 Step Formula

 Have you ever tried to manifest something so badly but still no matter the manifesting techniques you used nothing happened? No matter how hard you tried, visualized and persisted for days in your vision, never managed to attract it?

Are you too searching the secret of a dream life behind  The Secret Book?

Well it turns out there’s a solid way to get exactly what you want by using one simple formula!

In fact all you need to know are 3 easy to apply steps that have been proven to work and attract anything you want quickly.

And in today’s post I’m going to show you step by step how to actually manifest by writing on paper a manifestation list, how to instill new beliefs into your subconscious mind and also how to visualize effectively.

Finally you are going to learn how to disengage from what you want to allow it to realize.

If you‘re ready for a life changing lesson, let’s dive right in.

So What Actually Is Manifestation? Can It Actually work For You?

Well I have good news and bad news! To start with let me say this: The Law of Attraction is always working whether you believe it or not.

Manifestation is a “magic” process where you focus all your energy and intention to turn a goal or aspiration into reality.

And it actually works! It really does! And it’s magical!

According to The Law Of Attraction site, there are many different definitions of the word manifest, but the simplest would be that a manifestation is ‘something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs’.

Imagine having the power to turn everything you dream of into reality! To be able to manifest something or someone SPECIAL into your life by simply using your mind and energy!

It sounds simple right? Wrong!

To be able to manifest and attract your desires into your life, well it takes more than just thinking about them.

It takes energy, feelings, and of course beliefs! That’s why most people fail to attract their desire. Their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are not in alignment.

In fact your beliefs are the deciding factor whether your thought manifests or not.

For example some goals, such as getting someone back into your life, are hard to manifest simply because of high-attachment, strong beliefs and lack of faith.

Fortunately, today you’re going to learn an easy, proven to work method, on how to manifest something by writing it down!

These are the exact 3 steps you need to follow to make manifestation work for you and attract everything you love into your life!

 How to Manifest By Writing Things Down Step-By Step

Step 1: Write Down Your Manifestation List and Your Exact Beliefs on Those Goals – Clear your Mind

how to manifest by writing things on paper

how to manifest by writing things on paper

Goal Setting

Ok, so to manifest something, anything at all, you obviously need to know what you want to manifest.. makes sense right?

Goal setting is so important in our lives! It motivates us and gives meaning to our lives.

If you feel you don’t have any goals in your life i suggest practicing some self work.

Self work is an important step into recognizing your strengths in order to develop them, and  your weaknesses and vulnerabilities in order to improve them.

Self work will connect you to your inner self and will guide you through finding your passion in life, your desires and goals.

 Get a New Manifestation Journal

To start I recommend getting a new notebook to use as your manifestation journal.

I like to keep it separate from any other journal I may use. In fact i have a separate journal for my self love prompts, another one for my gratitude affirmations and a third one for my financial affirmations!!

But i use a special one for my manifestations as this one is dedicated exclusively to writing about the things I wish to attract in my life.

Keeping it separate, creates an important trigger in my mind that this is the time to work for myself and create my dream life.

It makes me excited and motivates me to put in the effort needed for my desires to fulfill.

How to Write A Manifestation List

Now that you have your new manifestation journal, start by writing down your manifestation list. Include every goal that you have in your mind and excites you.

But how do you write your manifestations? Well simply start by brainstorming desires you have in life. What do you wish to accomplish for your life to be fulfilled?

Let yourself free to brainstorm and write down everything. Even if a goal seems too “big” for you, make yourself a favor and WRITE IT DOWN.

Remember: there is no big or small for the universe! Anything is possible. You could even manifest something overnight by writing it down.

Some manifestation examples could be attracting love into your life, buying a new house, loosing weight etc. By writing manifestations on paper immediately gives you a clearer picture of what you want from your life and helps you prioritize your desires.

Choose a Goal to Manifest

Ok so now that you‘ve got your manifestations on paper, you might choose to start and manifest a single goal at a time or many of them.

I’d start with a single one, the one thing most important for me, just to test the “how to manifest by writing things down” formula!

But that’s just me!! You can do as you like!

Either way, make sure to follow the process step by step.

Write Your Goal and Beliefs About That Goal Down

Once you’ve written your goal down, go ahead and write next to it, your exact beliefs on that specific goal. For example let’s say your goal is to manifest love into your life. Read this goal and then write what you think and how you feel reading this.

You might think I’m not worthy of love, every person I love betrays me, I’m not pretty/interesting enough for the person I love to love me back etc..

Write everything down to clear your mind and soul. This loads off one’s mind and makes you feel relieved.

Now, you are ready to proceed to the most important step and instill new beliefs in your subconscious mind!

Step 2: Write and Instill a New Belief For Your Desired Goal – Time to Re-Program Your Mind

manifest something by writing it down

Question and Transform Your Negative Beliefs Into Positive Statements

What I want you to do next is go ahead and work on your manifesting blocks, question these negative beliefs that you’ve written before.

And then transform every one of those negative beliefs into positive statements.

In our example our negative belief was: I’m not worthy of love.

Let’s question this: Love isn’t something that depends on a measurement like worthiness. To connect with love, you must be willing to give love and receive love. It’s

willingness, not worthiness that controls love.

So now we’re going to transform this statement into: I’m willing, and happy to give and receive love.

Write down Your Positive Statement Many Times  – Experience the Feelings

Write on paper your new transformed affirmation many times and repeat it until you feel really comfortable with it. Feel the intensity, feel the energy this affirmation brings.

Every time you write your affirmation, visualize as if your desire has already manifested.

How would you feel if the desire you so longed for had finally manifested? Piece, fulfillment, happiness, excitement?

Actually there’s an easy method for you to apply when writing your manifestations  and I’m introducing it below.

369 Manifestation Writing

The 369 manifestation writing method is actually super popular. It all started with a TikTok video and soon after this manifestation formula is taking social media by storm.

But what actually is this method?  Well the 369 method is based on the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 & 9 and is really simple to apply. According to the inventor Nikola Tesla “If you only knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, then you have the key to the universe.”

The number three is a direct link to the universesix is strength we have within, and nine helps let go of negativity and the past.

Here’s what the 369 manifestation writing suggests:

  • As soon as you wake up write down what you ‘d like to manifest 3 times!
  • Then, during the day write your manifestation 6 times
  • Finally write your goal 9 more times in the evening.

Simple isn’t it? The method is definitely worth a try as it’s super easy to apply and it helps you remain consistent with writing your manifestations and changing your feelings and beliefs.

However you need to do a little bit more than just writing down your manifestation list. You need to feel the exact feelings of accomplishment. And to get those feelings you need to visualize!


Visualize yourself accomplishing your goal! You are already there! Your desire is already yours. How does that feel?

Feel that exact feeling and keep visualizing images that produce this feeling. Try to vibrate with your vision. Vibrate with happiness, excitement, relief! Hold that feeling!

I recommend doing your visualizations mainly before sleep because then it’s easier to get your subconscious to accept your desire and accept that you have conquered your goal.

Continue with this process every day to ensure that your affirmation is part of your life and your subconscious mind doesn’t question it any more.

Write and repeat your affirmation daily without worrying about how it will happen.

With repetition and disciplined practice you will achieve a feeling of certainty for your desired result. That’s when you know that your subconscious has accepted your desire.

Step 3: Detach from your Desire To Allow It to Happen

Finally what you need to do is to detach.

Detachment is trusting the process and not trying to control how your desire will manifest. Stop worrying and stressing about your desire.

Just know it will happen.

Imagine ordering something online. You choose the product, fill in your info, pay for it and that’s it. You expect it to arrive!

You don’t doubt that you’ll receive it. You are certain you will.

When you detach, you do not detach from your desire. Instead you only detach from the HOW and WHEN, feeling certain that you’ll receive your desire.

When you can successfully detach, you will be able to overcome even the greatest doubts.

Detachment brings with it the peace, serenity, and confidence you need to let go and let the universe do what it needs to do to bring about your desires.

If you believe you can have something, your subconscious mind will show you how to change your actions and habits to become the kind of person who has those things.

This is the only How that is actually your job. You need to become the person that has already reached your BIG desire. To take action and – act as if – you already have what you want.

Why Do You Need To Write A Manifestation List

So a big part of manifesting is to create your manifestation list.

A lot of people ask me how I’ve been able to manifest so many things in my life.

The answer is simple: I have a manifestation list. A manifestation list is a list of all the things that you want to happen in your life.

It can be anything from getting a new job, to finding the love of your life, to traveling the world.

When you write down your goals and dreams, you are putting yourself in a position to make them happen!

Writing down your manifestations is the first step to making them happen.

It’s a way of putting your desires and intentions out there into the universe.

When you write down what you want, you’re also getting clear on what it is that you want.

And when you’re clear on what you want, the universe can help to make it happen for you.

Can you Manifest Without Writing It Down?

Sure you can! There’s only one problem: You need extra effort to control and direct your mind and your thoughts.

Manifesting on paper can be very helpful in the beginning because it helps you focus on your goals and desires. When writing your manifestations on paper, its easier to prioritize them and focus your energy and efforts.

However if you want to try and manifest without a paper, the most common ways are by meditating what you want, visualizing desires in detail, and of course repeating affirmations.

Either you choose manifesting by writing things down or without paper always remember: The real power behind the Law of Attraction is in the mind that believes in it.


Ok so now you know how to manifest things by writing them down! You are absolutely ready to apply the 3 step Manifestation formula and attract all you desire in life.

Believe me when i say: Manifesting is real, I’ve seen it happen. Write down your manifestation list, acknowledge and transform your negative beliefs.

And then work to instill those new positive beliefs into your subconscious mind! Be persistent, visualize and feel the exact feelings you’d feel if your desire realized.

Finally detach! Stop worrying about how your goal is going to manifest and when this is happening. Be certain it will come, feel the mazing feeling of expectation and act as is your dream goal has already been achieved!

That is a “magic” formula that always works!

Happy manifesting!!

Don’t take it personally

Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally. 
Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because
of themselves. Even when a situation seems so personal, 
it has nothing to do with you. What they say, what they do, 
and the opinions they give are projections of their own 

internal thoughts. Everyone has their own reality. When 

we take something personally, we make the assumption
that they know what is in our reality. When we take 

something personally, we make the assumption that they 

know what is in our reality, and we try to impose our 

reality onto theirs. When we don’t take things personally,
if gives us more power over our thoughts, feelings, and 

actions. When we don’t take things personally, we 

recognize the individuality of others and we can accept 

that other people are different from us. We have little
control over how others view us and relate to us. We 

have more control over how we respond to it. The 

truth is that we tend to make assumptions and 

judgement about other people without knowing the 

full story. And more often than not, what we assume 

about a person is wrong.

Improving Family Relationships With Emotional Intelligence

 There’s nothing like family. The people we’re related to by blood and marriage are expected to be our closest allies, our greatest sources of love and support. Too often, however, our interactions with family are filled with misunderstanding and resentment, bickering and badgering. Those we should know and be known by best, end up feeling like adversaries or strangers.

Family is where our first and strongest emotional memories are made, and that’s where they keep appearing. And this is why emotional intelligence (EQ) succeeds where other efforts at family harmony fail. Active awareness and empathy—the ability to be aware, accepting, and permanently attuned to ourselves and others—tells us how to respond to one another’s needs.

EQ is incredibly powerful in the family because it puts you in control of your relationships with parents and children, siblings, in-laws and extended family. When you know how you feel, you can’t be manipulated by other’s emotions; nor can you blame family conflict on everyone else. Most of the techniques for improving family relationships are therefore centered on communicating your feelings to those you care about, as close relationships are centered around feeling.

Without this emotional intimacy, family contact becomes a burden, because no one is comfortable spending that much time with a stranger. If you want your family members to know and accept each other lovingly, you have to begin with your own emotional honesty and openness. When you do, the suggestions offered below are transformed from familiar reasonable advice, to highly effective methods for bringing your family ever closer. The following ten tips will lead you closer to your family and emotional intelligence.

10 high-EQ tips for improving family relationships

1. Take care of your health if you hope to take care of anyone else. The more demanding of your time your family is, the more you need to fit in exercise. Perhaps you and your family can seek out ways to exercise together.

2. Listen if you expect to be heard. Lack of communication is the loudest complaint in most families. The answer to “Why won’t they listen to me?” may be simply “You’re not listening to them.”

3.Teach emotional choice. Manage your moods by letting all feelings be OK, but not all behaviors. Model behavior that respects and encourages the feelings and rights of others yet make it clear that we have a choice about what to do with what we feel.

4. Teach generosity by receiving as well as giving. Giving and receiving are parts of the same loving continuum. If we don’t give, we find it hard to receive, and if we can’t receive, we don’t really have much to give. This is why selflessness carried to extremes is of little benefits to others.

5. Take responsibility for what you communicate silently. The very young and old are especially sensitive to nonverbal cues. More than our words, tone of voice, posture (body language), and facial expressions convey our feelings. We have to listen to our tone of voice and look at ourselves in pictures and in the mirror to assess our emotional congruency. Loving words coming through clenched teeth don’t feel loving—they feel confusing.

6. Don’t try to solve problems for your loved ones. Caring for your family doesn’t mean taking charge of their problems, giving unsolicited advice, or protecting them from their own emotions. Let them know their own strengths and allow them to ask you for what they need.

7. Make a lasting impression through actions. Your values will be communicated by your actions, no matter what you say. Be an example, not a nag.

8. Acknowledge your errors to everyone, including younger family members. Saying you’re sorry when you hurt someone you love, models humility and emotional integrity. You can demonstrate that no one is perfect, but everyone can learn at any age. Apologizing proves you can forgive yourself and makes it easier to forgive others.

9. Discover what each person’s unique needs are. You can’t assume that your grandmother needs the same signs of love as your three-year-old or that either one will have the same needs next year. When in doubt, ask!

10. Be generous in expressing love. Everyone in a family (especially young children) needs the emotional reassurance of loving words, gestures, and looks. Those who demand the least emotional attention may need it most.

The foundations of emotional intelligence in the family

Look to yourself first. A family is a system made up of interdependent individuals, but that doesn’t mean you can blame your family of origin for the way you are today, any more than you can hold your mate and children responsible for your personal happiness. Your best hope for fixing any family problem is to attend your own emotional health. When you act on the belief that you have a right and obligation to assert your own emotional needs, your family will notice that your emotional independence benefits not only you, but the whole family, and they may quickly follow your lead.

Remember that consistency builds trust. Studies have shown that lack of consistency destroys trust. Off-and-on emotional awareness will cause those who love and depend on you, especially children, to get confused and frightened. That’s why it’s so important to keep your awareness active with family.

Recognize that being close doesn’t mean being clones. Sometimes family ties blind us to the uniqueness of those we love. Pride in the family continuum can make it easy to forget that. You can’t be expected to have the same talents as your siblings, even though you may look a lot alike; that you won’t necessarily choose to follow in parent’s footsteps; or that you and your spouse should spend all your leisure time joined at the hip just because you’re married.

Remember that knowing people all your life doesn’t mean understanding them. “I knew you when…” doesn’t mean I know you now, no matter how much I’ve always loved you. We all change, and yet each of us seems to only see change in ourselves. How infuriating is it to be introduced as someone’s kid brother when you’re fifty-five, or to be perpetually treated as the airhead you were at fourteen despite the fact that you’re now CEO of your own company. Now that you’ve acquired empathy, you can gently steer your family away from stagnant patterns of interaction by modeling the attention you’d like to receive. When you’re with your family, don’t automatically seek the conversational refuge of talking over old times. Ask what’s new and show that you really care by eliciting details and then listening with your body and mind.

Watch out for destructive emotional memories. Catching your thirty-year-old self responding to a parent in the voice of the five-year-old you can make you feel weak and frustrated. With EQ you don’t need to keep getting snared by emotional memories. Whenever you feel out of control with family—whether it’s kicking yourself for acting like a kid with your parents or agonizing over where the anger you’re dumping on your innocent spouse and children is coming from—take a moment to reflect on the memories that are imposing on your behavior today.

Cherish every stage of life in each family member. No matter how well we understand that it can’t happen, we desperately want Mom and Dad to stay the way they are, and for the kids to stay home forever. The best to accept that fact emotionally, is to embrace change. Accept the natural fear that your parents’ aging evokes but use your emotional awareness and empathy to figure out how you can cherish this moment for its unique qualities. What can you and your parents share now that wasn’t possible in the past? Can you keep having fun and make sure everyone still feels useful and worthy in the family support system, even though roles and responsibilities must be altered?

If you’re not sure what will work, ask. Fully accepting your fear of change can make it easier to broach subjects that you may have considered awkward in the past. Maybe your parents are just waiting for your cue. Feel them out. In a flexible, healthy family dynamic, change is just one of the many opportunities you have to enrich one another.

Using emotional intelligence to get along with adult relatives

Two elements threaten harmonious relations with parents and adult siblings, in-laws and adult children: lack of time and an abundance of emotional memories. The two add up to the fear that we’ll be overwhelmed by each other’s needs, giving up ourselves if we give anything to these adult relatives. We do need to invest time in figuring out what our parents want most from us, sustaining close friendships with brothers and sisters, and gathering together without fulfilling every bad joke ever written about contentious, selfish families.

But emotional intelligence gives us so much energy and creativity that the demands of these relationships don’t need to be heavy. We recognize change as it occurs in individuals by recognizing emotional memories when they’re triggered. Keep your EQ strong, and your adult family encounters are no longer dominated by cleaning up after mistakes and managing crises that have already resulted in disaster.

Improving relationships with your adult children

Many parents are dismayed to find that they can’t just sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor once they’ve successfully guided their children into adulthood. No relationship stands still. The key to a successful ongoing relationship with your grown children is your ability to deal with the change and growth that comes before role reversal. You have to keep the lines of emotional communication open; your children may be wrapped up in career, love, and friendships at this stage in their lives. Let them know how you feel and what you need from them.

If you’ve only recently raised your EQ, of course, you may have some amending to do, some changes to make in your style of interaction with your children. Do they avoid you because you force advice or your own choices on them? Do you bring more disappointment and judgement to the relationship than they can tolerate? Have you listened empathically to how your children feel about their choices? Or have you tried to find out what their unique needs are? Some adult children keep their distance because they feel injured by past experiences with you; in that case the only way to improve the relationships is to stick to these tips—listen to their hurt and admit you were wrong. Here are a few ways to bridge the gap:

Find out why it’s so hard to accept your children’s choices when they’re different from your own. Use the hot buttons exploration described above, but ask yourself why you feel so strongly about this issue, why you need to be in control, and why you can’t accept their right to make independent choices?

Tap into the power of apology. It’s never too late to say, “I’m sorry, I wish I could have been a better parent,” “I wish I had done things differently,” or “You deserved better than I gave.” Heartfelt words of sadness and regret become particularly powerful in a letter—as long as the letter is given as a gift without expectations about what it will bring in return. It may bring nothing except the knowledge that you have done your best to right past wrongs. You may also wish to ask if there is any way that you can make amends.

Explore what you expect from each other. If your estranged child is willing, each of you should make a list of no more than seven items on the subject of what you want and need from each other and what you think the other wants and needs from you. Now compare lists and see how close each of you comes to meeting the other’s needs.

If your child is unwilling or you’re unwilling to ask, you can still do this exercise on your own. Fill out the list for yourself, then move to another chair or position and fill out a list as you think your adult child would. Now compare. Is what your adult child needs different from what you’re offering? Have you failed to recognize how the child has changed?

Reclaiming your adult siblings

In high-EQ families, brothers and sisters divide up responsibilities for aging parents and look forward to occasions to get all the generations together, because they all now their limits and their talents and how to convey them. Unfortunately, this is not an accurate portrait of many adult sibling relationships because too often history intervenes. Maybe your parents didn’t provide the type of love and support your brother needed as well as they did for you. Maybe childhood memories trigger too much resentment, jealousy, and rivalry. Maybe it just hurt too much when the sister who knew you so well didn’t care enough to notice how you’ve changed over the years.

Whatever the problem, you can use any of the ideas in this article to renew your relationship. If you have the time, you can also try reconnecting by going away together where you will both be comfortable and undisturbed. Try an unstructured setting and use your time together to send a lot of “I feel” messages. Clarify that in expressing yourself you’re not asking your sibling to change. When your sibling responds, make sure you listen with your body, not with retorts prepared in your head.

If your sibling is hard to reach, and an outing won’t work, can you reconnect by soliciting help in a way that acknowledges his or her unique talents? Think about ways you can make your sibling feel uniquely needed.

Improving relationships with your extended family

How are your relationships with your extended family—those you’re related to by marriage or through looser blood ties? Strained because you’re trying to form family bonds without the emotional history to make them stick? Or smooth because they don’t come with the emotional baggage that your immediate family of origin drags around? Either is possible in any individual relationship. How difficult one of these relationships is may depend on how important it is to you and how long you’ve been at it. Getting along with a brand-new mother-in-law, therefore mother, has left unpleasant emotional memories. On the other hand, it’s probably a snap to be cordial to the cousin you see only at holiday gatherings.

How good and how deep your relationships are with extended family will depend largely on what you want them to be. We feel guilty if we resent our own parents, but there’s nothing that says we have to love our in-laws, so many people don’t feel obligated to make a huge effort. Simply extend the same empathy to your extended family as you would to anyone else you encounter, and that means accepting the broad range of differences that’s bound to exists so you can find the common points of connection.

If you’re also willing to listen with empathy no matter who is speaking, admit error, and watch the nonverbal cues you send, you stand a pretty good chance of becoming everyone’s favorite niece, cherished uncle, or model in-law. Assuming you haven’t yet achieved that state, here are a few tips to make extended-family relationships rewarding.

Remember that you don’t have to like everyone equally.

Sometimes, even when you make your most open-hearted efforts, you end up disliking a relative or an in-law. Examine how much your own baggage keeps you from appreciating this person. Then accept your feelings and interact with the person only to the extent that you remain comfortable. You may find that removing the stress of seeing him or her under that pressure opens your heart a crack wider.

If you can only ask loaded questions, don’t say anything at all.

Research has shown that the emotional message is 90 percent of what people get from any communication, and that’s why it’s important to be emotionally aware of what your motives are, and to take responsibility for what you convey through gestures and expressions, as well as words. Too often we don’t say what we mean because we’re afraid to take responsibility for the feelings that motivate us. So, we manipulate people by making offers that beg to be refused or by saying we don’t mind when we do and then resenting the perceived offender. If you can’t be emotionally honest with your extended family, go somewhere else.


My silence means I am

tired of fighting

and now there is nothing left to fight for. My silence means I am tired of explaining my feelings to you,

but now I don’t have the energy to explain them anymore. My silence means I have adapted to the changes

in my life and I don’t want to complain. My silence means I am on self healing process and I am trying to

forget everything I ever wanted from you. My silence means I am just trying to move on gracefully with all 

my dignity.

My Silence

 My silence means I am tired of fighting

and now there is nothing left to fight for. 

My silence means I am tired of explaining 

my feelings to you, but now I don’t have 

the energy to explain them anymore . 

My silence means I have adapted to the changes in my life 

and I don’t want to complain.

My silence means I am on self healing process 

and I am trying to forget everything I ever wanted from you.

My silence means I am just trying to move on 

gracefully with all my dignity.