
I’ll write for you a poem

that you can read from time to time.

A tale of how we could be,

in a world where you are mine.

We’d travel near and far, just us,

walking city blocks together.

Our feet could take us anywhere

and our hands would still be tethered.

The starlight could be blinding

as the sunshine fades away.

Just tell me what to write

and I’ll create anything you say.

I could write us into forever

if you let my mind run wild

I’d write us onto the tops of mountains

where we’d play just like a child.

I’d write us into all the wonders

that I’ve ever dreamt of seeing,

but the saddest part of writing

is that I can’t write you into being.

A fairy tale.

” There was a girl,

who was sacred of life itself.

So for the longest time

she just kept running away

as far as she could see.

She ended up

on the other side of the world,

escaped to the place

that was exact epicenter of life.

It was so loud there,

that she wasn’t able to hear herself.

And for some time it felt good.

Until one day,

when the whole world went silent,

and she was forced to see,

that she was just hiding away

in the castle made of air;

locked up with her own restrained dreams.

And then she realized,

that fear will never go away.

so she stopped waiting

for some kind of prince to save her,

she left the castle,

and made that fear to be her guard.

And only walking side by side with it,

she found a way that she was truly seeking.”

I’m right there in your heart

When tomorrow starts with out me

please try to understand

that an angel came and called my name

and took me by the hand

The angel said my place was ready

In heaven far above

and that i would have to leave behind

All those i dearly love

But when i walked through

Heaven’s gates

I felt so much at home

When God looked down and

smiled at me, and told me

“Welcome Home”.

So when tomorrow start with out me

Don’t think we are far apart,

for every time you think of me,

I’m right there in your heart