Brand New Pair of Shoes: Ready to Fly

 A day before yesterday i  started to watching a new Korean series , that’s “KILL ME, HEAL ME”.

Initially i found it very boring and I was not in any mood to continue it further but when i see first look of “Park seo joon”, i thought to give it chance. At very first i found him more appealing than lead cast. All this because you need any particular reason to pay your important time to something like this.

And for me “park seo joon” is that reason, so i can give a chance to new series.

But later on i feel connected when see the bonding between two character, and I am saying about brother and sister bond.   “Park seo joon” as “Mr. Oh Ri On” “Omega”  and “Hwang Jung- eum” as “Oh Ri Jin”. I start loving their character , conversation and specially how they support and understand each other.

I want to watch this series properly with every detail after their conversation of episode 7, where Oh Ri Jin( sister was confuse between to choices) and his brother Oh Ri On support and help her in such a good way. That i specially write those dialoges and definitely want to share with my little brother. 

And this time i will tell my brother to remember these lines and wants him to be available with his all of heart for me, if someday i will make mistake( let me tell you if a year have 365 days, then im that level talented person who can make mistakes every single day without any stoppage).

The conversation between two sibling was like :

When sister Oh Ri Jin was confused and ask for help of family member than everyone says ,” choice must be yours and we respect your decision “. ( I think every person should suggest their family and friends in such way that , don’t ask for others opinion because this your life and at last only your decision will work out)

And finally she accept that “i think everyone would  respect my decision.” But  still her mom , dad and brother try to help her by giving individual opinion.

But the conversation of siblings at beach was commendable and adorable , i want byhearted it for whole of my life and if my little brother ask me any day in this way than i would give the same advice.

Brother : The choice is yours. Don’t put your burden on others.

                I never look one position over other.

                I have sympathy for other, because I’m like this

Sister :   What are you saying, you are talking to a psychiatrist and I’m too a good hearted person. 

Brother : You are cold person .

Brother : But anyways, I’m proud of you.

              You are having two choices/ opportunity because you deserve it . and you are a capable person.

Sister   : It feels like I stepped in dung and I need to buy new shoes.

Brother : Why can’t you just wash them and keep wearing them?

                Either pick the nicer pair ad run with it.

Sister    : That’s why , I’m sincerely pondering which one is nicer.

Brother   : It’s the ones you can run faster and jump higher in! and even can fly

Sister      : Shoes like that don’t even exist.

Brother    : If not, I’ll make them for you.

               So be confident in any decision you make.

Brother    : Even if it’s the wrong decision, and even if you want to run away afterwards…

                  I’ll be standing behind you with a brand new pair of shoes…

          you can make your escape.

Isn’t your brother really cool?

And that’s how when brother says that don’t feel bad when you realize that you made a wrong a decision.

First he and all of them giving her opportunity to make her own decision.

and second they have no problem with her wrong decision too. Actually we are humans and there are always fifty – fifty percent chances we can make mistakes and wring decision too. We can fail.

But what matters that we need support and strong person like this or specially strong attitude person who can say with full of courage that don’t scare to mistakes , wrong decisions and failure.

You will find me here at same place, while waiting for you. we would be with you in your all ups and down and even success as well as in failure. 

We will be just behind you , with new shoes . In those you can not onlyy  even run and jump but can fly also.

Dad – A Strong Supporting Nerve Of Your Body

20th June 2021 – Fathers Day

I have not wish to my dad for this day yet and i dont think that im will  , not at all. Though i am in 2021 but still i am not that kind a person who make update or wish to dad for father’s day specific. usually i say number of time I LOVE YOU to my dad in day but our love is not day specific . Its not like that i’m against to those people who prefer to share that love online but it just we are not same type. Even my dad is not social platform addict person, they will definitely not watch my online status because we comes from that era where love is always unspoken but you can feel it. 

    I am definitely a blessed person because last day i just thought about my dream work and i feel like though i never made any specific plans for it but somehow life’s plan help me to reached here , where i always wanted to see myself . When i joined  my dady business everything was do different and but later on day by day its became what i want it to be. We do customize work for person for dream home and dream gift  ,our 75%  work is based on customization  . We received details from buyer and then its our duty to turn them out as buyer expectation. Sometime we across failure too, but you cant express that feeling when everything turned out perfect. 

Our recent project was based on gift for dad, for ” Fathers day” special, and this is first reason why i remember that on this sunday people will celebrate fathers day. I too can celebrate but dad have some work and mom has to go maternal mother home even siblings are busy and finally i’m home alone and you know corona time is still running so you cant go out with friends too. So what you can do , just sit on couch have tea and use your fingers and mind to think something special for this day.

  We received request for  some frame customization , which should depict “love for father” and we started work on that, while i was working there is everything normal and when i came across it’s final look , i too could feel emotions of gift . The feeling of that kid who will present this to his dad and i thanked my dad not for only that frame but for everything what he did for me. That he always there for me, when i wanted him to be there and for that also when i was wishing for it and they fulfilled my wish.

 Thanks to my heart who always beat first for my mom and dad and it will always do the same. I am always remained  most beloved child of our family and even by my siblings too. How many people of this world are blessed with work of their dream very few and i’m one of them and its because my dad believe me when i first mention that i want to join your work rather than normal job life which i was doing at that time. Actually i am always a lucky person because home town college life and just after that home town job too and working profile was also good. I never had any big issue with my job but i never was in love with that  and for “loving job ” title  , i was criticize by many people but dad was the first person who have faith in me.

And after that Big Faith Yes , i never ever look back . Even its just yesterday when i realized that 7-8 year have been passed with my current work profile and many more waiting because i love what i am doing right now.  Weathere  its day or night , i am properly  dressed or just in pajamas , i am leaning or sitting , work is always rolling in my head . Not anyone have to bound me with strict routine of boundary . According to me you should always opt for work which your heart support , if once your heart is ready than it will start parallel working with your mind and finally everything start rolling perfectly . I wont say that we never face any hurdle or losses , even more pressure than job but your complete focus driven to your work only not on problem. 

Even with this work habits i start to love problems too, because with every new step you are learning something new and moreover my dad support is the one which , never let me to sit back but motivate to fight back every time.  

So this father’s day i would say , Thanks dad for believing me – more than me.