7 Mindset Shifts to Level Up in Your Business

 What’s your most important asset in your business?

It’s your mindset — the structure and quality of your beliefs shaping every decision you make, and how you show up in your business each day!

It’s the operating software you’re running that allows you to solve problems, spot opportunities, take smart risks and move forward with confidence in yourself.

So if you’re looking to make an investment of time and effort that will pay off in your business (and your life) for years to come… your mindset is the way to go.

And to save you some time, I’m sharing 7 of the most important mindset shifts you can make if you’re ready to reach your next level as an entrepreneur!

1. “The obstacle is the way.”

– Ryan Holiday

Every challenging thing that happens in life is neither good nor bad — you get to decide what lens to view it through, and whether you treat it as a dead-end or a chance to grow and expand in a whole new way.

By seeing obstacles not as roadblocks, but as opportunities — the kind of opportunities that lead to your biggest breakthroughs — you’ll prioritize your own growth and expansion at every step. For example…

Your fear of public speaking may someday be the very reason audiences seek you out and want to hear your story, to see what is possible for them if they believe in themselves.

The fact that you don’t look or sound like other influencers in your space, may be the exact reason independent-minded brands seek out partnerships with you.

Your struggle with insecurity and imposter syndrome may make you the exact right coach or mentor for others who experience similar challenges.

I can guarantee you that the biggest, most game-changing opportunities in your business will arrive disguised as impossible obstacles and dead ends… ones that most people will give up on, and turn back.

So ask yourself, “How might this be a gift? How will solving this problem cause me to grow, learn new skills, have a unique perspective, or stand out from the crowd?” … and you’ll become a pro at seeing through the disguise, and right to the heart of the opportunity!

Before: This problem is impossible to solve. I’ll never get past it, and I’ll be stuck here forever! I’d better just give up before I waste any more time, or risk any more disappointment.

After: This looks like a difficult problem, and I bet most people see it that way… but I’m someone who looks for opportunities. Maybe it’s not obvious right now, but if I get creative, I think I can make this work to my advantage!

2. More work ≠ more results

In the first couple years of your business, there’s so much to do!

And when you’re in that early phase, you’re trying a lot of different things… so it’s easy to get caught up in trying to be everywhere, and do everything, all the time.

Eventually, you might wind up hustling all the time just to keep the balls in the air!

It’s time to simplify, streamline, and restructure your business to work for you, and feel energizing and easy.

Because building a business does take work, and a significant investment of time, energy, and creativity… but working yourself to the point of exhaustion DOES NOT equal better results.

At a certain point, doing more, working extra hours, and trying to be all things to all people, only serves to wear you out, drain your energy… and subtly signal to your community that you’ve chosen a road that leads to exhaustion (who wants to come? probably no one.)

What gets results is always bringing your very best self to your community!

Prioritizing your wellness, your joy, and the sustainability of your business… So you can show up fully energized, aligned, and treat your business and your client relationships as the icing on the cake of your life — not something you’re depending on for your happiness. 

Before: I have so much to do, how will I ever get through it all? I just need to buckle down and get it done, or I’ll never make any real progress. If I want results, I need to put in the time – once it’s all done, I can finally rest.

After: There are a lot of things I could do, but I’m going to trust myself to focus on the one or two things that get me closest to my goal. I’ll use the extra time to do something that fuels and energizes me, so I can show up as my best self for my business.

3. Good for her, not for you

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” — Theodore Roosevelt

So there you are, minding your own business and doing your own thing when — oof! You see someone celebrating a major milestone you haven’t reached yet, and it knocks you off your feet. 

Most of us can relate; it’s human nature to compare our position to others, because slipping down in the pecking order feels like a threat to our survival.

But unless you’re part of a family of gazelle running away from a cheetah, you’re not actually in a race with anyone.

You’re each on your own path, heading to your own destination, going at your own pace, and stopping as many times as you like to rest, enjoy the view, camp overnight if you feel like it, and along the way, do things you enjoy and that feel fulfilling to you…

Building your business isn’t a race to escape an apex predator. It’s a journey that is yours, and yours alone… there’s no need to compare your journey with anyone else’s!

Everyone has their own set of circumstances, priorities, and ideal destination in mind — and the best we can do is cheer each other on and enjoy each other’s company when we happen to stop at the same watering hole.

Before: They’re so great, they clearly have something I don’t have. And they must know something I don’t know. I’m too old/young/shy/etc. for anyone to take me seriously or see me as the expert — what makes me even think I could succeed?

After: They’re doing awesome in their own way, and I’m doing awesome in mine! There’s no competition between us, we’re each just on our own path. I love seeing others thrive, and I love thriving in my own way, on my own terms.

4. Fear is your friend

There’s a popular myth that in order to become unstoppable and reach your goals, you need to ditch your fears altogether and become “fearless”!

In reality, all you need to do is allow fear to be part of your equation. Don’t let it stop you — but don’t wait for it to go away before you take any action, either.

Let fear come along for the ride. Let it be part of your journey and a companion on your path forward. Listen to its worries, and allow it to feel how it needs to feel.

Because fear actually has a lot to offer you!

Fear is a sign you’re moving in the direction of what you really want. What if I mess up? What if they say no? What if I’m disappointed? None of these thoughts would occur to you if you didn’t care about the outcome.

“When you dare to identify your greatest desire, the possibility of falling short sneaks in beside it. “ — Meera Lee Patel, My Friend Fear

Think of your fear like a game of Hot and Cold… when your fear runs cold, you’re pretty far away from anything that feels exciting, interesting, and like a new frontier for you.

But when your fear gets warmer… warmer… hot!! then you know you’re really onto something.

Over time, as you grow in your business journey, you’ll start to recognize fear not as a roadblock telling you to turn back, but a sign you’re on the right path.

Before: I’m scared to take action — what if I mess up? What if someone doesn’t like what I say? What if I’m disappointed? What if the worst case scenario happens? I don’t think I can risk it…

After: I’m scared right now, which means I must be on to something big! I wouldn’t be afraid if I didn’t care about this deep down. Fear is always there, but it doesn’t call the shots in my world anymore. Come along for the ride, fear – there’s a spot for you in the backseat!

5. Failing is learning

Failing can be scary and overwhelming… but the truth is: failure is a necessary part of learning and growing!

When you start a business, the idea of failure may feel different from how it’s felt in the past… it feels more public, more vulnerable, more reflective of your worth as a person… but it’s actually none of these things.

“If I launch this offer and it doesn’t sell, everyone will see and judge me for it!”

“If I share this content and it doesn’t get engagement, everyone will see and think I’m struggling!”

“If I host this event and no one shows up, everyone will think…” – you get the idea!

The truth is, no one is paying close enough attention to notice when you fail. And if they do happen to notice, they won’t think anything of it because they see ALL their own failures up close and personal.

As you grow in your business, you’ll get better and better at “failing well” — allowing yourself to feel disappointed, but also recognizing that it’s not a life sentence.

Your failures do not define you. They are a necessary part of your learning and growing process, and  they’re not the end of the story. They’re just the beginning!

As long as you’re learning from failures, mistakes, and missteps, you’re still moving forward. In the end, you’ll be hard-pressed to even remember your failures, or what anyone else thought about them…

But you will remember and value (and maybe even teach others) the lessons you learned by getting back up, and moving forward!

Before: I really messed up back there. I can’t believe I said that / did that / tried that / etc… What must people think of me now? I totally botched that… I’ll never get past this!

After: That went well in some ways, and in other ways it could have gone better. There’s definitely room for improvement, and I think if I did it all over, I would do a few things differently. I’m proud of myself for trying, and next time I’ll remember what I learned from this experience so I can do better!

6. Experiencing your offer is a privilege

Early in your business, it’s tempting to say “yes” to anyone who asks to work with you.

Because booking new clients and customers is the best feeling in the world, right? It’s living proof that your offer is worthwhile, and that someone trusts you enough to hand over their hard-earned cash to work with you!

But beneath those warm and fuzzy feelings, is a lingering uncertainty…

When you’re eager to work with anyone who asks, and you’re waiting for someone else to validate you and your services… you’re just one “no” away from feeling discouraged and second-guessing yourself.

Instead, remember that working with you is a privilege, not a right — and a sales conversation is as much your opportunity to decide if it’s a fit, as it is your client’s.

Your expertise and insight are immensely valuable, and those who get to work with you are fortunate to have your guidance and support, on a journey that would otherwise be much harder.

So celebrate every booking and every sale… not just for you, but for your clients, for their journey ahead, and for all the benefits they’ll enjoy from working with you!

And remind yourself that a “no” is a gift, saving you from working with a client who’s not a fit, so you can hold space for the ones who are.

Before: Does anyone want what I’m offering? What if no one signs up? Maybe I’ve just been lucky to sign the clients I’ve had so far; what if my luck has run out?

After: I have experience, insight, and wisdom to share that helps my clients get further, faster, and my approach is unique in my industry. I’m a pro at what I do; my clients are fortunate to have me in their corner.

7. Selling can be easy

Ever since starting my business, I’ve handled sales conversations pretty much the same way:

  1. Ask questions to understand the client and their situation
  2. Assess whether and how I can help, and which offer would be the best fit
  3. Support them in deciding whether the offer is right for them, right now

That’s it!

I’ve never taken a sales course or program — and while I’ve tried techniques my mentors and coaches suggested, I’ve settled into a flow that feels natural for me and my pre-clients, and that leads to a “yes” in most cases.

Here’s the thing: You don’t need to assume the responsibility of making any one else’s decision for them, or persuading them to work with you. You don’t need to corner people into a “yes” or outsmart your clients.

You can 100% trust your clients and pre-clients to make their own best decision – and focus your energy on creating a space where they feel free to make their own choice and trust their intuition.

Think about who you want to support, and how much responsibility you want for their choices…

Do you want the client who relies on other people for all their answers, and expects you to make the tough calls for them?

Or do you want the client who values your support and insight, but ultimately trusts themselves to make their own decisions?

…decide which one is right for you, and lead your sales calls to serve those clients best: holding the space, being honest about how you can help, and allowing your clients to reach their own conclusions.

Yes, there are ways to improve your sales game, and increase your conversion rate with integrity – but unless it feels aligned for you and in the highest service of your clients (i.e., easy for you to execute), it won’t hold water. Let sales be easy for you, and your business will grow!

Before: Selling is so hard for me – how can I convince people they need what I have to offer? It feels like an uphill battle just preparing and showing up for a sales conversation, much less converting prospects into clients.

After: Selling is easy and simple. It’s just about listening to understand my prospect, deciding whether I think my offer is a good fit, and if it is, helping them assess and decide their next steps. I trust myself to be honest about my offer… and I trust my client to make the right choice for them!


The longer I live, the more I realize

the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me is more important

than facts. It is more important than

the past, than education, than

money, than circumstances, than

failures, than successes, than what

other people think or say or do. It is

more important than appearances,

giftedness, or skill. It will make or

break a company- a church- home. The 

remarkable thing is we have choice 

every day regarding

the attitude we will embrace for the 

day. We cannot change the fact that

people will act in a certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable. The

only thing we can do is play on the

one string we have, and that is 

attitude- I am convinced that life is 

10% what happens to me and 90%

how I react to it. And so it is with

you-we are in charge of our attitudes.


i know right now you feel broken

like a pile of shattered glass.

as though your wishes are all strewn

like dandelion seeds in the grass.

i know you feel like a snowflake

tumbling wildly on its fall.

you had hoped for a soft landing

but you’re still swept up in it all.

bur your dreams aren’t birthday candles

that you have one chance to blow.

and failure isn’t permanent-

it just gives you room to grow.

the earth has its tragedies too,

but it’s still a beautiful place.

just look at all the miracles

staring you right in the face:

broken windows can be repaired.

brand new dandelions can sprout.

and flames can be reignited

even when you blow them out.

it’s the world’s way of telling you

you’re going to be just fine.

all you have to do

is give it a bit of time.

Thoughts Ruins You

Happy Bird – Part 1

Life is too unfair sometime, the person who named as “Basanti” of group now left unspoken with words. Though I pronounced as person who can speak nonstop, but internally I know that I am introvert kind of person who can do chatter batter but only with very close person. But now the time arrive when my lines are broken even with family member too. May be its fault of your adult age where you are no longer a person , whom with you are familure from long time.

  Today I watched again harry potter movie scene where it termed as harry is no longer kid now and that sign come up with death of his owl pet. I never owned any pet , but I too start to feel like my inner kid is also no longer with me and now I am complete mature person now. The age when you start to worry about your future as well as for earlier passed time. This maturity is start killing you inside , when you are growing too, but you are worried because your parent are getting older. You are stressed because might be you are drowned in thought of non achievement of parent dreams .

  I don’t know that it happened with every person , or it just me who is too much anxious. Some time I thought that beginning was never right or too wrong but what could be possible now. After passing of grandfather I realiaze that I am no longer child now and with every passing day, distance between what I dreamt earlier and whats happening around is,  increasing . 

  Last night everything was damn perfect , Night out with siblings where you have perfect outdoor planning  Sizzling food, cool pool , mild music , green grass deam lighting  and no hassle of hectic city life schedule. But if you are still missing something from inside then nothing can be done for you. I was the first person who is eagerly waiting for this kind of outing and even convinced some of them but again it can be me who could be party spoiler.  But mature me know how to pretend to be happy and enjoying, so I don’t show anyone that I am just acting for everything.

    Now im really scared that I can harm myself with excess thought  or may be Im thinking right way as at this age you need someone who can support you with your weakness and it can be like by right person entry your weakness just become your perfection. My mind always denied with what my heart need , actually at every single moment im witnessing  battle between mind and heart and till this time mind is winner with full support. But this year 2021 witness something new that mind is winner but heart is no longer at failure.

  This 2021 is life changing year because I come up with so many new chapter which were lying inside me and don’t even i realized. The chapter of “ what I want “ and “ what will make me happy from inside” and I hope one day I would be able to make myself truly happy soul not pretending to be happy and out of all this , one is definitely this – Writing . you can write everything whats in your head , so this is only for me and its my time, my personal time.

Happy Bird – Part 2

Happy bird is actually happy , its not possible to define actual reason for happiness but there is something which make me completely happy and I think basically its because why I am able to do what I want do, that is writing. I can freely play with my words just like a bird, who  is always free to sing when it want too, without any restriction. For me writing is no doubt a happiness.

   But I want to modify it by adding  some good replacement of hammock ,garden mild music and natural air. Which is at present not possible, but if all goes well  as I planned then soon I can implement it too.  Im drooling between thoughts of what could possible for me and what is I never can have in my lifetime because its reflect  where from you belong , where you come from and specially what surround you at present or in future.

For some instance I don’t want to remember , that who actually I am and what are possibility for my future but I want to consider more n more about how I want everything just like a happy bird. Happy bird never worry about next day and never even think who will cause danger but keep enjoying singing. So let me do the same, let me flow with music which is playing in background.

  How a bird is always free to decide anything for himself , the same I want for myself without getting worried that it would have cons to . why everybody wants everything to be biased on the basis of outcome . I would like to work in new way were always a excitement is there of anything could be possible. I don’t want to remember that we are living in that zone where dreams have no place but you have to do everything what is already decided . You are never allowed to break the chain but bound to repeat everything how its done by others  . 

I would find my own way because if I come so far without falling than I have guts to go more and even I am ready to accept failure too. I know for this all thrill , I’m bit late but my energy meter is running with full power so I will not go back and not even let anyone to overpower my thoughts. Delay is acceptable because you cant take risk in this world that you are searching true love without having financial stability and I think I have overcome that phase of my life so now i’m free for this chapter without any barrier.  

Happy Bird -3

At first there is always fear of falling down ,but once you cross the level of understanding that your goal is everything to you and nothing else will make you happy and give peace to your heart . Than that time your all fear  fly away and now you have no longer fear of falling down . The happy bird is also ,loose her all fear and ready to fly and with full of here courage she raised her wings for first self depended ride.

Ready  to meet new challenges , she knows that no one would be there to support her and now she can not look for anyone familiar possibilities but this is something for which she is waiting for all her life. Her first take off  is so refreshing and soothing , every breezing take her to dream life . It is what she looking  all her life , music with full of melody , no more restriction .

      This happy bird searching for  a place where all other would be similar to her and no more benchmark for living would be there. This journey will bring her special one , for whom she is searching with full of her effort and not meet yet. Because till now who ever she met is looking for not partner but a filler so just like name it  is always for filling the space as per need of time. And emotions are just waste thing in world and always meant to be tarnish and ended to waste bin.

Happy Bird-4 ; Thoughts Ruins You

      “Thought ruins you.

          Ruins the situation, twist things around, makes you worry and makes everything just worse than it actually is.”

Your thoughts can land you in your dream situation, in just a moment and its only thought which can bring you back at that place where you never ever imagine. So actual hero of your life is your thoughts and you would never ever realize it. I’m too even like this, I was thinking that nobody can restrict me now from doing anything but your thoughts make you victim that you itself start to refrain yourself.

  Somehow everything turned out in such way that my whole planning for future is now no longer same as I planned for two days earlier. The happy bird was on her way to meet its dream place but just a blink everything look clear like clouds were never there. Like the bird just wake up from her dream and whatever earlier seems her to be happiness could be actually a worst situation for life time.

  For me that evening was very blessed and my thoughts pass a judgment that nothing is better can this . Peaceful aura of combination of  evening , river bank , bird returning to home and   prayer from nearby temple . Everything is just like perfect and I decided that this is the only best thing for me. Friends, River , giggles and away from family responsibility , restriction but I was totally incorrect.

 One thing I always believe that you can learn from your every day and from each person . Yesterday I learn a big lesson for my lifetime and it mades me different person even add a new point to my characteristics and by this morning when im recalling it, I feel like I definitely need this lesson. Yesterday was special day as two of my friend were celebrating their birthday and just like other year we all gather at one place. We all get together and plan for outing, cut cakes and hang out basically main Moto is to spend time together and to create beautiful memories for lifetime. But with passing of time each individual is getting busy in their life mean their priority is changing and it happened.

    I even believe in same thing that priorities for people changes with time and so do i .But celebrating birthday is the only way is to spend time with friends especially in current pandemic. you can be child again for some time. by this way you can take break from your regular routine life . I went there at bday person’s home, we cut the cake and then some short outing . I am not so much cheerful person but more introvert pattern person so I’m connected with only two to three person actually only two. Moreover this was the reason, my special friend, I bunked my work and decided to spend whole day with all.

  Yesterday was special because my thought always forced me to believe that with this special bestie I can break my silence and could even take risk of living alone for life time , because some friends are for lifetime. And one serious point I know about her is that she is best for me like care , protection, spending time , long conversation , roaming around city, at last you can feel light with her. but she too have some priority  and in friends group not even me but each individual comes after this bday person, who’s birthday we are celebrating today and This is actually damn true , which I even realize after this last day incident .   

   Because of this corona pandemic time we are running short at time and soon everything would be closed whether its cake shop or restaurant, so we are in hurry . My this bestie informed to other two of friends to bring cake, and that to of specific format, cake which is favorite of both this bday boy and my beastie because I don’t think that I have any kind of priority in cake . I am comfortable with anything which is made of chocolate flavor. But for her cake to be of specific flavor, some chocochips format, specific design , but because of time issues those person whom she instructed to bring cake , could not purchase it. 

     But bday person , whom for she is planning everything is also with us , and he was the one who suggest us to try for some other shop which are near by , luckily we find a place ,a bakery shop , which was just on 100m distance . Place was really good because we already find a bakery shop and that to near a small restaurant , but that we have not finalize for not even cake and restaurant. So we three to four girls went inside the bakery shop to look for cake. But she could not find her choice cake , so she just came out from there, but we rest 3 were inside and clicking selfie without even knowing that we are not buying anything from there.

  So as the time we get to know that we are sitting idol ,so we three even stand up to come out from there one by one and I am in the mid of three of girls to came out from shop . and  I already mention that this is  corona partial lockdown period , so shop owner turned down half shutter of shop . Because of that the one girl who’s walking before me lift shutter bit more with her hand and drop it down withouting paying attention that I am just behind her. As she droped it , the shutter brusted on my shoulder and im completely clueless that what just happened.

The situation was just like , I loss my control and girl after me help me to sit down. And rest everyone was surrounded me and asking me that did it hurt much or am I in normal condition or not. I was in terrible pain , my eyes were full of tears and cant decide that what should I say and how to react . But what I can see at that time , is that my besti is ruuning towards in opposite direction of me. To catch a friend who is just come there on his bike , and just went away with him on his bike to purchase that exact flavor cake for which she is struggling to brought for birthday person.

She even did’nt take a moment to ask me that am I ok or not , though I was surrounded by number of person and they all were papempring me and asking me that do I need something. One of my friend helping to moving my hand and shoulder just to check that may be it could medical emergency situation but what hurting me most is that whom im considering my best friend is just left me in pain for sake of cake. For that girl cake is only important thing at that time not  me. The girl whom with I spend whole day, and who is very well aware that im there at place because of her and she could not even take a moment to check my heath and condition.

   Even though situation was not that critical , but for me staying there is just like passing a year . We stayed there for one more hour we cut the cake and they played game too but I was not there because I was busy in collecting broken pieces , pieces of last some month planning and opinion. I want to run away from there , anywhere but that’s not my place.