You can wait forever: Friday thoughts

 You can fight with everything you have. You can hold on for as long as you can. You can force yourself into mental gymnastics to pick apart signs. You can have your friends read into texts and emails. You can decide that you know what’s best for you and right for you. Mostly, you can wait.

You can wait forever.

What isn’t right for you will never remain in your life.

There is no job, person, or city that you can force to be right for you if it is not, though you can pretend for a while. You can play games with yourself, you can justify and make ultimatums. You can say you’ll try just a little longer, and you can make excuses for why things aren’t working out right now.

The truth is that what is right for you will come to you and stay with you and won’t stray from you for long. The truth is that when something is right for you, it brings you clarity, and when something is wrong for you, it brings you confusion.

You get stuck when you try to make something that’s wrong for you right. When you try to force it into a place in your life in which it doesn’t belong. You get split; you breed this internal conflict which you cannot resolve. The more it intensifies, the more you mistake it for passion. How could you ever feel so strongly about something that isn’t right?

This is how it works

i know now that this is how it works

you don’t get to keep everyone in your life forever

there are some people

that are just meant to be a sunrise for you

a light to pull you out of darkness

there are friends, lovers, relationships

that are seasonal

and no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how deep of a conversation you had

with that person at 2 am

no matter how much you shared your heart

even if you can still draw the lines of their smile

like the map of a too familiar road

in the back of your mind

there almost always comes a time

to move on

a time to let go

and regardless of the letting go

i just wanted you to know

you’re always going to feel

a little bit like home to me

no matter how temporary

it is still beautiful

that i got to call so many hearts my home

Unseen world

Everything you see

has its roots

in the unseen world.

The forms may change.

yet the essence

remains the same.

Every wondrous sight

will vanish,

every sweet words will fade.

But do not be disheartened,

the source they come from

is eternal–

growing, branching out,

giving new life

and new joy.


I don’t know much about 

how to label the things i feel.

all i know is that

when i look at the sky,

i see freedom.

when i look at the dirt,

i see breakthrough.

when i look at the ocean,

i see serenity.

and when i look at you,

i see everything.


I feel nothing

at the same time,

I feel everything.

Without purpose or plan

I wonder , why?

Everything I try, goes awry.

Unable to fit in

I keep to myself,

Set a goal,

Find a way , not to lose control.

Why does it never feel right?

This feeling in my gut, It’s sinking,

sometimes it all feels like, too much.

The fog appears, making nothing clear,

Thoughts get lost, moving too fast,

can’t keep track, wandering through,

Doors in my head, too many broken,

No way to open,

I try and express the feelings within,

But it isn’t accepted,

They say they want to help,

But they don’t want to hear,

People fear they will be infected ,

So, they treat me like I am demented ,

It is easier for them to reject,

What they cannot understand,

What it is like,

To feel nothing

And at the same time,

To feel everything.