Reddit for Business: 6 Effective Ways to Build Your Brand

 The internet has revolutionized how we communicate, transact business, and drive engagement. With its growing popularity, the digital space has become a prime opportunity for businesses to build their brand.

Reddit is a potent tool in this regard, as it offers businesses a platform of engaged users who can find value in the services and products they offer. However, utilizing Reddit for business requires careful consideration of strategy and tactics.

This article will explore ways businesses can use Reddit to establish their brand, increase customer engagement, and grow their business.

Reasons You Should Use Reddit for Business

Reddit was never the top choice for businesses to use as an online marketing tool. But, as it has grown in popularity and reach, marketers are realizing that Reddit is a valuable platform that can be used to drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and generate sales

Here are some of the reasons why you should use Reddit for business:

Reach a Broad Audience

Reddit has over 430 million active users and is a great platform for reaching a wide variety of demographics. By crafting compelling content, businesses can tap into Reddit’s vast user base and engage with users from all walks of life.

Get Valuable Feedback and Insights

Customers are the key to success–businesses must listen to what customers have to say about their products and services to make necessary adjustments. Through Reddit, businesses can easily get direct customer feedback on improving their brand and what aspects are working or not. 

Additionally, by utilizing Reddit’s vast network of users, companies can gain valuable insights into industry trends and customer preferences, which can be used to shape future marketing plans.

Connect With Potential Customers

You can never have enough customers as a business. Facebook and Instagram are mainstream platforms for reaching out to customers; however, nowadays, they’re no longer enough. 

This is where Reddit comes into play. As a business, you can use this platform to connect with potential customers willing to engage in conversations about various topics and interests. This opens up the possibility for businesses to interact directly with customers about their products, services, and brand. 

6 Ways to Use Reddit for Business

The following tips and tricks can help businesses maximize their use of Reddit for increased engagement, lead generation, and brand recognition.

Research Your Audience

Reddit can be an invaluable resource for businesses for audience research. By researching the most relevant subreddits to your business, you can better understand what resonates with your target audience and which topics they’re discussing. 

You can also use Reddit to explore what kind of content gets the most upvotes and comments and use this data to create content that resonates with your audience. 

Leverage Reddit Ads

Advertising on Reddit can be a great way to reach new audiences, build awareness of your brand, and drive traffic to your website. When leveraging Reddit Ads, you should focus on setting realistic goals, targeting the right people at the right time, and creating engaging ads.

Be sure you are familiar with Reddit’s policies and guidelines as well since there are some restrictions on the type of content you can advertise. We also recommend checking out Reddit marketing examples to better understand what works and what doesn’t.

Invest in Reddit SEO

Reddit SEO can be highly effective if you’re looking for ways to improve your online presence and reach more potential customers.

Here are some tips on how to use Reddit for business:

Identify relevant subreddits: Start by researching subreddits that are related to your niche and the topics you want to cover.

Create engaging content: Once you’ve identified your target subreddit, create interesting and valuable content to Redditors.

Engage with other Redditors: Participating in conversations and responding to questions is a great way to build relationships with other Redditors. This will help you build trust and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to Reddit SEO. Post regularly and respond quickly to comments, questions, and messages. This will help you stay top of mind for your target audience.

Curate Excellent Content

Quality content can convert, engage, and retain customers, so ensuring you have something notable to share with the Reddit community is important.

Redditors appreciate well-crafted content that is both informative and engaging. It’s best to avoid generic, promotional content – this won’t go down well with the Reddit community.

Instead, create content that solves problems and adds value. You can use Reddit’s upvote and downvote system to gauge opinions on content topics or ideas and use this to inform your own content strategy.

Be sure to use visuals, as they make content more interesting and engaging. Redditors also love humor and stories, so don’t be afraid to get creative.

Promote in Subreddits

Don’t be afraid to promote your business on Reddit. Promoting your business in subreddits is a great way to increase brand awareness and get more people interested in your offer. Before promoting, make sure that the subreddit you’re targeting is relevant to your business so that its users will receive your content well.

However, be mindful of the community guidelines and ensure you follow the rules. Engaging with other users is also important before promoting your business. Commenting on other posts and starting conversations can help build relationships with people in the subreddit and make them more likely to accept your promotional content.

Create an Engaging Community

One of the great things about Reddit is that it provides entrepreneurs a platform to build an engaging community. By creating a subreddit specifically for your business, you can invite customers and other interested people to participate in discussions about your products or services.

Once the community is established, use it to ask questions, get feedback on ideas, or simply share your business updates. You can also offer exclusive discounts and promotions to members of the subreddit. Doing so will build loyalty and encourage more people to join the community.

Key Takeaways

When used correctly, Reddit can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to grow their reach and engage with potential customers.

By following these tips, you can use Reddit SEO to ensure your content is seen by the right people and increase visibility for your business.

Research your audience to understand the content that catches their interest.

Run Reddit Ads to get your content in front of more people.

Create compelling content that engages and adds value to the Reddit community.

Leverage Reddit SEO to increase visibility for your content.

Promote in subreddits that are relevant to your business.

Build an engaging community around your brand by creating a dedicated subreddit.

Sponsored Display custom product image creative

Advertisers can choose between using an automated image or a custom image in their creative for Sponsored Display, our self-service display advertising solution.

What do I need to know about custom product images?

Customizable backgrounds: Sponsored Display’s default creative automatically uses product imagery from an advertised ASIN’s detail page and supports a white background. Custom product images allow you to upload your own graphics, including those with bespoke background colors and art direction, to help convey your brand and product story.

One image for all creative sizes: When using a custom image, your ad can still serve in up to 12,000 different size variations wherever they spend time. You only need to upload one rectangular image, which you can also crop into a second square image.

Reuse across sponsored ads: You may apply the custom image you used for other sponsored ads programs to the Sponsored Display custom image creatives and vice versa. Note that the image will still be reviewed against moderation policies for Sponsored Display.

Availability: This custom image creative feature is available in CA, DE, ES, FR, IT, IN, JP, UAE, UK, and US.

Why use custom product image creatives?

Tell your story while driving performance. Custom images can help tell your story while serving ads wherever they spend time in your own visual language. You still benefit from existing elements in the creative that help drive performance, such as star rating, product titles, pricing, and a “Shop now” call to action.

What do custom product images look like?

Example of custom product image
Example of custom product image
Example of custom product image

Examples of custom product images in size 415 x 125, 320 x 125, and 300 x 250 respectively

When should you use custom product images?

Create product awareness:

When advertising to audiences unfamiliar with your product, custom image creatives can help shoppers learn about your brand and product story.

Drive traffic:

Use custom image creatives to help shoppers get excited about your brand and product experience. If you have insights on creative that helps drive traffic or engagement outside on social, you can use that creative for your Amazon advertising efforts. Ads will still link directly to your product detail pages, so audiences can learn more about your product and even consider purchasing.

How You Can Make Money on Pinterest 4 Different Ways

 Pinterest drives traffic to website, blog, products, and affiliate links every day, all day, and to the tune of 60%+ of overall traffic . Without Pinterest, many creative brands wouldn’t be where they are today. According to Pinterest as of  over 250 million people each month are now using Pinterest to discover and do what they love.

This is why here we want to share with you the 4 different ways you can start making money using Pinterest as the catalyst for sales and income. We personally use each one of these strategies.

Now, if you’re not yet an entrepreneur  –  if you are a creative trying to grow your thing into a thriving business, then 6 figure years and 5 figure months may mean breathing a little easier. It means freedom. Peace of mind.

Making money on Pinterest doesn’t just mean a little spending cash for more things. It means being able to stay home while I work for myself so that I have the means to pick kids up from school every day.  I’m not bragging about the income, I’m begging you, that if you want to breath easier – take the time to read this and learn the steps to making money on Pinterest so that you can make whatever magical dream you have come true too.

1. Monetize on Pinterest with product/buyable pins

There is a myriad of ways to monetize your Pinterest presence (with or without a blog). One of the most widely used and common methods for monetizing Pinterest is through brand awareness type pins, product pins, or promoted pins (advertising).

Say for example you launch a product on your website. You can leverage the power of the visual-centric pins by posting an attractive image of your product or service that you are currently offering. This visual alone can capture a pinners curiosity and get them to click the pin. Once they click, they’ll likely be sent to your product sales page where they just may make a purchase.

In order to enable a “product” pin, you first have to verify your website and enable “Rich Pins” but all of this is simple enough. You can verify your website and learn how to enable rich pins by reading more here: How to get verified on Pinterest.

Buyable pins are a bit different. They allow pinners to make purchases right inside the Pinterest platform without leaving. This is currently only available to a select group and you must apply to be accepted.

2. Monetize on Pinterest through pins to blog posts (and into a sales funnel)

Another way to monetize your Pinterest presence is to drive traffic to your blog or website. Bloggers can also earn money through Pinterest using this method because most blogs monetize their content through advertising (or a sales funnel). Programs for displaying ads like or Adsense is just one example of how bloggers can earn money through advertisers. If your blog gets enough traffic, a percentage of those visitors would click on one of the ads that you display and that’s how and other ad serving company pays the owner of the blog. A high number of visitors equates to more click on the ads that you serve. This, in turn, translates to higher earnings from you ad supplier.

As for bloggers sending clicks through a sales funnel, this is a little trickier. You first have to have a product you’re promoting  Second, you must have an email sign up form where visitors are giving you their email in exchange for something free. For instance, visitors to my blog provide their email to me in exchange for free stock photos and monthly updates with new free photos and visual marketing trends in a newsletter.  Those subscribers are then added to a sales funnel.

Everything we have talked about so far, are ways to “passively” monetize your Pinterest profiles. What we will tackle next is how to directly monetize your Pinterest presence.

3. Monetize on Pinterest through an affiliate program for your own products

One of the most widely used methods we’ve already discussed is pinning a product pin or a shoppable pin from your e-commerce website. If you are in fact creating and selling a product, you should consider leveraging the high engagement rate of other users in your niche on Pinterest and asking them to join your affiliate program. These pinners will then promote the products that you are selling in blog posts and etc to promote their affiliate links which help you make more sales. Yes. You do have to manage an affiliate program but the additional sales should more than cover the time it takes to manage.

4. Monetize on Pinterest through affiliate links

If you want to make money on Pinterest without a blog, or a product of your own, or e-commerce site and are scratching your head wondering how to actively monetize your presence on Pinterest, then you can try affiliate marketing.  You earn money through Affiliate Marketing by way of commission.

Using affiliate links is fairly easy. Just get the link from your affiliate program and use it as the link for your pin. The link would contain all the information the e-commerce site would need to track sales lead that came from you. If a lead turns into a sale, you get a commission for referring that customer over to the site.

In the past, Pinterest had removed the ability to share affiliate links, but has improved their spam detection and brought it back. 

The key here, before you get started, is making sure you are being as transparent about your relationship with a brand as possible, and follow all relevant laws and regulations.