I have many sides but which one is the


I go by many different names but which 

                       one is mine?

I hear so many voices my own was lost in

               the echo’s years ago

My memories feel like that of a stranger’s

 I can’t seem to remember people I’m

                 supposed to know

I feel like I’m going crazy yet to others it’s

                    all just a show

My heart is going numb from all the pain

                   it feels constantly

And it seems that the more I’m searching,

 The more I’m losing myself entirely.

The Night

It’s been a while since words have found me,

   the time between – you’ll come and go;

   I’d grown to love the sun around me,

   I’ve been a stranger to my woe.

It’s been so long since there was silence,

   all around me, your voice had rung;

   like a bird who sings, to greet the morning,

   to tell you that the day has come.

It’s been some time since I’ve felt lonely,

    like a book that is, no longer read;

    the darkness lingers on, without you,

    it fills my empty heart with dread.

It seems an age ago, since you have left me,

    time has filled me, with words unsaid;

    as the sadness seeps into me slowly,

    and I am left to face the night ahead.