Take Photos: Create Happy Moments

Thinking deeply enough to understand the real point. It’s not to discover what you’d actually do if you didn’t have to worry about money, it’s about the essence of what you’d and how you can incorporate that into your everyday life. Would you vacation, would you keep your current job? It just goes to show you whether you value relaxation or accomplishments or whatever else, and understanding what you value is crucial to understanding who you are.

  Take photos to remember happy moments, not prove that you looked good or did something cool. Make a special album on your phone just for ” happy moments.” When you feel good or are enjoying your self or have some kind of revelation, just take a photo of whatever’s in front of you( however unworthy of Instagram it is.) When you look back at these seemingly random snapshots, you’ll experience those feelings all over again. You’ll see, by contrast, the emotional difference between capturing the moments that matter to you and creating moments to matter for other people.

Identify the ” people” you always think are judging you. You know how people always say that? ” People are judging me.” “I’m worried about what people will think.” Most of the time, those” people” are a faceless crowd that only exist  in your mind. In other words, they’re you, projected outward. It’s what you’re judging yourself for. The first step is realizing that the “people” you worry about don’t really exist.

  Think about what makes you feel the most jealous. The things that make us the most jealous and envious are usually the things that we feel we’re not living up to within ourselves. We’re jealous of the beautiful girl not because we want to be beautiful like her, but because we’re lacking something so much more important, which is love for ourselves. We’re jealous of the successful write not because we also want to be lauded, but because we know we’re not doing the work to get there.

Tuesday Thought

Everyone you meet is your mirror. Why is that? We come to

understand ourselves best through our relationships with other

people. We can only be triggered by something we have experienced 

ourselves. The traits we tend to dislike in others are usually 

the traits we do not like about ourselves. We then tend to judge

and criticize these characteristics. This calls to mind the 

analogy of pointing a blaming finger at someone. One finger is 

pointing at another person, and three are pointing back to

ourselves. When certain characteristics in someone’s personality

trigger a negative reaction from you, there is something within

you that is coming up because it is ready to be healed. Usually, it

represents issues from your past that have gone unresolved. An

example of this would be constantly attracting people who betray

you in close relationships because you have not dealt with

a parental abandonment issue from your past. What you are seeing is

a manifestation of your belief that you cannot trust anyone with your 

feelings. Every person we meet in life is showing up at the perfect 

time in our lives to reflect something we need to heal within ourselves.

The people with whom you interact are showing you who you are and

ultimately providing you with an opportunity to love yourself. Since our 

mission is to discover what we don’t love and learn to love it, the 

people who get on our nerves the most are among our greatest teachers.

Believe it or not, forgiving yourself is the most effective way to

disengage from negative interactions with people. We can only love and 

accept  others to the degree that we love and accept ourselves. When 

you make it a habit to learn from your relationships, eventually you will 

discover that you can observe negative traits within others without

judgment and without getting hooked into someone else’s drama. If you

discover that you are in a relationship with someone who habitually abuses

you in some way, it is sometimes healthy to limit your exposure to that

person or to avoid their company completely. This serves you well only

after you have embraced the lessons that you have seen reflected to you 

through the relationship, followed by choosing to forgive yourself and 

the other person. The good news is that the desirable behaviors we see

in others is also a reflection of ourselves. When we predominantly choose

thoughts of love, we live in a reality of love. In other words, as we 

focus on our light within, we bring out the light within others. Everyone

we meet has come into our path to help us to remember this.

Willing to look at yourself

It took me a very long time to discover myself in a way that I can express

myself, my thoughts and visions. Is there anyone reading this? Can I really

reach you with my words? Do I make a difference? That remains a question,

but I like to try. And this is why: Along the way I found out what works and

what doesn’t work for me. I know my low points, my weaknesses and I know

better than anyone how I work. As I always say, and it is and remains a cliché,

treating another as you would like to be treated yourself is the key.

Unfortunately, I cannot control how someone else thinks, how they treat me

and in what situations that has brought me. A lot has happened so that I have

lost hope often enough, confidence has been damaged and I have often stood

on the brink of collapse. Yet with time and awareness I have found my way

back and I have kept my goal in mind. I want to show who I am, not how someone

else presents me or treats me. I want to share how I think and how

things can be improved, I want to help those who have experienced the same

thing, I want to help make this world a better place, at least I want to try.

When I was in a worse state, it was always something that was missing.

Someone who understand me, who felt what I felt, who could articulate what

was going on inside of me, someone who took care of me, someone who could 

guide me through the search and name of all the chaos inside of me. But when 

that person was not there, I only had two options, and I chose to fight. I wanted 

to discover who I was, what caused my thoughts, my questions and my

emptiness, and how I could fill, name and express it, how I could find myself in

the chaos, and make the chaos in the world change. I went through 

a development and growth that I never envisaged until a few years ago.

I am an introvert, I am highly sensitive person, someone with an extra

sense, I see, feel and think deeply, intense and often. This has always been

something that got in my way, and what I am uncertain about, I feel more

vulnerable, because when you feel and experience everything so intensely, it

can cause you enormous damage. I learned my lessons in this and formed my

vision and passion. I want to help others see and feel that things can be

different. Because it is possible, as long as you are willing to look at yourself

with all pure and genuine intentions and to express this.