A billion Dreams

a billion dreams

you know how the night sky
holds billions of stars
burning and shining
whenever it’s dark?

well, what if I told you
it’s not as it seems?
that they’re actually billions
and billions of dreams

and each, every night
when you climb into bed
the dreams that you have
all float out of your head

up past the trees
and then up through the clouds
up to the night
without making a sound

they meet with the moon
and get ready to shine
finding their place
in the indigo sky

and that’s where they watch from
that’s where they wait
until it’s their moment
their time and their place

some stars are tiny
and some stars are huge
see, if the star’s big
then the dream must be too

the irony though
is that when we are small
our dreams are the greatest
and wildest of all

then as we get bigger
our dreams start to shrink
our stars begin fading
as we overthink

and there may be times
you forget how to dream
when your mind is busy
and struggles to sleep

and if that does happen
just look to the sky
look at those stars
that are all standing by

and search for the dreams
all belonging to you
just biding their time
until they can come true

then blow them a wish
and climb up into bed
pull up the covers
and lay down your head

then close your eyes tightly
and promise this
never stop dreaming
and always dream BIG


When your eyes are tired

the world is tired also.

When your vision has gone

no part of the world can find you.

Time to go into dark

where the night has eyes

to recognize its own.

There you can be sure

you are not beyond love.

The dark will be your home


The night will give you a horizon

further than you can see.

You must learn one thing.

The world was made to be free in.

Give up all the other world

except the one to which you belong.

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet

confinement of your aloneness

to learn

anything or anyone

that does not bring you alive

is too small for you.


Orange, the color of youth

Neither too bright nor too dark

Like a mix between a rose and a sunflower

Young and joyful, sharp as a spark

When the sun’s going down

And I look at the waves among the sea

The yellow glow mixes with red sky

Ans it all looks ornage to me.

The horizon, so colourful and creative

It tells me they’ll be another chance

I sit on the beach, the water brushing my feet

And watch the colour dance.

It fills me with a hope

I’ll try out tomorrow again

And I’ll wash away all my problems

Not let them leave any stain.

It’s ornage, enthusiam is its forte

It gives us all a wish to shine

I want to create something as pretty as a sunset now

And tomorrow’s going to be called mine.