
Sometimes i feel like i am simply being ‘passed into different hands.

We make homes out of people,

only to pack up our things

and move

and move

and move.

there is a lot of myself

still residing in cardboard boxes.

i am too scared to find a place for it.

i hover at your doorstep.

you look like exactly where i need to be

right now. but i’ve got a pocket full of old keys

to remind me to never overstay my welcome.

invite me in anyway.

there is something about you that

makes me want more than anything

to give all this another try.

You, all mine

I’m in love with you
and your entire being.

Your hands
and the way
they hold mine.

Your eyes
and the way
they smile at mine.

Your lips
and the way
they fit with mine.

Everything about you.
And it’s all

Never let go

isn’t life such a funny thing?

at any given moment, we could

get everything we’ve wanted,

or have it all taken away.

at any second in time, we could

make the best decision of our lives

or the worst.

don’t you think life is the most

fragile and frightening thing?

doesn’t it make you want to

hold on with both hands and 

never let go?