Instagram Stories Ideas

If you’re using Instagram, I am 100% sure that you have already seen Instagram stories. Did you know that you can use it to connect with your community and turn them into buyers? 

Instagram story is an excellent way to build relationships with your community and where your potential clients gain trust in you and your brand. 

But how will you do it and what is the content you should be posting in IG stories? I’m going to share with you my list and some examples in this blog.

How to Use IG Stories for your Content?

When I open my Instagram account, the first thing that I checked are the IG stories of the people I follow, how about you?

Big brands are using IG stories to show and promote their product simply because it is where massive attention is. According to Startup Bonsai, half a billion people use Stories every day, and  4 million advertisers use Stories to promote their products and services. Isn’t this a great number to consider using IG stories to promote your coaching business?

IG story is a great way to build LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST.  People buy from people who they think know well and have proven results. Here’s how you can use IG story for your coaching business:

◻️ Position yourself as an expert by teaching your community

 You can build your credibility by teaching your community how to get from their struggle to their goals. Share some useful techniques on how they can get awesome results and how you do your task behind the scenes.

◻️ Use IG stories to connect with your community.

 You can share a lesson you’ve learned from your own life experience, share a quote that inspires you, or the challenges that you overcome. This is to show the human behind the brand.

◻️ Ask and engage. 

You can share a lesson you’ve learned from your own life experience, share a quote that inspires you, or the challenges that you overcome. This is to show the human behind the brand.

◻️ Tease your community

Preparing for an upcoming masterclass? Share behind the scene with your community. You can share with your community, what’s your masterclass all about, who is it for, and what are things they will learn after your masterclass.

◻️ Flaunt your results 

To strengthen your credibility as someone who is an expert on your niche, back it up with results. You can share your past client’s results, some analytics that has great results, and testimonials.

How to Use IG Stories for your Content?

IG story is a great way to build LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST.  People buy from people who they think know well and have proven results. Here’s how you can use IG story for your coaching business:

Now, you want to show up in Instagram stories, but what do you talk about?

Stories must be 50% Business Expertise and 50% Personal stories. Of course, the purpose of showing up in stories is to position yourself as the expert (Business expertise) + build their trust (Personal stories)

For Business Expertise, you can share stories about:

  • Educational content – builds authority – tips, hacks, tutorials, instruction, mini-training
  • Promote offer/campaign/service
  • Share wins – anything that builds credibility and recognition of what you do(reviews, testimonials, invites, closed deals, past output or results, client stories, etc)
  •  Behind the scenes
  •  Reshare old posts or posts of other people. as long as it gives value to your community

For Personal stories, you can share:

  • Day-to-day life
  •  Behind the scenes
  • Celebrations/normal home scenarios/ real-life experiences
  •  Your story/visions/inspirations
  •  Routines (morning routine, fav food, makes people remember you)

Instagram Stories Ideas for Coaches

Things to Remember

Here are the things you need to keep in mind when using IG stories:

✔️ Show your face

✔️ Your stories are supposed to be spontaneous not curated.

✔️ Don’t get caught up with trying to be perfect, there’s nothing as such (and it’s boring)

✔️ Remember that it disappears within the 24hours so don’t forget to pin important ones on your highlights

 ✔️ Make sure your highlights contain important bubbles that support the building of LIKE, KNOW, and TRUST

✔️ Don’t forget to use engagement stickers

Wrap it up

IG story is great for nurturing your community, you need to combine teaching your audience + promoting your offer to make an effective IG story strategy that works for you.

Here’s how you can use your Instagram story to nurture your audience:

Position yourself as an expert by teaching your community

.Use IG stories to connect with your community

Ask and engage

Tease your community

Flaunt your results

In posting your IG story, do the 50/50, 50% for your business expertise + promotion and 50% for your personal stories.