I Believe

I believe in trusting myself,

When they all say I am wrong,

I believe in hiding my pain,

And always staying strong,

I believe the ones you trust,

Are the ones that tear you down,

I believe that always smiling,

Makes you forget the need to frown,

I believe in the little things,

The flowers and the breeze,

I believe the weakest people,

Are ones that beg upon their knees,

I believe that broken trust,

Is the reason there is hate,

I believe in perfect timing,

Never early, never late,

I believe in many things,

And the reason that I do,

Is if I believe something,

Maybe it’ll believe in me too.

She had a library

she had a library, you see,

with many different stories to loan.

but the ones you couldn’t borrow

were those that were her own.

they sat there on the bookshelf,

abandoned, collecting dust,

for those she used to show them to

had all broken her trust.

there were some chapters

that to them looked out of place,

and even some words

that they had tried to erase.

there were some empty shelves

because of all the stories they took

and other shelves full of tales

that had never been given a look.

one day a boy came in

and began to fill his cart

with all the books

she’d written from her heart.

at first, she was terrified

but he promised to stay

and read every single one

without stopping halfway.

he brushed off the dust

from the stories that were forgotten

and worked through the pile

until he finally reached the bottom.

then through the stacks of books

he began to try to weave-

you can imagine her heartbreak

when he got up to leave.

but he grabbed her hand

and led her through the door,

for this was just one library

and there were many more.

he told her that he loved

every single word he read,

and he wasn’t forgetting her library

but showing her his instead.