
I guess you could call me broken,

says one. I’m still lonely, says another,

but now I can name it with a song.

In my poem, says another,

I can forget I am forgotten. Now

I understand being misunderstood,

says another. And another says,

in a bold, undeniable voice of power,

I won’t step down from myself again.

And they are beautiful, beautiful,

standing one by one at the mic

where they have come forth at last

from behind the curtain.

I don’t want you to be me

I’ll always


to myself

even as many times

as I’ll try to give myself


and as many times

as someone else

will try and take it

I’ll always belong

to myself

and you’ll always


to yourself


are not formed

by giving yourself away

but by coming


two minds

two hearts

two flames

two contributors

two architects


their mad

or sadly sane



I don’t want to be


and I don’t want you

to be


the beauty

the love

comes from our


of each others’


They Say There Is A Reason

They say there is a reason.

They say that time will heal,

But neither time nor reason,

Will change the way we feel.

For no-one knows the heartache,

That lies behind our smiles,

No-one knows how many times,

We have broken down and cried.

Gone from home that smiling face,

Those cheerful, happy ways,

The heart that won so many friends,

I bygone Happy days.

We want to tell you something.

So there won’t be any doubt.

You’re so wonderful to think of,

But so hard to be without.

We cannot bring the old days back.

When we were all together.

The family chain is broken now,

But memories live forever.