Having a strong sense of community on Instagram is arguably way more important than your follower count. Creating an engaged community on your page will ensure stronger and more loyal relationships and end up increasing your growth and overall profits. People go on social media to connect with other people. Users now expect brands and businesses to act more human, transparent, and approachable instead of robotic, distant, and unresponsive. Now is the time to emphasize your brand’s personality and let it shine through the screen. In this post we’re going to show you small and simple ways to easily increase the sense of community on your page.

Screenshots of messages and comments on your Instagram story and feed

This is a simple way to create an engaging story or feed post that creates a sense of community among your followers. Have you ever been swiping through stories and landed on a text or DM conversation between a follower and the brand’s account? You probably found yourself pausing the screen to stop and read the conversation. It’s nice to feel included in a conversation we weren’t initially included in. Not only does this show other followers that people are engaging with you and your account, but it also shows that you’re responsive and care about your community. Keep in mind, the way you respond is a great opportunity to offer valuable information and show off your brand’s personality.

Do an Instagram page community spotlight

Once a week or once a month do a community spotlight. This would be where you pick a few of your favorite follower’s brands/pages and share them to your story- write something you love about them, and tag them! This shows that you’re involved in your own community, care about your followers, and strengthens your relationship with them. The people you tag will most likely re-share to their story exposing you to their own follower base. Remember earlier how we mentioned creating an engaging post with a CTA in the caption? Suppose you make a post asking people to tell you what they do and to tag their business/brand in the comments. instead of sifting through your followers, you now have a super-easy way to find really cool brands to shine a spotlight on your stories!

An engaging feed post with a CTA as a caption

Creating a stronger sense of community can be as simple as creating a caption that tells your audience to introduce themselves or to find someone who has similar interests in the comments. When you encourage your followers to share something about themselves in the comments, other followers will naturally get excited when they go to comment and see they have something in common with somebody else.

Show yourself on reels

Showing your face is such a powerful way to help people feel connected to you and your brand. Photos are great, but reels are even better. Showing your face on reels not only adds a more personal aspect to your brand but also shows your brand’s vibe and personality. If people feel connected to you, then they’re going to feel connected to your brand too, ultimately forming a community rather than just a page.

Just be social on social media

Reply back to all of your comments and DMs. If people are taking the time to engage with you and your content, take the time to thank them, and show your appreciation. You can even create a group DM with similar accounts where you discuss things, ask questions or share updates on topics relating to your field. This is like creating a community within your community, helping to further strengthen your relationships with others.

Add interactive stickers to your stories

Give your followers the chance to engage with you! Adding polls and questions to your stories says “hey let’s talk, let’s be friends, I wanna hear what you have to say and how you feel.” Stickers are so easy to add and convey a message that you care about your followers, and want to hear from them. They make you more approachable. A bonus is that Instagram loves to see people engaging with content, and will push your stories out to more of your followers.